New Student- Chp.1

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So, to start you off with this crazy, mind-boggling story... Hi my name is Evie Bennet and I am certainly 19 years of age. I don't know how or why I am in the situation I'm in now but let me tell you, it's a crazy one. So, lay back, relax and remember; we aren't the only living things on this earth.

It is Febuary 2nd, a Monday. I dislike Mondays, they could be compared to when you were younger and stepped on Legos, by accident, except its 13 inch nails, digging into your feet leaving you screaming out in pain. So, yea I guess you could say it's more of a despise towards Mondays. Anyways, I'm getting sidetracked. Today I have math, science and my journalist class. I am a college student at Penn State in Colorado.

My major is journalism, I love writing and I'm super nosy so writing stories on events happening, is my kind of thing. I woke up at 7am, my math class starts at 8:30am and I planned on showering. My roommate was still asleep. 

Her name is Maddy Hockins, she is your typical emo, purple highlights, tattoos all over her body and piercings laced both ears. She looks scary and intimidating but once you get to know her, she is a big teddy bear. She really is all I have, friend wise and I'm grateful. I got in the shower and washed my pitch-black hair; it goes all the way down to the middle of my stomach. My pale skin as smooth as a baby's bum, not to toot my own horn or anything. 

Once all washed, I got out and wiped off the mirror to see my reflection. I saw my crystal blue eyes looking back at me, they had purple bags under them due to my lack of sleep. I sighed because it annoyed me to have so many nightmares, keeping me awake. 

I went into my room and scrummaged for some black skinny jeans, a cute pink sweater and a black hoodie for extra warmth. I pulled on my converse and grabbed my Panic at the Disco book-bag, I know so edgy. As I grabbed a banana from the counter, I heard Maddy call out,

"Go grocery shopping on your way home, we are almost out of food!"

I called back, "Alright, don't sleep in too late!"

With that I walked out of the apartment. The crisp, slightly cold February air bit at my nose. I pulled my black hoodie over my hair and buried my mouth inside the jacket so I could warm myself. I began my walk to the school campus. 


About 10 minutes later I finally saw the big college. Kids of all ethnicity and ages walking in the building, or out, for classes. As I entered the building, I caught eyes with my other, not so close, friend Jackson Kitt or Jack for short.

"Hey Ev! Looking radiant as ever," Jack stated in a flirty tone, with a wink.

"Oh, shut up Jack, how are you doing?" I said as we began walking to the math class.

"I'm wonderful, sweetheart. How are you doing?" He asked as he snaked an arm around my slim waist.

"No touching," I said moving away, "And I'm fine, just exhausted."

"Yea, I can tell, you look so tired lately. Is something bugging you?" He stated with a concerned look.

I thought about that question and what I wanted to say was, why yes actually, I keep having nightmares of my dead parents and I'm terrified to sleep because it's just another awful reminder of what happened that night. But instead I said,

"No, I just have trouble going to sleep at a good time," I said rubbing my eyes.

"Alright, if anything is ever bothering you, I hope you know you can talk to me," He said with a hint of pure worry.

"Yes, I know Jack, thank you," I said as we entered Mr.Petterson's math class. 

He was sipping his black coffee, waiting for the ear-piercing bell. All my other classmates were just talking about drama or sleeping and some were even working on class work. 

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