9 - The Truth

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I wake up the next morning next to Chase. I quietly get up and change into leggings, a tank top and sneakers. I pack a backpack with water bottles and some granola bars. Then leave with my phone, wallet, backpack and keys.

RL💕: hey you down to head out and get some breakfast and go for a hike?

JH😎: yeah of course

RL💕: meet me outside

JH😎: just give me 10-15 minutes

RL💕: alright

I lean up against the motorhome, scrolling through Instagram as I wait for him. Before I know it my phone is taken out of my hands.

"Hey!" I say looking up to see JH.

"Hey to you too," he says scrolling through my phone. I try to reach for it but he holds it out of my reach.

"JH," I say with a pout.

"Okay," he says handing it back. I knew he'd give in because he always has when I give him my signature pout.

"Thank you," I say with a smile.

"Oh you tricked me, you know I always fall for the pout," he states crossing his arms.

"I love you JH," I say sweetly.

"Mhm sure you do," he says and I look at him. "I love you too RL."

"I know you do," I grin.

"Oh look who's being cocky," he says and we start to walk to the car.

"Shut up," I say punching his arm.

"Ow!" he says rubbing his arm and I stick my tongue out at him. "You're such a child."

"You know it," I smile and he laughs. After that it was quiet as we finished the walk to the car.

"Why'd you invite me to go with you instead of your boyfriend?" he asks as we get in. "Not that I don't love getting breakfast with you, I just thought you'd be with him."

"He can be over bearing at times so I thought I'd get you to go with me," I reply, starting the car. "I just started dating him and he insists on being around me all the time."

"Oh that's awful I'm sorry RL," he says.

"Yeah and I don't want to seem like a slut or a bitch," I explain. "I mean I legit broke up with Austin Monday and started dating Chase. If i break up with him now it'll reflect badly on me."

"I get it but if you're not truly happy then you have to tell him," he states. "I don't want to see you staying in a relationship that makes you unhappy."

"I mean I am happy but the always being around him and him always wanting to know where I am is driving me crazy," I say.

"And I think y'all are moving a bit fast, you moved in with him the day you started dating," he says. "You could've come stay with me or Noah."

"I know I really should've," I sigh.

"When you decide to end it with him I'm sure anyone of your friends would gladly take you in," he says.

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