Chapter 18

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*Damon pov*

Jake held me as I cried into his chest. Everything came rushing back to me and I couldn't hold it anymore.

"Shh. It's okay. Your going to be fine." Jake whispered. I can't believe him though. I couldn't believe him. It's hard to believe ill be okay after everything that has happened. "Come on let's go home. Come here." He pulled me over the center console and put me on his lap so my back was to the window. I snuggled up to him as he started the car, starting to go home. His right hand was driving and his left hand was playing with my hair. It was nice and comforting. "I'm sorry I let them take you." He told me. I shook my head and kissed his cheek.

"It wasn't your fault." I told him, nuzzling my face into his neck. he shivered at my touch and I smiled.

*Jake pov*

I think I might have a small crush on Damon. I mean over the past couple weeks he's all I think about. His hair, eyes, ears, lips. Especially his lips. They look so inviting with that lip ring. I love his eyes too though. There beautiful.

"Are we going to your house?" He asked, yawning. Aww! No stop it. I shook my head no.

"No. I'm taking you to the hospital." His head shot up. "I need to make sure okay." He started shaking his head.

"No. They will question who did this and if we tell them Landon did it he will, he will. He-" He started having a panic attack. I quickly pulled over and turned off the car. Shit, shit, shit. What do I do? Wait I remember.

"Damon breath with me." I showed him how I remembered Luke showing him. Damon tried but it wasn't working. "Come on baby. Just like me." I told him. 30 seconds later it still wasn't working so I went to my last resort. I grabbed his cheeks and put our lips together in a sweet, gentle kiss. He was breathing heavily on my mouth but it slowly turned to a normal breathing pattern. I pulled away and smiled. I pecked his lips and hugged him.

"It's okay. We will go back to my house and my mom will see and do whatever is needed to help you get better." I said. He nodded in my arms. He pulled away a little and put his head on my shoulder so his face was facing the front windshield. I kissed the top of his head and started the car again.

When we got to my house Damon was asleep. I opened the door and carried him inside. Aaron was sitting in the living room watching 'Spongebob Squarepants'. He looked over at us and a smile covered his face as he saw Damon.

"DAM-!!" he started to yelled but I shushed him.

"He's asleep." Aaron nodded but kept a smile on his face. "Where is mom?" He pointed to the kitchen. I nodded and went to the kitchen with Damon still in my arms. Mom was making a drink when I got in. "Mom." She looked over and gasped as she saw Damon.

"Put him in your bed. I'm going to get the first aid kit." She told me, I nodded and went to my room. I laid him down and pushed his hair away from his eyes. He sighed and leaned into my touch. His eyes opened and he yawned, bringing his hand up to cover his mouth. I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"My mom will be here in a minute to make sure everything is okay." I said sitting in the bed by him. He smiled weakly and closed his eyes. "Damon you have to keep your eyes opened now." I said grabbing his hand. He was pale and that scared me. He opened his eyes and the door opened with my mom rushing to Damon.

"Damon. Honey. Can you take off your jacket?" Mom asked. He nodded and sat up with my help. He looked at me with cute puppy dog eyes and stuck out his bottom lip.

"I'm tired. Can you take it off, pwease?" he pouted. I chuckled an nodded my head as I unzipped his jacket then slowly slid it off his arms. My mom gasped when she saw his chest

"Um. Lets get you cleaned up. How are your legs?" My mom asked again. Damon struggled to get his pants off and when he did his legs weren't any better than his chest. "Okay. What about under your boxers?"" She nervously asked this time.

"Um not any better..." Damon said awkwardly. My mom nodded and got things out of the kit.

30 minutes later, my mom was all done except for his bum and other part. He kept swaying so I had to hold him. He kept saying he was tired and would close his eyes but mom told me not to let him. Mom laid him on the bed when he was all bandages up.

"Okay. I'm going to get him some pain killers. Don't let him fall asleep." She sternly said.

"Okay. Go." I said. She quickly left and Damon closed his eyes. "Open your eyes." He did as I said but only a little. "Keep them open Damon." He nodded and looked at me with a small smile. Sweat covered his forehead so I felt his forehead with the back of my hand. My eyes widened. "MOM! GET SOMETHING FOR A FEVER!!" I yelled at the door. I looked back at Damon and his eyes were closed. "Damon wake up." I shook him. He wasn't opening his eyes. "Damon wake up!" I yelled. "MOM!!" I yelled. She came running into my room. "He's not waking up!" I still yelled. She ran to Damon, checking his pulse. She looked at me with a pale face and terrified eyes. I began sobbing as I picked him up and ran to my car. I started the car and drove to the hospital going 100 mph. "Damon wake up! please!" I pleaded again.

I got to the hospital and got out, not caring that I left the car in and ran inside.

"HELP! PLEASE HELP!" Charlie, the cool nurse, yelled for a doctor as she came by me and put Damon on a stretcher. Doctors finally came and took Damon into the surgery room as they checked things around his body. "Please stay alive." I whispered as Charlie hugged me while I cried. For the first time, I cried for a guy.

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