*The Boys/ The Men*

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{This will startwith their University years I wantes to write this part much later but realized it will dissolve confusions and put more color between character interactions. Tell me what you think =)}


Kim Seok Jin marched the silent halls of dromitory on a lazy Wednesday. It was his sophomore year in university and his courses had been starting from the early 7 am. He would even notice the flag ceremony at their lunar field on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays. He would blink mindlessly but recite the anthem whole heartedly, among 30 or so people who stopped passing by the field.

When that is done he continues towards Flora building. The old looking college. It was for Music and arts, he had a minor class there. One morning he bumped into Min Yoongi. A scholar, he shares his music courses with him for the whole semester. Other students doesn't seem to gather around Yoongi much. Everyone to Yoongi was an acquaintance. Seok Jin never bother asked what made Yoongi tolerate him, seeing that Yoongi was a bit anti-social.

"Yoongi was his name right?" Ken asked once. Ken was a batchmate who shared Social Media classes with Seok Jin

"Why you ask?"
"Kinda creeps me out" Ken pouted "Then again I am not the only one, I heard he cursed when someone disturbed his nap, fortright too" Ken shared

"Well, I would do the same, disturb my nap I might smack you" Seok Jin smacked Ken's nape and laughed

"Aissh Jin~ssi I am older than you!" Ken scratched his head.

"Yeah sure, ok gotta go!" Seok Jin ran towards Flora building on a friday. The semester week just beginning. He ran towards the double doors and tapped Yoongi on the shoulder. Yoongi was busy listening into his wireless headset and typing some lyrics?
Did they had homework?

Yoongi look up to Seok Jin and nods, no smiles, just nods. Seok Jin started walking and Yoongi stood from the stairs following Seok Jin.

"I never asked you to wait, but thank you regardless." Seok Jin smiled secretly
"Hmm" Yoongi shrugged "I don't like being too early in class anyway."
Seok Jin knew Yoongi has officially considered him a friend, not as acquaintance, and this bit made him feel happy. Seok Jin had a friend finally in his university. A friend and not an acquaintance. A geniune individual.

"Oh yah, yah yah!" They both heard
a young student struggle along the halls.

"So noisy" Yoongi whispered to Seok Jin.

"Excuse us but, are you lost?" Seok Jin asked, such a good natured guy he is.
"Uh yes Hyung, sorry but where is this class?" A young man with thick rimmed glasses asked while showing his transipt.

Seok Jin smiled to Yoongi

"Well fine, there are a bunch of seats around us anyways. But you talk to him not me" Yoongi scratched his head and walked away but slowed down to wait for Seok Jin.

"Come with me, we go to that same class. Hey are you a freshman?" Seok Jin asked
"Suppose to be hyung but I am accelerated in this program" The young man was relieved and happy to have encountered Seok Jin and Yoongi (despite his cold demeanor)

" I am Seok Jin, Film and theater Major"
"Hyung, I am Kim Nam Joon, Liberal arts,  contemporary music major. " Nam Joon happily bowed to Jin and Yoongi.
"Oh you heard that Yoongi?"
"Hyung, I don't want to be early but, we now late, I'll leave you now ok?" Yoongi stated. Seok Jin laughed.

"Oh Hyung I am sorry!" Nam Joon apologised for Jin.

"Relax Nam Joon, he is just kidding" Seok Jin smiled
"I am not" Yoongi said in the background
"You totally are!" Seok Jin raised, Nam joon almost laughed.
"Yes. Yes I am"
Seok Jin was triumphant. Nam joon had no clue he had witnessed a miracle, Yoongi stepping down.

They head for class. Nam Joon admiring Seokjin for his kindness and his looks, Yoongi for his composure, attitude (Maybe Nam Joon had seen worst) , and intellect of music.

Since then the trio had no problem hanging out with each other everyday.


Hoseok was busy making his room presentable. He received his first help from another Junior student, Hoseok was a Junior too. He never had to stay at dorms before because his family lived within  the University town but his father , who was a literature professor, decided to prepare for his retirement. It did not make sense since he was not that old and still springy for his age but Hoseok did not dare question why his parents decided to move out of town for the next 6 minths into a villa they apparently purchased last year. So Hoseok was left to the dorms, because their town house was sold for the villa.

"Thank you! sorry they are heavy, I didn't expect that this building had no elevators" He spoke cheerfully trying to abate any awkwardness from the kind stranger.

"Eh no worries, we're on the same floor anyways. What was the number again?" The kind stranger, who was attractive naturally, eased 2 of Hoseok's luggage on the third floor.

"Oh wait hold on, its 19!" Hoseok started looking at doors while the handsome helper followed him. "Uh haha found it"  Hoseok smiled at said helper and removed the burden from the kind helper by rolling his luggages in front of his door.

"What luck" The stranger smiled and half laughed. "This is me" Stranger points to door number 7, it was conveniently, precisely and surprisingly (for Hoseok's amusement) directly in from of door number 19.

"Thank you again! I am Hoseok,just call me Seok!"

"Oh ok but awkwardly, I am Seok Jin, and Seok is also my nick name but... just call me Jin" The stranger smiled

"Won't it feel weird to call me by your name?" Hoseok wondered.
" A bit" Jin admitted
"Then just came Hobi!"

part 2 of this filler is on its way
=) am a bit sleepy already so thanks for waiting

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