Chapter 3

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*Jakes pov*

My mom almost gave away the bet. I knew I shouldn't have told her. But I needed to tell her I wasn't going to be here tomorrow afternoon. But would it be so bad if Damon actually finds out? Ugh yes. Richy said I couldn't do anything to make him break up with me.

"Mom! You aren't supposed to tell him!" I yelled. My mom came down the stairs with a sad look.

"Well you shouldn't toy with peoples' feelings!" she yelled back. Oh really? She wants to talk about toying with peoples' feelings?

"You're one to talk! You're the one who cheated on dad!" I yelled again feeling angry. She froze and looked down.

"Yeah you're right. Um I'm going to bed. Please make sure Aaron gets to bed at a decent time please?" She didn't stay to hear my answer as she walked upstairs. After she left, I punched the fridge. Which was metal. So it freaking hurt.

"God dang it!" I yelled through clenched teeth. Why did I do this stupid bet? It is so stupid. I don't want to date him. I can scare him enough to break up with me. Richy won't find out. But how can I do that?

*Damons pov*

It was 11 o'clock and dad still wasn't home. What if he's dead? Oh gosh. I grabbed my phone and dialed dads phone number.

"I'm sorry. The number you are trying to-" I hung up the stupid robotic voice and dialed again and again and again but it was the same robotic voice each time. Before I knew it I was dead asleep.


A knock on the front door woke me up. I walked down stairs and opened the door to see my dad and two police officers behind him. Oh no. What did he do?

"Are you Damon?" One of the officers asked. I nodded my head. "Your dad was caught beating up some guy last night. He was in a holding cell last night but he's back. So take care of him. If he does this again he will go to jail." I nodded again and they left.

"Don't talk to me at all" Dad growled. I nodded my head and closed the door when he got inside. I ran back up to my room and got a 'Panic! At The Disco' shirt, some grey skinny jeans and a dark blue beanie. I took a shower with my wrist wrapped up and then got out and did everything I needed to do.

It was exactly 11:55 when there was a knock on the front door. I ran downstairs and saw my dad sleeping on the couch. I walked to the front door and opened it to see jake.

"Hey. You ready?" I nodded my head and went outside, closing the door behind me. "So we are going to the movies so what movie do you want to see?" He asked opening up the passenger door for me. I blushed then got in. He ran to the drivers door and started the car.

"Um I don't know. You can choose." I said quietly.

"Okay. How about Ouija?" He smiled, not taking his eyes off of the road. Only if he knew I was such a scardy cat. But I nodded my head anyway because it looked like he really wanted to see it. We didn't talk the rest of the way and it was awkward.

About 20 minutes later, we were at the movie theatre. We went to the ticket booth and I pulled out my wallet only to have jake stop me.

"Nope. I'm taking you out in the date so I'm paying." He smiled an I huffed, putting away my wallet. I hate when people waste money on me. "Come on. Do you want anything from the counter?" I shook my head and he nodded so we went to the theatre where the movie was playing. I sat down in my seat and Jake sat next to me.

"Can I ask you a question?" Jake asked turning towards me. I looked at him and nodded my head. "Have you ever self-harmed?" I was a bit taken back by his question but quickly recovered.

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