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I walked around to the abandoned girls lavatory. I knew the trio were working on a Potion to find out more about the Chamber of Secrets, but I didn't want any part in it.
I walked inside, but saw no one there. I saw the pot of potion sitting barely touched in the sink. It was then that I stepped on a broken piece of glass. I looked down and saw three smashed bottles. That was odd.
"Oh, it's just you, Ashley Nightly," I recognised the voice, and looked up. I saw Moaning Myrtle floating around the cubicles.
"Hey, Myrtle. Have you seen the guys?" I asked. Myrtle started to giggle.
"I've seen one, but she's not the same as she used to be," she grinned. My eyes widened. I noticed one stall was closed. I knocked on it.
"Hermione? Are you in there?" I asked.
"Yeah... I- um, you shouldn't see me like this," Hermione called out.
"Don't be ridiculous. What's happened?" I asked. I then heard heavy footsteps coming up behind me.
"Ashley?" Harry asked.
"Where's Hermione?" Ron asked. I looked at them.
"Are you guys... wearing Slytherin uniforms?" I asked. They looked at me for a moment, and I raised my eyebrow. "Were you two...?"
"No time. Hermione, come out. We've got loads to tell you," Harry said.
"Go away," Hermione said. We looked at each other in confusion. Myrtle then came through the door.
"Wait till you see. It's awful," she giggled. We stepped forward, and Harry started to open the door.
"Hermione? Are you okay?" he said. The door swung open, and in the darkness, we made out a figure that didn't look like Hermione.
"Do you remember me telling you that Polyjuice Potion was only for human transformations? It was cat hair I plucked off Millicent Bulstrode's robes," she explained. She started to turn around, and her new eyes shone in the dark. "Look at my face," she muttered. Myrtle giggled hard.
"Look at your tail," Ron smiled. I elbowed Ron in the side, and looked at Hermione's new appearance. It wasn't too bad, but I doubt she's going to walk around school looking like this.

"Alright, listen up. We play our game, Hufflepuff doesn't stand a chance. We're stronger, quicker and smarter," said Oliver. We grabbed our brooms and we followed him out out of the changing rooms. With everything going on, I felt a little uneasy playing Quidditch. I didn't feel like my true self.
"Not to mention they're dead scared that Harry will Petrify them if they fly anywhere near him," said George.
"Well, that too," said Oliver. As we began to walk onto the pitch, we saw McGonagall blocking our way.
"This match has been cancelled," she said.
"We can't cancel Quidditch," Oliver protested.
"Silence, Wood. You and your teammates will go to Gryffindor Tower. Now. Potter, Nightly, we need to find Mr Weasley. There's something that the three of you have to see," she said with a concerned look. Harry and I looked at each other. I swallowed in fear. For some reason, I really didn't want to see what was happening.

The three of us followed McGonagall into the Hospital Wing, further raising my concerns.
"I warn you. This could be a wee bit of a shock," said McGonagall. As we walked to the bed, I froze. On a bed, lay Hermione, her body stiff as stone. She had a face of horror, her hand lifted up like she was holding something. I couldn't even think.
"Hermione," Ron breathed, his voice weak and soft.
"She was found near the library, along with this," McGonagall said, holding up a small mirror, "does it mean anything to you three?"
"No," Harry barely whispered. I felt tears stream down my face. I wanted to hug her, but I felt if I touched her, she'd shatter to pieces. All I could do was stand in shock as I watched my friend lie on that bed.

The common room was full of quiet chatter. I didn't pay any attention to it. I had felt so terrible these last few days. It like eyes were watching me at all hours. I feared everything around me. Those eyes. I closed my eyes, but I still saw those eyes. I wanted to run away. I wanted to flee this shadow that was following me around, but no matter where I went, the shadow was there.
"Could I have your attention, please?" McGonagall said, breaking my thoughts. "Because of recent events, these new rules will be out into effect immediately: all students will return to their house common rooms by six every evening. All students will be escorted to each lesson by a teacher. No exceptions. I should tell you this: unless the culprit behind these attacks is caught, it is likely the school will be closed." With tears in her eyes, McGonagall left the common room.
Closed? I felt my mind drown in darkness. I couldn't avoid these eyes now. I had to leave. I had to leave this Tower.

It was nightfall. I stay awake in my bed, looking at the empty one next to me. I hated seeing it. I wanted to turn around and look out the window, but I couldn't bring my eyes from it. I stood up from my bed, and walked out of the common room. At this rate, I didn't care for being out of bed after hours, especially those new rules. I was too distraught to care. I didn't care if this made me more like my brother. I just wanted to leave.
Walking along the corridors, I could hear everything around me. Every creak, every step, every breath. As eery as it was, it was better than the darkness in my head. Saying that, it wasn't long until I heard something. It sounded like a quiet hissing sound, but like it was scrapping against the floors. My heart immediately quickened. I felt the sound growing closer. I quickly brought out my wand.


My eyes widened. Did someone speak? At this point, my body froze up. I couldn't bring myself to turn around.


Was that... Draco? Even so, this feeling of dread wasn't from Draco. However, this felt like a true Slytherin was here.
"Who's there?" I asked. There was silence for a moment, then the sound returned again.

Slytherin traitor....

"I had no choice in that matter," I yelled, still not moving.

You belong in Slytherin....

"Get out of my head!" I yelled.

Foolish girl.... the Basilisk's eyes have been on you all your life....

The Basilisk? Just then, my eyes snapped shut. I got into a stance as I pointed my wand around me.

I see.... you know who I am....

"My brother told me about you. You're supposed to be a legend. You're not real," I yelled, moving around with my eyes closed. For a moment, there was silence. After a second, I felt heavy breath next to my ear, followed by a hiss. I swallowed in fear.

I've watched your brother grow.... how noble he was to Slytherin.... and he still is....

"Shut up! He's a great person!" I yelled. A hiss followed, sounding like a laugh.

You don't know the boy who caused so much pain....

"He was just a troublemaker, just like any normal Slytherin student..." I said. I felt like I was doubting my own words.

You really don't know him.... did he tell you the rules he broke.... the tears he caused.... the laughter he had....

"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!"

He was the one of the best Slytherins I had ever seen.... and you betrayed us....

The hiss got closer to me, and I felt my wand lower. I was losing my strength.
"I don't care. He's a changed man. He's not the boy that grew up here anymore," I tried to say with confidence. The laughing hiss returned.

Are you sure.... has he told you what he has become....

"His work is something I don't need to know. It's been tough for him recently, so I don't need to know!"

I'm not surprised.... serving the Dark Lord would be tiring....

My eyes widened. They landed on the window in front of me, and the only words I could say spilled out.

Just like that, the darkness closed in on me.
Those eyes.
Those eyes.

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