Chapter 12

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One Mouth Later
Sabine pov.
It Has Been A Quiet Day Around The Base. Nothing Was Really Happening. Warriors Were On Guard Duty Or Enjoying Their Love Ones On The Base. With A Mouth Going By. Mira Was Finally Better and Now. She Has A Obsession On The Mystery Assassin Who Tried To Take Us Out.

I Was In The Throne Room With Ezra When A Alarm Went Off. What's Going? He ask. I Don't Know. Let's Go Check It Out. I said and We Got Up. We Walk Into The Comman Center and Started Asking Questions. Warriors What's Going On? I ask. Your Highness. We Are Receiving A Transmission From Clan Wren. One of Them said.

Put It Through. The Transmission Was Answer and I Saw My Mother. Mother What's Going On? Sabine We Need Your Clan To Help Us. My Mother said. Why? Is The New Republic Attacking You? No We Are Being Attack By Mandalorians We Do Not Know. We Need Backup Now. Don't Worry. We Are On Our Way.

I Ended The Transmission and Sounded The Alarm. ATTENTION CLAN BRIDGER!!! PREPARE FOR BATTLE!!! WE HEADING TOWARDS KROWNEST!!! I said Through The Microphone. A Unknown Mandalorian Clan. Who Are They and Why They Attacking? Ezra ask. I Don't Know. But We're Going To Get To The Bottom of This. I said and We Ran Out of The Comman Center.

5 Minutes Later.
Ezra pov.
We Came Out of Hyperspace Over Krownest In Our Star Destroyer and Got In Our Mandalorian Ships. The Ships Launch Out Of The Hangar and Flew Down To The Planet. Me, Sabine, Mira, Hera, Leia, and The Captain All Look At Clan Wren's Stronghold.

They Were In Battle With A Known Clan. Captain Prepare The Warriors For Ejection. I said. Yes Sir. He said and Walk To The Back. Alright Everyone Let's Put Our Helmets On. We All Put On Our Helmets and Joined The Warriors Back. Once We  Got Close To The Battle.

We All Flew Out of The Ship and Started Firing At The Mystery Clan. THEY SUMMON REINFORCEMENTS!!! ATTACK THEM!!! One of Them yelled and They Started Firing Back At Us. They Were Wearing Black and Red Armor.

I Never Seen This Type of Armor Before

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I Never Seen This Type of Armor Before. Mira said. Just Where Did These Guys Come From? The Captain said. I Don't Know But They Just As Strong As Us. I said. Impossible. We The Strongest Clan In Mandalorian History. And We Are Going To Prove That. Sabine said.

As We Kelp Firing. I Shoted An Order. USE YOUR ROCKETS NOW!!! Some of The Warriors Launch Their Rockets In The Air and Aim At The Mandalorians. But The Other Mandaloraian Were Quick and Fired Their Rockets and They Hit Each Other. We Kelp On Fighting Until I Felt A Disturbance In The Force.

I Look Towards The Snow Cover Woods and Saw Another Mandalorian In Black And Red Armor But It Look Different From The Others.

I Look Towards The Snow Cover Woods and Saw Another Mandalorian In Black And Red Armor But It Look Different From The Others

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I Think I See The Leader of The Group. You Guys Stay Here. I'll Take Care of This Guy. I said and Ran Towards Him. WAIT EZRA!!! Sabine yelled But I Was Already To Far Away To Turned Back. He Saw Me Coming and Started Running Into The Woods.

I Gave Chase and He Kelp Running. We Were Deeper Into The Woods and He Stop. I Stop Too and We Stood Across From Each Other. So I See That One of The Leaders of Clan Bridger Has Dare To Challenge Me. The Guy said. Who Are You? And Why You Attacking Clan Wren?

My Name Is Roman. Leader of The Shadow Slayers. The Shadow Slayers. Never Heard of You. Well That's Unfortunate. Because I Know Who You Are. Ezra Bridger. Husband and Father To Sabine and Mira Bridger. Leader of The Most Powerful Clan In Mandalore History.

Well That's Charges Today. And It's No Secret That You Are Jedi Who Is Also Mandalorian. Mandalorians Accepting A Jedi Into Their Ranks. No Mandalorians Have Been In War With The Jedi For Centuries and I'm Not Going To Let That Die. Once I Kill You. I'll Destroy Your Clan and Take Over Mandalore.

I Won't Let That Happen. I said and Actvied My Lightsaber. I Guess We Are Bringing Out The Laser Swords. He Reach Behind His Back and Pulled Out A Lightsaber. He Turned It On and The Saber Was Black

Where Did You Get A Lightsaber From? This Lightsaber Was Given To My Ancestors Thousands of Years Ago By The Ancient Sith For Helping Them In The Wars Against The Jedi

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Where Did You Get A Lightsaber From? This Lightsaber Was Given To My Ancestors Thousands of Years Ago By The Ancient Sith For Helping Them In The Wars Against The Jedi. Many Have Fallen To This Blades. And Now So Will You. GOODBYE!!! Roman yelled and Used His Jetpack To Jump At Me.

He Strikes and Block With My Lightsaber. He Lands Behinds and I Turn Around and Block His Next Strike. Your Very Good. But Not Better Then Me. He Kick Me In Leg and Up Cut Me. I Landed On The Ground and He Jump In The Air To Do The Next Strike.

But Use The Force To Push Him Back. He Landed On The Snowy Ground and I Got Back Up. I Ran Towards Him and Used A Sonic Blast To Knock Me Back Into Some Trees. He Got Back and Spoke. You Good Then I Thought. But You Still A Disgrace To That Armor. I Had Enough of You. I Ran Towards Him and He Ran Towards Me.

Just As I Expected Him To Do. I Grab A Detonator and Threw It At Him. But He Grab It and Threw It Right Back At Me. Then Pulled Out His Blaster and Shot It. The Detonator Exploded and Sent Me Back Into A Lot of Trees. I Landed On The Snowy Ground Face First and It Hurt.

I'm Pretty Sure I Have Few Burning In My Armor and Even With The Helmet On. My Face Still Mange To Get Hurt. I Heard A Jetpack and Someone Landed In Behind Me. I Turned Over and Saw Roman Standing Over Me. I Guess All Those Stories About The Leader of Clan Bridger Were Wrong.

Time To Finish This. He Raise His Lightsaber and Was About To Strike. But A Orange Lightsaber Block It. It Was Mira. She Kick Roman In The Chest and Spoke. Sorry But No One Is Killing My Father. Not On My Watch. Hahahaha. I See That Your Daughter Has The Same Attitude As You.

Well It's Mostly Her Mother's Attitude She Has. It Runs In The Family. Hahahaha. Very Well Then. I'll Leave Ezra and Be Taken My Warriors With Me. But The Next Time We Meet. You Better Be Ready. And Make Sure That Your Daughter Doesn't Interferes. He said and Flew Off.

Dad Are You Ok? Mira. Yeah I'm Ok. Are Your Grandparents Ok? I ask. Yes. Some of The Warriors Are Injured But We Are Ok. Alright Let's Get Back Because. I Have A Story To Tell. Mira Pulled Me Up and We Started Walking Back To Base.

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