Combat Medic vs Dark Rogue 3

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He sat shrivelled in the corner with his face buried into his hands.
'How is your mental health friend?' Came the thought.
He smiled, he knew he was weak, he was also drunk. He had no defence. 'Fairly poor.' He answered.
''Abandoned you so they have. Admit it.'
'No, this is all karma from my actions. I am a brute and a cheat and a bad man'
'No, you are a good man and they trap you in this prison like a pet. Trying to train the wolf from you. The only problem is that you are a wolf and therefore they try to change what can not be changed. Therefore they are wrong and trap you and torture you wrongfully.'
'I am not a wolf. I am a human being with all the potential of a Buddha. Therefore I should be punished and corrected by the Great Ones and I accept my pain.'
'Pussy. Admit you are a wolf. Admit you are not and never will be a Buddha. Admit that you want to eat the sheep, not save them.'
'I am weak and I am terrible. Eat me and let me die.' Tears welled in his eyes. He was defeated. 'Shit, you are my brother. I can't eat you. Stop being such a poof and stand up to who you are.' 'And who am I ??? I ask myself every day! Who am I ?? Why am I tormented so! Leave me be wolf! If not eat me then stop your howling and let me sleep. I am spent, gone, a useless retch
that takes up resources. I hate myself.'
'Aye, and they hate you too. That's why you are here in the correctional facility of Earth. Don't worry though brother, I won't abandon you like they have.'
'Leave me alone, what does not kill me will make me stronger. Suffer I may, but once I understand my suffering I will be the better person. You, my brother should take my lead, submit and admit that you are wrong.'
'Not today my fragile friend, today I think I shall take a woman and then some unwholesome food and beverage. Then I shall escape and enjoy the chase as they try their sorry best to catch me.' 'Think of me then. While enjoying the flesh and indulgence. Send me some love. When you are caught, I will send you some back thrice fold.'
'Deal! Now stop whining you fool and enjoy your life. Until we think again.'

The connection severed the combat medic crawled into his bed. 'I hope that they don't catch you , you rascal, and if they do I hope the landing back to Earth is not so hard.'

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