Miu Fuckin' Iruma!

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And then... we saw... a girl.


"Woah! You guys are really horny-" She whispered.

I start blushing..Jesus Christ.. how embarrassing.

"Don't worry I'll close this closet door and act like nothing happened.." Miu turned around and closed the closet door. She acted like nothing had happened.

We heard a faint voice.

"Hey! The fuckers fell asleep.. they won't wake up so we might as well just sleep now."

That was Miu clearly..

"I'll wake them up"

"Who knows what they're doing in there..probably something gross..we should go to sleep."

"Nyeh...you're probably right..I'm kinda sleepy too.."

"Well..I'll go turn the lights off!"

"I'll keep on cleaning, I'm not so tired"

"Hey Kiibo! Do robots even sleep?"

"Yes Robots sleep! Don't be robophobic Mi......"

It seems everyone has gone to their bed. The click of the light switch gave me a signal that everyone was going to sleep now. But.. how am I going to deal with Kokichi on top of me?


"k-Kokichi..keep it down.."

"ohh..I see. you want me to go down."

"w-what? Kokichi-"

Atua knows what happened after that...


Jesus Christ! I've got to be friends with this kaede girl.. She's so close to Shuichi.. but I think she likes Miu as well? What a bisexual icon...but that doesn't mean she can get close to Shuichi. I might as well tell her that I like him. But.. not now. I've got to hang out with her more.

Ah! It's Shuichi.. around the corner.

Walking with Kaede. Of course..

Well... he seems happy. I guess, it's not like I..wait.. I do care.. I should interrupt them.

"Saihara-Chan! Kaede. Hello..!"

"You seem hyper today Kokichi. You do anything?"

"No.. just hyper I guess!... Shuichi! Hello."

"Ah.. uh... hello." Shuichi says to me.

How odd. It's not like I did anything to him in that closet. I mean.. it's not really everyday someone sucks your d-

"Kokichi? Are you alright.. you're zoning out again!" Kaede points out.

"Nishishi! I'm totally fine."

"Ah.. okay.. just making sure."

We were interrupted by a girl screaming..We ran to the area where the screaming was. It seems..that Miu was dead. I.. i was upset.. really upset.. who would kill Miu.. what has she done?

I drop to the ground and stare at her body.


I can't cry.. not in front of them. So I start looking..angry.

"Kokichi? Are you okay?.." Shuichi puts his hand on my shoulder and gets on the ground with me.

I suddenly calm down," yeah.. I guess I'm fine. I'm just.. upset."

The usual happened.. the body discover announcement and people decided to look at clues.

I.. I really couldn't do anything. I could know who did this.. but looking at clues wouldn't really do anything.

"I'll be back Shuichi. I need time to myself okay? I just need some air.."

I go to the secret room.. I check who killed her...why?

And then I saw why.

How terrible..


She had bruises on her body.. cuts on her arms.. scratches.. her hair was raggedy and knotted and it seems like the culprit jagged her eye out.. murder weapon? Well obviously this was done by hand. By force. So obviously I can cross some people out of my suspect list. But right now.. I've got no one except Shuichi. Right now.. I really feel like Kokichi hates me. Does he want me to get away from Shuichi? Or is he plotting my death... it really wouldn't matter because once I die.. I'll be with Miu.. Right?

Shuichi is looking all over the ground. This is pretty difficult.. until I find a piece of paper. I open it gently.. 'meet fbcnbcbvnvat in the cafe early.. someone's plotting your death.. and they've been talking to hdhchcmvbabout it. They said it's because of your personality. But..hdhchchc likes your personality. You should stay yourself. But please.. be safe and prepared. Bxncbcbc doesn't want you to get hurt.'

things have been erased and replaced with gibberish. I explained everything to everyone about the paper. They started searching the cafe. I started searching rooms.. A tall shadow lurks through the corner. It's.. a light green haired man.

"Oh Kaede...you really shouldn't be searching around in my room. You know what happens to the curious people.."

——————————— —————————————

This is really hard.. I've been here for about an hour searching for clues and I've found nothing! Gah! Screaming.. Now we have to go upstairs. Well.. now everyone's upstairs. There's Kaedes dead body. Wh..KAEDES DEAD BODY?!


"Kaede..." I see Shuichi cover his face with his hat.

Kokichi isn't here.. I wonder why. He's still out for fresh air?

I sigh. "Shuichi..even though your a male I'll comfort you because.. that's what friends do..

or at least classmates."

"I'll be fine Tenko. No need to comfort me.. I'll be on my own.."

Well... I tried. But anyways.. someone killed a female and now I'm upset.. Kaede was kind of cute...

Aha! A clue. Cloth, from a white shirt.. or piece of clothing.

"Guys! Cloth! It's white.. like fabric."

"Kokichi isn't here. That's a bit suspicious." Kirumi stated

"He needs fresh air..let him be please.." Shuichi states

How suspicious. He's probably the culprit..

"Shuichi, I'll be back. I'm going to go look around." I say to him.

"Okay Tenko.. be safe...please.." He says quietly.

I'm going to look for Kokichi.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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