Author's Note (The End.)

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Hey, this is the Author speaking! I'm Melvin, thanks for your interest in this story.

But I have some unfortunate news, for those of you who have been holding out for the next chapter.
I do not plan to continue this story.

The reason? I started writing this at probably the peak of my interest in G/T. Back then, Paul and Shaun were my only giants, and frankly, neither were well developed enough for anything longer than a few chapters of fun. Since then, I've come in and out of the G/T fandom, and as it stands today, I'm picky enough that I pretty much only read stories/view art by myself and my few close friends.

But I wouldn't want to leave everyone in suspense for how this ends, so I'll write out the gist of what I had planned for this book when I first began writing it. It may not be very polished, but hey, neither was this book. So without further ado, here's the rest of what happens, plus some info on the characters.


The Voice In Your Head

That nay-saying narrator, who was soon revealed to be a legitimate voice in your head, is the voice of my OC Aiwen. Aiwen is Earth's resident Celestial. Basically, he's God. But he's not a very good one. Throughout the story, he would be the one putting doubts in your head, spacing them just so evenly that it would be come almost impossible to trust Paul unless you confronted those thoughts first. Aiwen knows full well that Paul would never harm another living thing if he could help it, but he just finds a lot of entertainment in making mortals squirm.

All About Paul

To date, Paul is still my friendliest giant, rivaled only by his future apprentice, Benny. As I've said, the thought of hurting anyone just freaks him out, to the point where he goes to extreme lengths to make sure there's not a single birds nest on any of the trees he cuts down. He's THAT dedicated.
One thing Aiwen DIDN'T lie about is that Paul would hold you against your will. But it's less against your will, and more without your knowledge. His excuse for why he couldn't take you home right away was that the passage out of his valley is only safe to travel through during certain times of year. Which is partially true—it's not always safe for HUMANS to pass through alone. HE can come and go whenever he wants. He didn't lie with the intent to hold you forever, but he knows that no human wants to spend more than a few weeks trapped in a house with a giant, unless absolutely necessary. He's truthfully just a very lonely guy, who craves the attention of humans but doesn't know the right ways to get it. He's not alone in valley, though...

What's With Babe?

Babe is Paul's current best friend. Yes, she's a 45 foot tall blue-gray cow, but it's not as sad as you think. Giant oxen are very intelligent, and were designed to be both a reliable food source for giants, as well as reliable companions. She has a bit of a sassy temperament, but knows better than to do anything to humans that Paul likes. Shes content with her life in the big open pasture beyond the giant gate, but doesn't expect Paul to feel the same. The only thing really stopping her from talking about those feelings is the language barrier between them. Don't worry though, Paul is ALMOST fluent in oxen.

So What Happens Next?

Honestly, the biggest reason I never finished this story was because I wasn't quite sure where to go with it. All my ideas would have made interesting drabbles, but I hit a wall when trying to connect them into one coherent plot line. So what I'm gonna do now is just mention all the possible chapter ideas I had, and you can decide for yourself what you like.

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