The Time in the Closet

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Word Count: 877

Summary: Bakugou has a bad night, Kiri invites him to the closet.


It's a late cold winter night if anyone was to be up, it'd be mice. Or that's to be believed until a shaken Bakugou meets the presence of a half-asleep Kirishima in the dormitory kitchen.

Kirishima doesn't notice the boy until a rattling is heard from the refrigerator behind him, the blonde pulls out some milk and sets it on the counter, finally being able to read his on edge look.

"You okay Bakugou? You're not one to-" the redhead yawns, "be up so late. Don't you sleep like a grandpa?"

The blonde ignores the insult, for now, it's too late to argue, even for him. "None of your fucking business." He shuts off, grabbing a cup from the cabinet and pouring a glass.

Maybe he shouldn't be so cut off, I mean its 2 am and Kirishima is a friend. Right? Plus who's to say he'd even remember the conversation in the morning, especially with the topic that's bothering the blonde to be up so late.

In Bakugou's thought process, Kirishima had found a cereal bar in the back of the cupboard. Walking over next to him and analyzing him again before starting to walk back to his room.

"Hey-" Bakugou looks up at the redhead, "If I ask for your advice on something, you better not fucking tell the others or I'll murder you in your sleep."

Kirishima's interest peaked, he may be tired but he'd always be there for someone he considers a friend, "What's up?".

"How do I.. What's the- fuck.", stumbling Kirishima waits patiently, "What do you do when you have nightmares?". The blonde looks up from his cup, embarrassed he even asked.

"Little do you know you came to the right guy, come on." Kirishima dips his cereal bar into the cup as he grabs Bakugou's wrist surprised he didn't swat him away as the boy tugged him and his milk to Kiri's dorm.

The two are met at the door as Kirishima brings his finger to his lips, indicating to keep quiet so the others dont hear. They both enter, Kirishima grabs his laptop and earphones with his free hand and pulls Bakugou to the closest.

"Is this some kind of gay joke you're trying to play?" Bakugou comments hushed as Kirishima knees down into the closest, his hand motioning Bakugou to join him. Reluctantly he does as Kirishima closes the closest door behind him.

"Welcome to Narnia." Lights turn on from the click of a controller, blankets cover the walls and surroundings with pillows and a plastic bag to the side. The two sat close to each other as fairy lights hung above them and pillow placed in front of the two.

"Holy shit", Bakugou still in a hushed voice looks in awe at the cozy room.

"Yeah. Mina helped me put it together, I had something similar back home but not as 'lavish'. There's even some soundproofing thanks to Momo, so we can talk normally but not too loud." The last comment was directed for the loud mouth next to him with a smirky smile. Pulling out the laptop and placing it on the pillow as the blonde grumbles.

"Since you're the nightmare-ee, you can pick the movie or we can just talk."

"Movie. But I don't fucking care what we watch just the first thing that pops up I guess." Bold choice as the first thing to pop up was recently watched: cars, the blonde chuckled.

"Welp first thing let's watch-"

"Kiri wai-"

It was too late the movie started and the redhead was pleased with himself. Bakugou slumped down in defeat as earphones were shared between the two boys. Though Bakugou usually wasn't one for small spaces, but the room seemed comfortable, maybe it was the company too.

"Thanks." Kirishima almost missed the words from the now calmer boy.

"No problem, that's what friends are for right?"

The word 'friends' nearly broke Bakugou, remembering all too well of the nightmare that happened moments ago. He couldn't tell if it was the fear or the comfort that made him open up.

"In the nightmare, I was alone. Drowning... behind a glass. Everyone we know on the other side watching me suffocate.."

A tear fell on his hand, he didn't even realize he was tearing up but quickly tried to wipe them away before an arm grabbed around his shoulder, pulling him closer to Kirishima's chest.

"Hey what are yo-"

"It's fine to open up, Bakugou. Just know you've got me in your corner.", hand raised from the blonde's shoulder to his hair, relaxing the boy's nerves as he flushes red and lays his head on Kirishima's shoulder.

Comfortable silence, other than the movie playing in their ears, filled the room. After a minute or two Kirishima decides to break it.

"Y'know if we're opening up... I like you, Bakugou."

No response.

"Bakugou?" Kirishima looks down at the boy and light snores escape him. Cuddling him closer, Kirishima turns off the movie and gently takes out their earphones before resting his own head on the other's before they're both asleep soundly, with a smile planted on the blonde's face as they slept.

I hope you liked it! <3

P.s. enjoy the mini fan art of this chapter :)

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