Halloween Gone Wrong

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I stared at the letter in front of me. It was breakfast, and I stared anxiously with my chin on the table, pondering if I should open it.
"Isn't that the letter from yesterday?" Hermione asked. I somehow nodded. "Why haven't you opened it?" she asked. I sighed.
"After what I've heard about Zack, I'm kind of worried of what he's said," I mumbled.
"It really can't be that bad. What did you say to him?" she asked.

Hey Zack!
Zed and I got here safely. At first, I was by myself in a compartment, but this boy I met in Diagon Alley, named Draco Malfoy stayed with me the whole time. He's a bit rude, but then again, so am I.
But I have the coolest news...
I got into Gryffindor! Can you believe it? They're said to be the bravest house in the school.
But, when I put on the Sorting Hat on, it told me something about you...
You... were in Slytherin? Why have you never told me that? He said that you caused a lot of trouble when you were here. I understood why they said that, but were you that bad to have a bad reputation with the professors?
Let me know,

"Then what are you worried about? He's just answering your question," Hermione pointed out.
"That's what worries me the most," I sighed. Hermione sighed with me.
"You'll only worry yourself more the longer you wait to open the letter," she said. I glanced at her and inhaled. She's right. I tore open the letter and began to read.

That's so cool, dork face!
I knew you were bright, but to get into Gryffindor? Wow! So many great Witches and Wizards have come out of that house! I bet you'll be one of them.
That's kind of why I never told you I was a Slytherin. Sure, I was a troublemaker, but I wasn't THAT bad. I only played a few pranks on people. No big deal...
You don't need to worry about it...

Did you say... Malfoy...?
Ashley. I want you to promise me something. Stay away from that boy. He's from the Malfoy family. They're bad news. They're one of the worst Pure-blood families ever. They knew our folks long ago... and now, they're kind of the reason why... they're gone...

I could feel my heart ache. I felt the tears blur my vision.
The Malfoys are the reason my parents are gone?
What's that supposed to mean?
"Ashley?" Hermione said. I immediately stood up, brushing past everyone, trying my best to cover my face.
I only just managed to get out of the hall before I bumped into someone.
"Watch where you're going, Nightly," Draco growled. I slowly lifted up my face, feeling tears run down my face. Draco's face changed from a cocky look to a worried one. He was about to open his mouth, but I interrupted.
"Don't ever talk or even look at me ever again," I whispered, and pushed past him. It felt a bit weird to do that, but if Zack said to do it, then I trust him.
But now, after reading that letter... I kind of have mixed feelings.

I spent the whole day locked in the girl's bathroom, silently crying and thinking to myself. The more I thought, the more I cried. I didn't even go to lessons that day.

The Malfoys are the reason my parents are gone...

I still didn't fully understand what that meant. How can a family be responsible for the 'disappearance' of my parents? They left on their own accord...
I shook my head, trying my best not to think about them anymore. I exhaled, trying my best to calm down. I was about to unlock the door, when the cubicle next to mine wobbled as someone slammed the door shut. I paid no attention at first, but then I heard heavy crying.
"Are you okay?" I asked. There was only cries coming at first, but the girl sniffed.
"Of course not," she said. My eyes widened.
"Hermione?!" I said.
"Is that you, Ashley?" Hermione mumbled. I hurriedly unlocked my door, and stood outside Hermione's door.
"What happened?" I asked. Hermione sniffed again.
"Ron and Harry were making fun of me, saying that I'm a nightmare and that's the reason why I don't have any friends," she whimpered, and started crying again. I growled.
"Well, they're obviously lying. I'm your friend, and you're not a nightmare at all," I said, confidently.
"Really?" Hermione whispered.
"Of course! Just because those two idiots said someone about you, doesn't mean that everyone thinks that about you," I said.
"But everyone always rolls their eyes or makes fun of me because I know most of the answers the professors ask," she said.
"They're completely intimated by you! For a first year who basically knows everything at this point, of course they're going to get jealous. There's nothing you can do about it. You can either choose to ignore them, or help them," I said cunningly.
"What did you mean?" Hermione asked. I smirked.
"Remember when you asked me if I had read Hogwarts: A History, and I answered that I hadn't, but then you offered to show me the book when we visited the library? That's the kind of help many people would want from you. Soon, you might even have to rival people as they become as smart as you," I said. Hermione sniffed, and I heard the door unlock. I hurried in, and watched her smile as she tried her best to wipe her tears.
"Thank you," she whispered. I smirked, and hugged her. As she let go, she raised her eyebrow. "Have you been in here all day?" she asked. My smile dropped. I didn't answer. "You do realise you missed a class," she said. I looked away. There was silence for a moment, until Hermione sighed. "I'll tutor you on what happened in class today," she smiled. I looked back at her and hugged her tightly.
"Thanks," I said. As we both left the cubicle, Hermione wiped away the rest of her tears, but I stopped her. I swallowed in fear as my eyes stared at the grimy feet of a creature. Our eyes trailed up and gasped as we saw a hideous overweight troll, blocking the exit to the bathroom. He grunted at us, causing us to slowly back away, breathing heavily. He came close to us, and raised his wooden club at us. I shoved Hermione into a stall, and took out my wand. As the troll started to swing at me, I raised my wand.
"Lumos!" I yelled. The end of my wand shone bright with light. The troll looked away, roaring as the sudden bright light impaired his vision, causing him to stumble back a bit. I smirked, but it dropped when I realised the club was still heading towards us. "Duck!" I yelled, and as I crouched down, the troll's club smashed the top of the stalls, causing wood to go everywhere. Hermione screamed as she lay on the floor. I stumbled back as I slipped on some broken wood, watching the troll blink repeatedly, trying to get his vision back.
Suddenly, the doors to the bathroom slammed open, revealing Harry and Ron.
"Ashley! Hermione! Move!" yelled Harry. I looked up and saw the troll was starting to swing his club again in our direction. I stumbled back, but raised my wand again.
"Lumos!" I repeated, more light erupting from my wand. The troll, sort of used to the light, still covered his eyes, moving his club away from us, but still hitting the top of the cubicles. Hermione let out another scream, as she crawled out from under the broken stalls, and over to me. Harry and Ron started to throw wood at the troll, somehow gaining his attention, and me and Hermione tried to shuffle around him. However, the troll noticed, and swung his club back at us. In a scrabble, my wand skidded away from me. I screamed with Hermione, scooting away from the incoming attack. As it smashed a sink, Hermione and I screamed for help. Harry grabbed the end of the club, landing on the troll's shoulders. As the troll flailed around, Harry accidentally stuck his wand into the troll's nose, which was disgusting. However, the troll got mad, and grabbed Harry by his leg, holding him upside down.
"Do something!" yelled Harry, avoiding an attack from the troll.
"What?" Ron said, looking around.
"Anything!" Harry yelled, ducking again, "hurry up!"
"Swish and flick," said Hermione as Ron took out his wand.
"Wingardium Leviosa," said Ron. The troll's club stayed levitated in the air, and the troll looked at his hand in confusion. He soon looked up, and the club knocked him directed on the head, making him drop Harry as he swayed about. The troll landed on the ground with a thud, passing out. Hermione and I stood up, and I got my wand back, walking near the troll cautiously.
"Is it dead?" Hermione asked.
"I don't think so. Just knocked out," said Harry, pulling out his wand from the troll's nose.
"Wait, how did you know the spell, Lumos?" Hermione asked, turning to me. I smirked.
"I may have revised my brother's books of advanced spells when he wasn't looking," I grinned. Just then, footsteps and pants could be heard from the entrance. McGonagall, Snape and Professor Quirrell entered the bathroom.
"Oh, my goodness! Explain yourselves, both of you!" McGonagall yelled at Harry and Ron.
"It's my fault, Professor McGonagall," said Hermione. I glanced at her.
"Miss Granger? Miss Nightly?" McGonagall breathed. I swallowed.
"It was only me, Professor," Hermione quickly said, "I went looking for the troll. I'd read about them and thought I could handle it. But I was wrong. If Harry, Ron and Ashley hadn't come and found me, I'd probably be dead," she explained.
"Be that as it may, it was an extremely foolish thing to do. I would've expected more rational behaviour on your part and am very disappointed in you, Miss Granger. Five points will be taken from Gryffindor for your serious lack of judgement. As for the rest of you, I just hope you realise how fortunate you are. Not many first year students could take on a full grown mountain troll and live to tell the tale. Five points will be awarded to each of you for sheer dumb luck." She and Snape left the bathroom, with Professor Quirrell ushering us to leave.
As we walked along the corridor in silence, Harry spoke.
"Good of you to get us out of trouble like that," he said.
"Mind you, we did save her life," Ron boasted.
"Mind you, she might not have needed saving if you hadn't insulted her," Harry pointed out. I glared at Ron, but he smiled.
"What are friends for?" he said. Hermione glanced at him and smiled, seeming to forgive him.

I'm glad that these three have sorted out their friendship. I just really hope I didn't have to mess up mine.

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