Chapter 1

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In the ensuing months, Akia was chosen as the King's slave. She often delivered messages to other owls in the area but couldn't access levels beyond the King's. Unable to fly, she was confined to the ground, walking everywhere she needed to go.

Life was difficult for her. The king, soldiers, and most workers treated her poorly. Though owls were generally considered evil, they called themselves 'The Pure Ones.'

According to legend, the old king, Metal Beak, was defeated by the Guardian Warrior Soren. After their defeat, The Pure Ones retreated to Broken Talon, where Kludd became king alongside Queen Nyra. Rumor had it that the guardians were unaware The Pure Ones still existed, causing trouble in the owl kingdoms.

Akia enjoyed reading about the guardians in a book given to her by an eagle, one of her few friends among The Pure Ones. It was a tough life, but she grew accustomed to it. Nakil, an African Grass Owl similar to the Barn Owl species, was her best friend. He worked in the Peletorium, guarding the owlets as they picked at the pellets.

Unlike the others, Nakil wasn't evil but still had to perform his duties to maintain trust among the owls. Nearing a promotion to general, he hoped to work closely with Kludd, which might help him assist Akia.

They discussed escaping, but it would be challenging since Akia couldn't fly. She had never branched because she was taken so young.


"Your majesty." Akia ran into the King's hollow as he perched at his window.

"My lord... an owlet is refusing to be moon blinked. The guards have tried everything, but nothing seems to work." She informed him. He turned his head to her, tilted downward.

"Send the owlet to me." He ordered. She nodded graciously and left to inform the guards.

Soon, a pair of guards escorted the young owlet to the King's hollow. Akia stood outside, close enough to be summoned if needed.

She hated her job. It was supposed to be an honor to be trusted by Kludd, but she barely had time for herself. The king allowed her one day off each week, which she usually spent resting and catching up with Nakil.

Tomorrow was her day off, and she could barely contain her excitement at the thought of relaxing.


"Psst." Nakil flew down and perched above where Akia stood. She rolled her eyes and looked up at him.

"What is it this time, Nakil?"

"How's the 'All Mighteh'?" His unique Scottish accent stood out among the owls in St. Angular.

"He's alright, I guess." She glanced at the King's hollow. "He's dealing with an owlet that won't sleep under the moon."

"It's about time someone rebelled. Once one does, others might follow." Nakil jumped down to her level.

"Yes, but when one gets punished, the rest will too." She replied.

He sighed. "I guess that's true." He kicked a pebble. "I hate this place," he whispered.

"Me too, but I can't fly, and you have a duty to protect the owlets." She looked around. "You should go. I have my off day tomorrow, so we can discuss this further then."

Nakil nodded. "Alright. I'll see you tomorrow." They touched heads, and he flew off to finish his shift.


Akia waited until the soldiers left Kludd's hollow with the owlet. Kludd emerged soon after and sighed.

"You are dismissed, young one. Go rest and treat yourself." He ordered.

"You seem in a good mood, my Lord," she remarked.

"Yes. The guards have given me good news." He shook his head. "Now please go and rest."

She bowed and trotted to her hollow. The hollows on this level were large, so she lived comfortably like the King and Queen.

Akia rarely saw Nyra, who was often away from Broken Talon. Rumor had it she was in contact with the Guardians from the Ga'hoole Tree.

Akia loved reading their stories and dreamed of meeting them someday, though she knew it was impossible. How could an owlet as useless as her get noticed by a Guardian? She couldn't even get off the ground because her wings were too weak.

Since growing her flight feathers, she had always felt the urge to fly. She had tried many times but eventually stopped, and without proper exercise, her wings grew too weak to unfold fully.

She reached her hollow as the morning light arose and went to her nest to rest.

The week of labor had ended, and she finally had time for herself. She fell asleep in a blanket of her old feather fluff, which still kept her warm and relaxed.

Nakil finished his shift and headed to the sleeping chambers. He kept thinking about how to help Akia learn to fly; first, she needed to regain strength in her wings.

It was risky, but she was his friend, and he would do anything to keep her safe.

That was his last thought before arriving at his chamber and falling asleep for the first time in days.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06 ⏰

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