Problems- Chp.3

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As soon as I walked into the party, my nose got invaded by the smell of alcohol and weed, no surprise there. I felt Alex's grip tighten and I clutched more to his side. We went up to, I guess you could call, the bar and ordered some drinks. I grabbed my drink and kept it in front of me, while Alex gulped his down. That's when I spotted Jack. He came walking towards us with his dog of friends.

"Hey sweetheart," Jack said slurred. He was obviously drunk.

"Hey Jack, are you having fun?" I asked, trying to not start problems because I know how Jack can be when drunk.

"I would be having more fun if you come dance with me." He said reaching towards me before Alex stood in the way with his dominate demeanor.

"Don't touch her," Alex said with clenched teeth. It was quite terrifying if you ask me.

"Alright then big one." Jack said, playfully punching is arm. With that he walked away but didn't forget to wink, "I'll see you later sweetheart."

"I don't like your friend drunk," Alex said watching Jack walk away.

"He can be a little crazy drunk." I said playing with my fingers. Alex seized my hand and led me to the dance floor where we moved with each other to the beat. 

Sooner or later my back end was on Alex's front and we were grinding, and swaying to the fast music, around the rest of the horny teens. I'm not going to lie, at this point I was a little tipsy... or maybe drunk. I'm sort of a light weight due to my small figure and the fact that I never drink. 

The lights were starting to hurt my eyes and I was getting tired of dancing so I stumbled my way outside, Alex helping me on the way out. He didn't seem the slightest of drunk.

"Hey Ev, we can go home if you aren't feeling good," Alex said. But I was too busy watching his disfigured twin next to him, I was laughing because the other one looked funny.

"Noooo, I'm uh hehe good. I am having so much fuuun." I said in a slur. If I'm being honest the world was spinning. What did I drink last?

"Ev, do you remember where you got your last drink?" Alex now looked pissed off, but my head was spinning too much for me to even care.

"Nope," I said simple and sweet with a laugh at the end.


Okay listen, I was watching her the whole damn time and not once did she leave my site. I had no fucking clue how she got drugged. It was so obvious; I know she is tiny but there's no way 2 cups of beer did this. I felt guilty and pissed off. 

I grabbed onto her and she just fell into my arms, giggling and mumbling. If this was a different situation, I would have found it quite cute. Her shirt was ridding up and so was her skirt, so I fixed them not wanting anyone else seeing her breath-taking figure.

"I'm taking you home, Cotton-candy." I don't know where that nickname came from but I've found she smells just like cotton-candy so why not. She giggled at my nickname for her and repeated it over and over. 

Before I left, I heard someone coming up from behind me and I turned around. Ducking at the perfect time, like always. There stood an even more drunk Alex, beer bottle in hand, it was broken as if he smashed it so he could do some serious damage.

I placed Evie down, "Stay here Cotton-candy," I said kissing her forehead.

"What do you want jackass?" I asked annoyed.

" Hoo-ow dare you moother fffuckerrr." He said slurred. I tried so hard not to just knock him out, he was a pain.

"You really need to just go home before someone gets hurt." I said, my voice icy cold.

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