Chapter 1

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*Damons pov*

He takes another hit and I fall down. This has been going on for three hours. The person that had raised me for 16 years, the person that helped me ride a bike, is hitting me! He is completely sober so he knows what he is doing. But what I don't get is why did mom walk away from the family? This morning she had everything packed, didn't even say goodbye, and then left! Dad came down three hours ago, beyond furious and started hitting me. I heard a crack and screamed in pain as I cradled my wrist. Damn it, it's broken.

"Dad s-stop" I whispered but he didn't hear me. I almost didn't hear me. He kept hurting me. I don't know what I did wrong. I'm not the reason mom left, am I? He kicked me one more time then walked away into the kitchen. I tried to stand but fell as my body decided the floor is a good place to stay. My body was numb now. I couldn't feel anything. I just wish at least one person would stay.


*Jakes pov*

"Hey lets' make a bet." My best friend Richy said. I smiled and waited for him to continue explaining. "Who ever looses has to ask out and date the faggot until he breaks up with them or for 6 months. Whatever comes first." He ended with a shrug. I thought about it. Dating the schools fag? Hum...

"You're on" I told him then we started playing Call Of Duty:Black Ops 2. An hour later I sat there stunned. I lost. Me. I freaking lost. Now I have to ask out the fag. Damn it.

"Ha. you have to ask the fag out. And he looks emo so I bet he cuts and thinks of suicide. Dude I kinda feel bad... but you did loose." He snickered.

"Whatever dude." I said with a scowl. "I have to go anyway. It's almost 9. Bye dude." I gave him a manly hug then left.

While I walked home, since my house isn't far from Richys, I saw the fag stumble out of his house. He had bruises on his face and blood on his shirt. When he got to his lawn he threw up. Gross. His black shaggy hair was hanging down his face and his lip rings got stuff on them. After he was done, he looked up and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. When he saw me he froze completely. Like a deer in the lights of an on coming bus. Really Jake? You just had to quote an All Time Low lyric! I need to stop it and ask him. It's a good time, I guess.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I asked. He nodded his head still frozen. I took a deep breath then asked. "Will you go on a date with me?" His eyes went wide.

Oh god. What if he isn't gay and someone just made up that stupid rumor about him kissing a guy? What if-

"Yes." He whispered. It was my time to have wide eyes but I quickly covered it with a smile. Wait, I just thought of something. Would the bet still work if he said no? Oh whatever

"Okay. Good. Yeah good. Kay I will pick you up on Saturday at noon. Okay?" I told him. He nodded. I have tomorrow and some of Saturday to figure out what to do. Well I could take him to the movies and maybe Ice cream after? Yeah sounds good. But I also need to find a way to get him to break up with me. This is going to be so hard.

"Okay. Um I got to go." He whispered.

"Okay goodnight." I told him. He gave me a quick smile and went inside. Before he closed the door I heard screaming or more like a man yelling. I couldn't make out the words but it didn't sound nice. I brushed it off though and walked a crossed the street to my house. My house wasn't small but it wasn't huge. It had four bedrooms, two bathrooms, a medium sized kitchen and living, and a finished basement. I live with my mom and little brother. My dad left us when I was ten and my brother was one. My mom wasn't sad though. He left because my mom cheated on him. So I'm not mad at dad for leaving. I was a tad bit glad because when he got mad he would throw punches and yell loudly. At times it was scary but other times it was okay because when he got drunk it was hilarious. Most of the time he was happy but I guess it's good he left but I still miss him.

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