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I wake up the next morning with a killer headache curled up next to Chase in Harrison's room. Harrison all the sudden walks in with medicine and water for Chase and myself.

"Thanks Harry," I mumble then take the medicine.

"You were trashed last night Lace," he states. "You and Chase were."

"Figures, I don't remember anything," I say groggily.

"It was bad, I had to drag y'all out of the bar," he says.

"Great," I say laying back down. When I lay back down Chase wakes up. "Sorry Clyde, I didn't mean to wake you up."

"It's fine," he mumbles as Harrison hands him the medicine and water. "Thanks man."

"I hope y'all know that eventually I won't be your DD, you'll have to get a younger guy like Sam," he states.

"Yeah we know," Chase and I say in unison.

"Well we've got to head back to Mooresville today," Harrison announces.

"Harry do you want join us on our ride back down?" I ask.

"Yeah, that'd be better than going with my parents," he replies.

"Awesome well we will head down after we all get ready," Chase adds getting up to go to his motorhome. When he leaves Harrison turns to me.

"So you and Chase?" He questions.

"Are you jealous?" I ask.

"No, I'm just curious," he replies.

"Yeah you're jealous," I say. "So what if we were a thing?"

"I mean it doesn't really matter," he responds.

"Harry, I know you pretty much as well as you know yourself, it matters," I state. "You're jealous of me and Chase, whatever it is that's going on."

"Whatever," he says walking out.

I just stay where I am and think about what happened. After a few minutes I jumped up to shower and get dressed, I actually just put my clothes I was wearing back on then decided to run to Chase's motorhome. I just walked in and quietly took one of Chase's hoodies and a pair of sweats. I quickly changed and put my clothes in a drawer, while Chase is still showering. A few minutes later he finally got out and walked out with just a towel.

"Took you long enough Clyde," I say which scares him to the point he almost drops his towel.

"Oh my gosh Ryan! Never do that again!" He exclaims as I laugh.

"Sorry but I thought it was funny that I finished showering and got dressed before you were done," I state.

"Yeah, yeah," he says walking into his room.

"Three, two, one," I whisper to myself.

"Ryan where is my favorite hoodie?!" He yells.

"Why do you think I took it?" I ask acting innocent.

"Because you've done it before," he pauses. "And you took my favorite sweats!"

"Okay you caught me," I joke.

"Not funny Earnhardt," he says.

"Oh it's very funny Elliott," I tease. A few minutes later he walks out in a hoodie and jeans.

"I hate you," he says not meaning it.

"Mhm, now take me to your truck," I say standing up on the couch. He sighs and let's me jump on his back. "By the way Harrison is jealous of us."

"Really?" He questions.

"Yep, he thinks we're dating," I respond.

"Well..." he trails off.

"What?" I ask.

"I actually do like you Ryan," he states and I just stay quiet. "It's fine if you don't like me, I just wanted you to know."

"No, Clyde I liked you for a long time but pushed my feelings aside because I didn't think you'd like me," I explain.

"I've liked you for a while," he says.

"Then are we a thing?" I ask.

"Well you haven't exactly broken up with Austin yet," he responds. I pull my phone out of my pocket and text Austin.

Listen we're over, I found someone better.

"Done," I say.

"That was harsh Ry," he says.

"I know," I state as my phone buzzes.

Fine then, have fun with Chase.

❗I hate you.
Sorry but this number is no longer accepting your texts or calls

"He blocked you, dang," Chase comments.

"It's whatever," I state.

"Well I guess we're a thing now," he says with a smile. "But let's not tell fans or media for awhile, friends and family can know but that's it."

"Understood," I say as we approach his truck and see Harrison waiting there for us.

"Took y'all long enough," he says a bit harshly.

"Jealous much," I whisper in Chase's ear and he laughs.

"This is kinda funny, he's my best friend but he's fun to mess with," he says with a laugh.

"Yeah," I giggle and he sets me down. He then opens the door for me to get in and closes it behind me. "Thank you Mr. Elliott."

"It's my pleasure Ms. Earnhardt," he says getting in the drivers seat.

"This isn't Chick-fil-a," Harrison mumbles as he climbs in the back and we laugh. We start our drive back home and I put on my Spotify playlist then turn it up all the way. Chase and I jam out as Harrison sits silently in the back.

"Oh come on join in," I tell him and he shakes his head then pulls out his phone. "Fine."


When we finally get back to Mooresville we drop Harrison at his house and Chase takes me to his place. He drops me off with the house key then goes to Austin's house to get my stuff. I make myself at home by curling up on the couch with a blanket that was draped over the back of the couch. I put on a movie to pass the time while I wait for him to get back.


I softly open my eyes when I feel someone pick me up, I immediately know it's Chase and relax.

"I didn't mean to wake you up," he says setting me back down.

"You're fine," I mumble. He hands me some food and a drink from Chick-fil-a. "Thanks Clyde."

"I made sure and got your favorite, also there's ice cream in the freezer for you," he says sitting next to me.

"You're the best," I say with a grin.

"I know," he says and I punch his chest.

"I hate you," I say not meaning it.

"You know you don't," he says poking me. "Say you love me."

"But I do hate you," I say and he takes my food. "William Clyde!"

"Say you love me and I'll give it back," he teases.

"Okay, I love you William Clyde," I say adding a kiss on the cheek.

"I love you too Ryan Lacey," he grins and hands me my food.

"Thank you very much," I say giving him another kiss on the cheek.

"Yeah, yeah," he says putting his arm around me then put on a movie.

We sat in silence while I eat & once I was done he got up to throw my trash out then brought my ice cream. We shared the ice cream since he got a large then he threw that away as well. When he got back and sat down we cuddled.

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