Slow and steady

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I can't stop yawning. The soonest flight I can take is at 2am. I need to go back to Kookie. I may only have 5 days, it was given so kindly, I have no heart to complain. Plus, I just needed to shake Kookie a little and probably Hobi and Namjoon could take on the rest when I go back.

"I told you to try some coffee, that would keep you alert." Yoongi starts handing me his hot starbucks drink but I swafted it away when the smell of coffee hit my nose.

"I don't drink coffee remember?" Plus I get to sleep in the plane. He shouldn't have drank it so he could get rested.

"I have to watch dispatch and Koreaboo in case they make something out of this" As if he can read minds, he showed his tablet currenlty on its home browser. My sudden trip back home while supposedly on work with reknowned director would call the media attention. Not that Yoongi plans retaliating nor does our company but it helps to see what ruckus they'll make.

"Hyung, I feel really responsible, that is why I am doing this." I messed up.

He sighed, closed the tab and dragged me down to the set of leather chairs. We will board in the next hour might as well get comfortable in the first class suites.

"Listen Taehyung-ah. We already know what kind of mind Jung Kook-ah has, he hates loosing. That is not your fault. We also know how indecisive Seok Jin is, and how specific Jimin has to be. We can't control who they are." Yoongi gulps his coffee and rubbeds his hands once he disposed the cup.

"Personality aside hyung, I out them in a single situation that had catastrophic effects, I should not have done that"

"Yeah you are a trouble maker for sure but Taehyung-ah, we can only hope for the ending we want. In the end its always out of our hands. " Yes I understand and that is true but I still feel like shit.

I stared at Yoongi and he stares back.
I try to think, what now? I am going back to make sure Kookie is alright but how exactly am I gonna do that? What if by the time I leave again he is still not fine?

"Also, you planned the trip for closure. It was Jung Kook's decision to linger on what is left. Not yours. He needs to grow up" Yoongi never shows but he hates people sulking. Hates it. He never wants to see anyone looking so hopeless.

I must look terrible for him to target Jung Kook again.


Jimin POV

"Oh Tae Tae is coming back?" I quickly laid three plates in the tabke and made my way back to Jin. Hobi visited us for dinner and Jin promised him his favorite dish.

I grabbed the decorative plate now filled with Japchae, the smell making our stomachs grumble, on the other side of the kitchen Jin was still laying out Hobi's dish.

Hobi watches my husband fondly from the counter, grateful for a day's break. I am haoly to have him visit, this condo is starting to feel more like home. My excitement leaves me with a permanent grin despite my worry on Tae Tae.

"Tae is coming back with Yoongi" Jin finslly answered as Jin and Hobi joined me at the table. "He says Tae needs something done, Nolan was kind enough to lend him 5 days. "

"I see, he is coming tonight?" Hobi sat and also looks excited as I am.

"They left there yesterday so they'll arrive by 11 pm tonight. I wanted them to come here as well but Yoongi says he can't promise" Jin explains as he served us the food.

"I'll invite him to lunch tomorrow, the new place Jin-ah, you have to join us" I smiled at Jin it would be nice to spend time with Yoongi and Tae. I am curious on how the west is treating our actors. Knowing Tae he probably gained more friends than he intends.

"Lunch? alright!" Jin nods as the noodles hangs on the side of his mouth. Adorable!

"So the dance crew had been assigned already?" I remembered Hobi and his new curriculars. Catching up with him feels like none of us got separated in the first place. He is still our sunshine. Jin listens intently to our discussion but his focus is on how he could shoot on diffetent locations for the 4 music videos of the new artist in my company. Hobi was also going to be the dance coordinator.

When Hobi left us, Jin and I prepared for bed. He was brushing his teeth, done with shower, when he spoke to me once more.

"Actually, Yoongi says Tae came back for Jung Kook." He sounded worried for our Kookie. As I pat his pillow I could see in periphery how he lowers his head.

I came near him and hugged his side. He leaned his head on top of mine.
"I hurt our baby Jiminie" He exhaled. Hyung had alsways make a point to after everyone. He can't help it, taking up his elder role and wanting things between us as easy as before.

"Kookie is growing up, its a part of life, he will learn from this."

"Yes but, I wish it wasn't too painful for him." Jin look down to me.

"Uhmm" I can only agree.

"I get that he was so young to understand how things are, even before, but was I really to cruel then? did I really lead him on?" Jin rotates and hugged me completely.

"You should have been firm before. I guess you only did see him as a donsaeng and thought it cute, so whatever games or plots he had you spoiled." Jin nods to my every word.

"I should have considered how it can affect his future" He kissed my forehead and swayed us lightly.
"I gotta stop living in the moment! I am too old" He chuckles and rubs his chest.

"Nah I think you should just get in in control" I smirked at him

"My lifestyle?" He asked innocently

"No jinnie, your age!" I ran to the bathroom and locked myself inside. Jin and his laughter trying to invade my peace.

"Yah you better be prepared when you climbed in our bed!" And Jin walked away with his mischievious laughter. I can't help but gushed at his comment. If only tomorrow was a weekend!

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