The Three Unforgivable Curses

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The compartment was silent, with only the occasional rustles from Hermione's newspaper. I stared out the window, watching the world go by. I glanced to the side, and spotted the front page of the newspaper.
The Dark Mark.
I turned away and shuddered. I never wanted to see that again.
Too many memories...
"Anything from the trolley?" rang the voice of the trolley lady. It broke the intense silence of the compartment. I then felt a head bump against my hand. I looked down and saw Zed, awake from his nap. I gave him a small smile and patted his head. He looked up at me with a sort of wisdom in his eyes. He knew that I felt uncomfortable. I gave him a reassuring stroke on his chin, and he curled up on my lap. Harry and Ron sat back down after getting something from the trolley.
"This is horrible. How can the Ministry not know who conjured it? Wasn't there any security or...?" Hermione said, her voice full of worry.
"Loads, according to Dad. That's what worried them so much. Happened right under their noses," said Ron, his mouth full of food. There was another pause.
"It's hurting again, isn't it? Your scar," said Hermione, glancing at Harry.
"I'm fine," he replied. Hermione raised her eyebrow and leaned forward in her seat.
"You know Sirius will want to hear about this; what you saw at the World Cup and the dream," she whispered. Harry glanced at me as I glanced at him from the window. I shrugged and went back to staring out the window.
The conversation was so uncomfortable. I didn't like talking about this.
So many things went wrong the last time The Dark Mark was mentioned around me...

We had soon arrived at Hogwarts, but we weren't the only students to arrive. From out of the skies, a carriage being pulled by several Pegasus flew down to the runway, almost hitting Hagrid in the process. My eyes glistened with wonder. It's the first time I've seen a Pegasus, and they looked even cooler in real life than from the book I've read.
We then heard a huge crash of waves. From out of the Black Lake, came a mighty ship. I didn't even know ships could do that. It looked so rustic and authentic that made me excited to know who was on board, but we had no time for that. It was nearly time for the Feast.

"Well, now we're all settled in and sorted, I'd like to make an announcement," said Dumbledore, standing on his podium. As he started to talk, Filch 'ran' towards the front. "This castle will not only be your home this year, but home to some very special guests as well. You see, Hogwarts has been chosen..." Dumbledore trailed off as Filch reached him. He mumbled something to Filch and continued to talk, as Filch 'ran' back to the doors. "So, Hogwarts has been chosen to host a legendary event: The Triwizard Tournament. For those of you who do not know, the Triwizard Tournament brings together three schools for a series of magical contests. From each school, a single student is selected to compete. Now let me be clear. If chosen, you stand alone. And trust me when I say, these contests are not for the faint-hearted. But more of that later. For now, please join me in welcoming the lovely ladies of the Beauxbatons Academy Of Magic and their headmistress, Madame Maxine."
The double doors opened, and a couple of girls in blue dresses and hats walked in with amazing sync. They all looked beautiful. As they past us, they waved their hands and sighed lovingly. As they ran forward, they raised their chests forward, and blue butterflies flew out of their dresses. As my head whipped back, I noticed a very tall and classy woman, walk down the tables. She had a lovely smile, and was the tallest woman I've ever seen. She must've been taller than Hagrid by a mile. Everyone clapped as the girls finished their performance. Dumbledore kissed Madame Maxine's hand. She smiled down as she towered over him. Dumbledore rushed back to the front, and raised his hands to silence us.
"And now, our friends from the north. Please greet the proud sons of Durmstrang and their high master, Igor Karkaroff."
I turned back around to see a group of men with wooden canes walk in, setting off sparks as their canes slammed against the ground. They proceeded to wave them around, letting out a beastly grunt as they did so. They seemed a bit intimidating. They ran towards the front, and performed their own tricks. I looked around for their high master, and noticed him walk in with Viktor Krum! My eyes widened. I didn't know he was still a student! He walked through the tables with an angry look. He looked scary up close. The boys finished their performance with a wave of fire, and their headmaster gave Dumbledore a huge hug.
"Albus," he said, his voice deep and echoing through the halls.
We were now allowed to start our Feast.

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