The heroes..

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Damn it! You can't be serious!

I can't believe that they found us!

Now they want to take what's ours?

I don't think so....


Class 1a's P.O.V:

"Aizawa-Sensei! We can't just give up looking for Y/n this easily! She's still out there! Sure we haven't got to know her for very long, but she was important to all of us in at least some way! She was going to be a great hero! So don't give me crap saying you give up only after four weeks of searching! You're just not searching in the right areas, or, maybe you've lost hope for her? Because to me..that's a load of shit!" Izuku exclaims in pure anger.

Not a single stutter, stumble, or mutter.

But a full on raging complaint that was also somewhat threatening.

Katsuki looked at his childhood friend in surprise and then sighed.

"I agree with Damn Deku, it seems to me like you heroes don't give two shits about Floaty! She had a great Quirk that had potential. Floaty gets kidnapped by the league of villains, and what do you heroes do about it? Not a damn thing! Instead you make us do the sports festival and make us go on through life like she never existed! Now I call that Bullshit!"

"I also feel as though you teachers are not taking your duties seriously when trying to find our amazing classmate
L/n, you're all slacking off and you don't seem to be finding any new information about her!" Tenya exclaims.

The whole class agrees with the three males and they start to rampage against their own teacher out of pure anger.

"Everyone please settle down! We've actually been doing our best to track down L/n, and we've finally got information on where she currently is!" Aizawa yells at the class.

The class quieted down, but soon bursted our in joy with cheers, laughs, and bright smiles.

"We've figures out where the league of villains are keeping her. We assume it's their hideout. Me and other pros are going to be leaving right now in order to get her back. Don't a single one of you come."

Once he left, all of the students looked at each other.

"We're all going anyways aren't we?" Tenya sighed.

"Hell yeah!" Katsuki exclaims.

The class decide that Izuku,Tenya,Eijirou,Katsuki, And Momo should go, while the rest of them stay behind.

~Timeskip to the league~

Tomura's P.O.V:

"Damn it! You can't be serious! I can't believe that they found us Now they want to take what's ours? I don't think so...." I mutter as I walk outside, glaring at all of the pro heroes as I grasped Y/n tightly with my Quirk restricting glove on my hand, while the other one did not have the glove on.

I had Overhaul and Dabi joining along my side, along with Toga and Twice. Other villains would be joining in soon for the fight to keep Y/n...

Let the blood bath begin~

{Possessive} Yandere Tomura x reader x Yandere Dabi x Yandere OverhaulWhere stories live. Discover now