Nightmares- Chp.2

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I woke up at 3am, sweat drenched my clothing and I was breathing heavy. A girl can only dream of a peaceful night of sleep. I got out of bed rubbing my eyes. I needed some water because my throat was super dry. 

While pouring a glass of water, I heard a bump from somewhere and I almost had a heart attack. I turned around to see Maddy sleeping, drool sliding down her mouth. I held back a laugh, that is when I noticed she wasn't the one that made the noise. I heard it again but was actually listening and noticed it was coming from the window in the kitchen. Mind you we are on the 3rd floor of the apartment complex. 

Walking closer I noticed it was just a black crow, my heart beat lessened and I opened the window. The bird sat on the window seal and stared at me, intently. It was quite terrifying in a way because it was almost like the bird was reading my mind and judging my soul.

"Hey there little guy..." I said reaching out to touch the soft feathers of the crow. Before I could touch the bird, it screeched and flew away. 

I held my hand over my heart because once again, it scared the shit out of me. I got back into bed, downing 3 sleeping pills this time, not in the mood to wake up until morning.

I woke up from the doorbell. I groaned and rolled out of bed, literally. I yelled at Maddy to get her ass up and answer the door while I used the bathroom. Once in there, I looked in the mirror and sighed, heavily. My eye bags were horrid and looked like I haven't slept in ages. I knew some concealer would fix this right up. 

I glanced out of the bathroom to hear Maddy in the kitchen and thought it was alright to take a shower. Once out, I put on some makeup to hide my sleepiness and blow-dried my hair, which was very rare. I stepped out of the bathroom and heard Maddy gasp.

"What is it Maddy?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"God damn! Why do you look so smokin' today?" She said putting one hand on her hip.

"Oh this? It's nothing, just wanted to do something different," I said tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

"Don't you have classes today?" She asked. I took a second then remembered that I have a regular English class and History but History isn't till 4pm and English is at 8:30pm. The time was certainly 3pm.

"Yes, I do but not till 4. Until then I think I'm going to just chill in my room," Maddy nodded in response. I walked pass her to my room, shutting my door behind me.

I took out my writing book and wrote down my nightmare from last night. I started writing them down to see if it would help but sadly, I don't think it is. I picked up the pen and began to write, 

the setting was my house and like so many times before, I was just now getting home. I opened my front door to find nothing out of place. I put my bags on the kitchen counter when I noticed how quiet it was. I called out, "Mom, dad, Ben (my brother)?" I got no answer and started up the stairs. That is when the smell hit me. 

It was a bone chilling, never-forgetting ratchet smell of death. I opened my parents' room to find blood and guts hanging everywhere, their limbs scattered on the floor and lastly their heads on the pillows, as if they were peacefully sleeping. It was a traumatizing site because in their mouths were their own eyes and their facial expressions screamed pain. At this point my breathing was irregular and I felt the urge to gag.

 I ran to my brothers' room to find his head hanging from the ceiling fan almost in the same way as my parents, his blood smeared all over the room. I dropped to my knees when I heard the laughing of a man, I turned around and well that's when I woke up. 

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