Undertones in Undercuts

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Summary: Bakugou wants a change and Kirishima is there to help.

Word Count: 1175


Bakugou could fight all he wanted that his actions are compulsory, not manic. Doing things without a second thought and little to no regrets, not one letter. It was helpful to think fast as a pro-hero, but as he stood in front of his mirror, clippers in one hand and balled fist in the other, he hesitated. He wasn't about the bullshit this, if he was going to do it, he needed to do it right.

But who the fuck would have any experience with cutting hair, let alone who would cut his hair at 10 pm?

And like god, guardian angel, or whatever deity of fate one might believe, answered, a rattle of falling objects against the shared wall tore Bakugou out of his glare at his reflection. Along with a hushed curse or two.

Although the loser's hair might be shitty, Bakugou's almost given up on the nickname as a third year. Albeit maybe Kirishima might actually know something about hair.

It's already late, no time for any more personal debating, the window of opportunity is closing, so Bakugou rushes to knock on Kirishima's door.

"Coming!" Kirishima called as more ruffling came from the other side of the door till a bright patch of red hair, greeted with an even brighter smile, "Hey, Bakubro!"

The redhead turned back into his room, presumably to look at a clock as his next sentence was, "Kinda late for you, isn't it? Need something?" His face dropping in slight concern.

Bakugou did need something, but the request was still foreign on his tongue. After...how many years has it been? Sure he's gotten better but he still can never get the words right, well, the one word right.


"I wanna do something but I don't know how to do it." The blonde fiddled with the clippers still in his hand, to his side. Being vague enough to dance around the word but also enough to get the idea across, perfect. If being friends with Kirishima for so long had any effect on the hardening hero, he knew how to read Bakugou pretty well.

And matching bright red eyes trailed down to the clippers in the blonde's hand, then trailed back up the beholders face that had relayed a warning of, Don't ask, just help me.

With a kind smile shone, "Well let's see how I can help!"

The two walked back to Bakugou's room, Kirishima's room apparently not being in tip-top shape for visitors but neither boy minded. They set up a mini salon in the middle of the dorm room, grabbing a desk chair and moving it in front of the mirror then Kirishima excused himself and came back into the dorm with two towels to lay on the ground under the desk chair.

Once set, Bakugou grabbed his phone from his bed and flicked to a few photos of what he wanted his hair to look like, mainly pointing out that he wanted an undercut to fade into the hair on the top of his head. Kirishima nodded in understanding and took a few more mental notes of the pictures before turning on the clippers.

Apparently, Kirishima was the one to ask about this, as not only has he had experience dying his hair, but one of his mom's had an undercut that he'd help her freshen up.

Kirishima softly spoke as he recalled the memories of his mom, her kindness, and forgiving nature when he was still learning. A chuckle escaped Kirishima's lips every now and then as Bakugou listened here and there while the repetitive movements and buzz of the razor practically lulled the boy to sleep. But from what the blonde gathered as he teeters on the brink of unconsciousness and Kirishima's light finger presses directing his head, he's a lot like his mom.

"Annnd" Kirishima unawarly stuck his tongue out past shark-like teeth as he finished up Bakugou's haircut, "Done!"

The half-asleep blonde barely registered at the clippers turned off but regained consciousness as he opened his eyes to the mirror in front of him and a very giddy Kirishima smilingly proudly behind him.

Rising from the desk chair to take a better look, Bakugou will admit, Kirishima actually did a pretty good job. Waiting behind him for a response, Kirishima was analyzed as Bakugou played with the shorter back of his hair.

"Thanks, I'm gonna take a shower." A sign of relief escaped Kirishima, glad that he did good enough to earn a thanks, smiling to himself as Bakugou left the room to shower, presumably to wash away the hair clippings, and Kirishima started to clean up.

The second thought about the towels was a lifesaver and made the clean up quick so Kirishima waited patiently for Bakugou's return, sitting on Bakugou's bed, scrolling through his phone when the door clicked and Bakugou walked in, hair not in its usual pomeranian-esc poof that Kirishima found quiet endearing till the blonde noticed Kirishima never left.

"Oh, I didn't think you'd wait" He sounded surprised as he closed the door behind him and walked into the center of the dorm to see Kirishima better.

"Oh sorry I just," Kirishima scratch his nape sheepishly "I wanted to ask you something but I didn't want to ask you before I cut your hair cause you'd probably just respond with 'I don't do things I don't mean" the Bakugou impersonation left Kirishima with a chuckle.

"Uh ok? What was the question?" Curious, Bakugou pushed the reply.

"Why'd you wanna cut your hair?" The redhead seemed puzzled, trying to understand Bakugou half the time was like trying to understand Algebra.

A hand was brought to the new undercut and he shrugged, "Felt like I needed a change."

"Well if a change is what you're looking for" Kirishima trailed with a sparkle in his eyes and a shit-eating grin "I can grab my hair die and we can be matching." The redhead rose from his seat in the bed to make an act of grabbing his hair dye.

A laugh from Bakugou surprised Kirishima in his tracks as he saw the normally aggressive blonde double over a bit at the mental image of himself in bright red "Pfft Nah, shitty red hair is a you thing," the chuckles subsided and eyes met, crimson met ruby as moonlight leaked into the room, feeding an idea to the blonde as the light outlined his next, compulsory, decision, one that if played right, could be a change for the great.

"Actually I do wanna change one more thing."

Kirishima perked up and awaited a continuation as Bakugou walked closer to the redhead. Close enough to feel their breath as Bakugou brought a hand up to Kirishima's face. Faces inches away in a slight hesitation, a silent ask of permission.

Permission was granted as Kirishima closed the gap, the kiss was soft like Bakugou's hair, kind like Kirishima's being and left a buzz upon their lips like hair clippers. Heads felt light with the weight taken off.

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