chapter 6

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A/N heyo. I'M SWITCHING THE POV'S A LOT IN THIS CHAPTER!! Star if you like :) pic of Jessica


*Damon pov*

He kissed me. I know we have already kissed but this time was different. I actually wanted to kiss him but I couldn't because right when I was about to he pulled away.

"I'm sorry." He whispered, sitting back down. "Um, I'm going to get a doctor." He mumbled then ran out before I could protest. I took a deep breath and laid down. That dream. Was. Horrible. Best way of putting it. Dad was beating me and then Jake came in the dream and told me he really didn't like me then started hitting me too. I don't want that to happen.

"Hello?" I looked up to see a doctor. He was around 27, blonde spiky hair, blue eyes and around 6'5. Cute. " Would you like to know what your condition is?" I nodded my head silently. "Okay. You have 4 broken ribs and a fractured leg. You will be hurting for a little and you had to have stitches on the back of your head." I nodded again and touched the back of my head. "It was hard because Jake told us not to shave it. But we managed. What else?" You're the freaking doctor, shouldn't you know? I wanted to say but didn't. He put his hand of his chin and looked off in space. " Oh yeah. You can leave around 2 in the afternoon tomorrow and I was wondering if you knew who did this to you." I was about to panic but remembered I'm hooked up to a heart monitor. So I tried as hard as I could not to make it go off.

"Um I don't know. I was walking home and then everything was black. When I woke up I only had enough energy to call Jake then I blacked out again." I said half telling the truth. I did call Jake but obviously I know who did this to me. He nodded, said bye, then left. I looked at the door waiting for Jake to come back in, but he never came. What is he doing?

*Jake pov*

"Oh so you decided to show up?" Jessica asked when she opened the door. I stomped in, shut the door and pushed her up against it.

"Shut up." I growled then smashed my lips to hers.

*Damon pov*

The blonde nurse came back into my room to check up on stuff but the entire time she glared at me.

"Would you stop it?" I asked irritated. It's not my fault my boyfriend decided to lie and hook up with her! Gosh! She scoffed and went out. I don't get girls. They are so bipolar, even if their not on their freaking period! Like one minute, They are all happy and cheerful and then some random person with say something like, your hand bag doesn't match your outfit, then holy crap, she is like Godzilla. Or worse, like the Hulk on his period. What? Guys have periods too. They just don't go the whole bleeding thing. They get all mad and stay mad for like a month or maybe even two, then act as if nothing ever happened. But with guys they wont tell you why they are mad. For all girls know they could be mad that a girls hand bag didn't match her outfit. That's all I'm saying.

Its been and hour since Jake left and the Doctor told me that he left.

"Damon?" I looked up to see the blonde doctor again. "Okay you just spaced out. You have to come with me. We need to do some blood work and some tests. Okay?" I nodded and stood up with a little help from him and he pretty much carried me to a random room with 1 chair and a lot of needles. Alrighty then, I'm going to die.

"Okay stay put." He told me as he put me on the chair. He tied my hands down to the chair. " Its just in case it doesn't go well with the needles and end up hurting the nurse. A nurse will come in here and get some of your blood." I nodded and he left. The blonde skank came in, smiling an evil smile and shut the door, locking it. Either this is really creepy, or really kinky. God I hope its the second one. Even if she is a girl.

"You know? He wasn't drunk but you are so gullible, Its hilarious." She went over to the needles, grabbed one, then went through random bags. Okay not kinky. Got it. Wait!? Why the in the hello kitty am I so calm about this? "So now I'm going to show you how I felt." She put part of the needle in the bag then turned to me. That's when she shoved the needle in my vein.

*Jake pov*

"No, no, stop." I said pushing off of Jessica. I cant do it. The stupid fag keeps coming in my mind. I hate him. Richy I mean. He made the stupid bet. I have to go see if Damon is alright. Something tells me that something is wrong.

"I cant do this." I told her, grabbing my shirt slipping it on.

"Aw but baby, I need you." She wrapped her hands around my neck, kissing my cheek, jaw and nose. I turned my head to get away from her and then unwrapped her arms and backed away.

"We aren't dating. Don't call me baby and you are still high so no. You know how I feel about drugs." She pouted and sat back on her bed. "Bye." And with that, I left. How could I? I know I don't have a crush on the faggot but he wont leave my mind! Dang it.

*Damon pov*

"The walls are sound proof so little brats like you wont interrupt the other patience with their screams. So scream as much as you want." She told me. Dang it!

"Hey Damon? You in there?!" I heard Jake yell. Wait how is it sound proved but I can still hear out there? I don't care I'm just glad he's here.

"Jake! HELP!" I yelled but I knew he couldn't hear me. The skank just laughed and stabbed the needle into my arm again. I screamed in pain as my body started going numb and I felt like I was going to pass out again. But for good this time. In the past 10 minutes, I've passed out 3 times but only seconds later I was awake. There was more pounding on the door but the voice was slowly dying out. "Stop. Please." I whispered, closing my eyes. I put my head down, listening to the pounding which now sounds like little feet on cement.

The next thing I hear is a high pitched scream but nothing more. Everything just kind of..stopped.

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