Chapter 13:" To Remember Again "

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Few Days Later.

Sanskar Maheshwari, even the name felt alien to him. He had thought that he had out grown the name until he realized Pari was his robin and it didnt feel right when she kept calling him Arjun ,so he asked her to call him by his name.

   The name he liked hearing from her as a child, and since his identity crisis had reached its peak, he no longer could hide behind a name ,the world were aware that Rajeev and Sanskar are one and the same.

Because he was made vulnerable it was had become more vital to find the person as he need to be able to protect Swara and his daughter from her. Swara had already escaped death twice and they may not be fortunate the next time, he had been too busy contemplating on finding her that he had spend most of his days locked up in his room that the sudden flash of light made him blink quite a few times as he realized he was sitting in an dark room.

" You cant keep doing this Sanskar, you spent the whole day locked up in this room starring at the board as if the answer would be found if you just kept starring at it. You need to take rest and Asha misses you , nothing is more important than Asha " Swara spoke up as she looked at him ,and he found the source of light to be from the candle she had been holding in her hand, he had lost himself in his wandering thoughts he didnt even realize the power was cut.

" I know Swara but if she learns you were alive.. Then.." Sanskar couldnt finish the thought as his mind was filled with concern and worry about Swara welfare.

" Do you know how i feel about this ,i have been hiding Sanskar from the entire world because some nameless stranger wants to kill me ,do you think i dont feel the frustration as well because the only thing that could help us would be if i could get back my memory, i have seen her twice Sanskar and forgot to remember her face both of the times.

    Do you think i dont feel guilty that my brain is short circuited but if i let myself drown on the things i cant do,  then i cant do anything else." Swara spoke up and Sanskar realized that he had been too self centric in his troubles that he had forgotten to think about others.

" You are right.  I am sorry, Let go outside and i promise to stop starring at the board " Sanskar promised himself as he walked towards the girl he loved and wanted to marry not that she knew about it but ever since he learnt that she had been his Robin, he had began to wonder if his life would have taken a different turn if only he met her that night.

" Again, you are thinking about something " She gently scolded him and he didnt correct her assumption by clarifying he was thinking about her . And Sanskar realized Swara had been right when it felt so right to hold his daughter as he walked out of the room ,she launched into his arms , he knew moments like this are to be treasured,so he decided to spend the entire day with his family and forget about her for now.

" Do you have any of the letters i sent you" the question from Swara during dinner surprised him, he had told her about their past since it was her right to know but he couldnt bring himself to tell her that he had fallen in love with her ,even without seeing her .

    They wrote to each other every single day until she graduated from her college. The months have felt like a year and he felt like he knew her all their life and they haven't been separated for any period of time.

  Yet he had been cautious ,he had wanted to meet her in person first before letting her knew about his feelings but the visit didnt happen and she disappeared from his life.

" Yes.. but why " he asked her instead who told him that she wanted to read her younger self thoughts and that if the letters were her way of reconnecting with Sanskar then maybe she can reconnect with her past self as well, he understood her intentions that he made it his first priority to give her those letter after dinner.

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