Chapter 14

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One Month Later.
Ezra pov.
It Been A Month Since The Shadow Slayers Returned and Attack Clan Wren. They Almost Didn't Make It If We Didn't Receive Their Distress Beacon. And We Haven't Seen Them Since. Somethings Not Right Here. They Attack One Day But Don't Show Their Faces.

I Have A Feeling That They Are Up To Something. I Just Can't Place My Finger. I Been Training Extra Hard To Be Ready If I Face That Roman Guy Again. He Was Very Skilled In The Dark Arts of Combat. And Could Know My Next Move Before I Could Do It.

I Need To Be Ready For The Next Time We Meet. As I Kelp Training. One of The Mandalorian Warriors Came. Sir The Highness Require You Join Her In The Throne Room. He said. I Deactivated My Lightsaber and Told Him Thanks. Then I Made My Way To Back Into The Base.

2 Minutes Later.
I Walk Inside and Saw Everyone. Alright What's Going On? I ask. We Received A Message From Mandalore. Apparently It's Very Important. Hera said and Played The Message. The Message Started Playing and Bo Katan  Pop Up.

This Bo Katan. Ruler of Mandalore. Call All Clans That Mandalore Is Under Attack By The Shadows Slayers And The New Republic. All Civilians Have Evacuated Under Ground For Safety. The Royal Palace  Guards and Mandalore Police Are Battling The Ememy.

But It Won't Be Enough. I'm Calling....Clans.....Defend.....At. Bo Katan Was Saying But The Last Part Message Was Unclear. Then The Signal Die. We Lost The Transmission. They Must Jamming All Signals From Mandalora. Mira said.

We Need To Get Mandalore and Back Up Bo Katan's Forces. We Can't Let Roman Take The Throne. I said. Right Ezra. Let's Go Before.... Just Before Sabine Could Finish Her Sentence. A Alarm Went Off. Hera What's Going? Sabine ask.

A Fleet of Ships Has Entered Our System and Is Attacking Our Star Destroyers. Hera said. On Screen Now. Right. Hera Pulled Up The Live Footage From Space and We The Ships Attack Our Blockade.

 Hera Pulled Up The Live Footage From Space and We The Ships Attack Our Blockade

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It's A Mixture of Mandaloraian and New Republic Ships. Leia said. And Their Attacking Our Star Destroyers. Mira said. Captain Come In. How Bad Is The Situation? I ask The Captain Who Is On One of Star Destroyers.

Bad Sir. Their Combine Fire Is Taking A Toll On Our Shields. We Alright Suffer Some Damage. CAPTAIN THE SHIELDS ARE DOWN!!! One of Pilot said. Captain I Order You To Get The Star Destroyers Out of There. Sabine said. But You're Highness? That's An Order. Now Jump Into Hyperspace.

Yes You're Highness. All Star Destroyers. Jump Into Hyperspace Now. And Captain Be Safe. I said. Yes Sir. See You Later. The Star Destroyers Jump Into Hyperspace and I Press The Evacuation Button. Ezra What Are You Doing? Leia ask. I'm Evacuating The Base. You Saw What Those Ships Can Do To Our Super Shields.

Our Star Destroyers Were Nearly Destroyed. Our Own Base Has The Same Shields. We Need To Get Out of And Think Of A Plan To Strike Back. Ezra's Right. We Need To Escape To And Found Away To Defeat The Shadow Slayers and The New Republic.

And I'm Pretty Sure That We Are Not The Only Ones Attack By Them. Sabine said. Then Let's Get Moving. Mira Take Out The Data Chips. We Can't Let Them Have Our Information. Yes Father. Mira said and Pulled Out All The Data Chips. Got Them. Now Let's Get Out. I said and Ran Out The Room.

2 Minutes Later.
We Came Outside and Saw That Everyone Was Being Evacuated. Let's Get To Our Ships Before.....Too Late. I said As I Saw The Ships Attacking The Shield. Well It's Now Or Never. EVERYONE TAKE OFF AND HEAD TO THE RENDEZVOUS COORDINATES!!! Sabine Ordered. Everyone Ran Towards Their Ships and Fighters and Took Off.

Hera, Leia and Some of Warriors Ran Towards The Ghost and Took Off. While Me, Sabine, Mira and The Last Few of The Warriors Went Our Ship and Took Off As Well. We Can't Wait Until We Reach Space. We Have To Jump Now. ALL SHIPS JUMP INTO HYPERSPACE NOW!!! Sabine Ordered.

YES YOUR HIGHNESS!!! All Ship Pilots said and Everyone Made The Jump. Including Us. Until We Can Come With A Plan. We Will Not Return.

Bo Katan's Palace.
Bo Katan pov.
I Was In My Throne With Some of My Warriors Who Were Trying To Reach Contact With All The Clans. Has Anyone Responded Yet? I ask. No Your Highness. We Can't Reach Any Of The Clans On Any Of Our Frequencies. One of Them said Then Someone Was Calling Me.

This Bo Katan Go Ahead. Your Highness We Can't Keep Back For Much Longer. The Shadow Slayers and The New Republic Soldiers Are Push Us Back. And Now The Situation Has Gotten Worse Your Highness. The Warrior said. How Has The Situation Gotten Worse?

A Mandaloraian With A Black Lightsaber Has Just Landed And It Is Killing Our Warriors. He's Too Strong. Don't Let Him.....AHHHHHHHHHH!!! The Warrior Scream and The Transmission Went Dead. ALL WARRIORS BLOCK THE DOOR!!! NO ONE IS GETTING INSIDE!!! I Ordered My Clan and They Block The Door.

They Pointed Their Weapons At Door and Waited For Any Signs of Force Entry. Then Out of Nowhere. The Door Exploded and Came In The Shadows Slayers. Firing At My Warriors and My Warriors Fire Back. EVERYONE HOLD YOUR FIRE!!! Someone yelled and Everyone Stop Firing.

Then A Mandaloraian Walk In and His Armor Look Different From The Others. So You Must Be Roman. The Leader of The Shadows. I said. And You Must Be Bo Katan. The Former Ruler Of Mandalore. He said. Former? I'm Still The Ruler of Mandalore You Weak Excuse For Mandaloraian.

Not Today. Because Once I Defeat You. I'll Take Your Throne and Rule Mandalore With An Iron Fist. I Like To See You Try. I Pulled Out The Darksaber and Jetpack Towards Him. He Took Out His Shadow Blade and Block My Move. We Began Clashing On The Ground And Then In The Air.

I Flew Back and Shot My Flame Thrower At Him But He Used His Sonic Blast To Knock The Flames Back At Me. Luckily I Moved Out The Way and Shot Mini Saws At Him. He Saw This and Cut Them With Shadow Blade. Nice Trick. Now See Mind. He Press A Button On His Arm and Ears Started Ringing.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!! MY EARS!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!! I'm Using A Jamming Signal To Disrupt Your Helmet's Frequency. I Couldn't Take The Pain Anymore and Took Off My Helmet. I Threw It To The Ground and  What Saw Next. I Didn't See Coming Coming. A Bomb Exploded In My Face and Electricity Came Out of It.

AHHHHHHHHHH!!!! I yelled and Fell To The Ground. See Bo Katan. You're No Ruler. A Ruler Of Mandalore Is Stronger Than This. And That's Not You. Roman said and Landed On The Ground. He Started Walking Towards Me. He Pick Me By My Hair and Pulled Up To His Face.

The Electro Shocks Have Already Taken Over Body. What Ashame. I Guess In Your Old Age Has Finally Gotten To You. You Rule Mandalore For 10 Years and Promise To Keep All The People Safe. Don't Make Promises That You Can't Keep.

I Look At Him and Spit On His Helmet. Big Mistake Your Highness. Roman Held Me In Air and Threw Me Through One of Windows. I Landed In The Court Yard and Couldn't Move Do To The Impact. He Rocket Down Towards Me and Pick Up My Darksaber.

You Will Never Get Away With This Roman. Others Will Come And Stop You. I said Weakly. Like Who Clan Bridger. They're Weak. They Think They're The Strongest Group In Mandalorian History. Wrong It Was Always Us. And Now We're Back In Power.

Mandalore Will Be Stronger Under My Rule. And All Mandalorian Clans Will Be Hunted Down and Killed. Now Time To Sleep. He said and Knock Me Out.

1 Hour Later.
Roman Pov.
I Was Back and Throne Room Sitting On Throne. With Bo Katan Defeated. I Was Now The New Ruler Of Mandalore. My Family's Dream Has Become A Reality. We Were Now In Charge and No Will Dare Challenges Us.

Bo Katan's Remaining Warriors Were Taken To Prison Alone. They Will Judge and Killed In Front Of All Mandalone. No One Can Stop Us. Not Even Clan Bridger.

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