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Well I never thought I would be back here in this condominium again. After the incident we, well Jimin, decided to continue the discussion in his condominium, I almost said our but nope.

I walked slowly behind Jimin with Jungkook in tow. We entered thru the 2nd basement parking lot and accessed the elevator there.

"You still remember where?" Jimin asked calmly.
"Its been 5 months." I simply replied
"So do you still know?" Jimin look this time. I stood behind him with Jungkook to my left. I spare Jungkook a glance, he had his eyes on Jimin, I can't tell what he is thinking now. That wasn't always the case.
"Yes" I finally answered Jimin.
"And you never bother to visit?" Jimin asked facing upfront, I thought I heard his voice cracked.

"Kinda hard to visit when I am blottered from the guards" I said hurtfully.
"Oh! I forgot about that" Jimin sounded surprised "Remind me to fix that later"
"Fix? Why so I can get out the front without trouble?" I asked not wanting to push my luck but to hell with it Jimin suddenly turned and leaned his whole body to me and dragged my neck for a long unmoving kiss. When we parted I could hear both of us exhale.
"No because you're coming home to me again."  Luck is no longer needed but what changed?

*Cough! I turn to Jungkook.

"I exist in case you forgot Hyung" He gave me a blank expression then rolled his eyes from Jimin.

Jimin snickered "Its a bit too late for that"

"Yeah, I can see you trying so hard." Jungkook said sweetly.

"Excuse me?" Jimin look Jungkook confused
"Nothing hyung please ignore what I said" Jungkook spoke calmly.

I don't want trouble so I opened the lift and got out.

"Dangshin, wrong floor!" Jimin tried to stop me.
"I know where it is but you two need to talk" As the door close I saw Jungkook smiled and shook his head, Jimin crossed his arms and gave Jungkook a death glare.

"Jimin, be gentle" My voice echoed inside the cubicle just before the door closed tight.

I went to the fire exit and contemplated whether to go using the stairs or wait for the other lift to give Jimin and Jungkook some time.

"You can also just leave" I spoke to myself. "Jimin called me Dangshin though."

"Aishh Jin, on and off, that is you and Jimin, it won't be long until another fight" I say heading towards the stairs. Up or Down?

If this was indeed a good night to reconcile should I waste it ? Knowing Jimin he would probably forget what I did for him and then get into a huge argument again. Buying my own apartment was indeed useful.

Jimin and his shiny wagon. No one ever truly last forever inside that ride. He only knows reckless manuever for a fact. I however keep climbing back everytime Jimin turns my way. Apparently I am in love with reckless.

It only took me 5 minutes to reach Jimin's door. I got my wallet out and tap the lock. "Wow it still works, I guess his code is still our anniversary" 

I got in feeling cold. Empty. Where could they be?

Gen. POV

Jimin never took his eyes away from Jungkook. "Speak"

"What to say then?"

"Why did Tae switched with you?"
"Apparently his schedul..." Jungkook shrugged his shoulder when Jimin raised his left hand to stop him from talking.

"Jk don't lie to me"
"Please call me Jungkook" Jimin noted the irritation laced in Jungkook's claim
"But you were always JK" Jimin tried to be sweet.
"That was university, this is real world" Jungkook saw Jimin nod and closed his eyes.

"So, did you know Jin was coming?" Jimin asked carefully. Jungkook planned on lying but what is the use.

"So what if I did?" Jungkook knows what the next question will be about.
"You switched because of Jin" Jungkook was surprise to have it in statement form. Who was he kidding, Jimin is not an idiot, and so are the people who knew him. The people who knew how felt about his Hyung.

"Its for closure" Jungkook lied.
"Maybe, before you saw him again, but after that what is your intention in going through with this?" Jimin pushed the stopped button. The elevator jerked a little and announced they had stopped mid air.

"I still feel for Jin" Jungkook finally admitted to himself and Jimin.

"It wasn't real you know? What you two had during uni and , How many months was that?"

"A year mind you!" Jungkook deffended himself.

"Yes well, granted it maybe puppy love but not real." Jimin leaned on the  mahogany wall.

"So what if it is, I can still get us together" Jungkook squared up to Jimin. Jimin laughed "Really?"

"Really Park Jimin!!" Jungkook snarles "And you are obviously playing my Jin! Quit it or else!"

"Correction, Its Mr. Park-Kim Jimin" Jimin flicked his right hand showing an elaborate white gold-diamond studded wedding ring. "And I never and will ever  play Jin, not since I first slept with him" Jimin smiled. They both know its one of the reasons why Jungkook and Jin never became a solid relationship.

Jungkook clenched his whole body.
"See I told you too late." Jimin turned and pushed the Stop button again, this time the elevator worked again.

"He doesn't love you like the first time anymore" Jungkook tried, after what he observed that afternoon, he has to try.

Park Jimin was never the one to back down, though his lost was obvious he would pretend to not care. But a crack is what Jungkook needs. Evaluating himself he knows that he needs Jin, he can't lie to himself anymore, Jin is his everything then and now.

A crack please. Something miraculous. So Jungkook stared intentionally at Jimin. Maybe the latter just didn't care about the brown orbs looking at him. But his face was scorned, yet never pushed Jungkook away. He seemed to be introspecting.

But a miracle has come (at least what Jungkook thought)

When the door of the Elevator opened to a certain floor and they saw Seokjin flustered, panic pressing the elevator button. Jungkook quickly look to Jimin and saw his miracle.

Jimin stared at Jin and shed silent tears.


I am.sorry of the story seems draggy or long don't worry we'll get there.. I always thought of scenarios you see and they good and concise but when I start to type its a different story, both literal and metaphorical (maybe just tired of adulting) ,let me know if its confusing. Basically its a Jinmin/Jinkook coexistence as of the moment :)

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