Combat Medic 4

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He had a headache but he was rested and sober again. He pondered whether he was indeed a wolf. He wondered whether his dark friend/enemy had been caught yet. There was not a word from his frequency. What chaos would that person cause when out in the wild? It still bothered him that he could not see beyond the disharmony that it would cause. Perhaps harmony needs chaos? Otherwise nothing would move, we would all have our set places. It would be a conclusion. Perhaps they are concluded and those who live are yet to reach their conclusion? He felt frustrated. The wine had done nothing for his mood or his clarity. This dark adversary had done nothing for his harmony, his equilibrium. He did not want chaos. He did not want suffering. Therefore diligence is required. He sighed. They were right. Every time he complicated it, every time he contemplated it their teachings were always right. They have made the rules though so perhaps the Dark Rogue is right after all. No, that leads to chaos and pain. I hope that he is ok. He searched for his frequency. Still nothing. Hopefully you are passed out with a woman in your arms you rascal. He smiled.

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