Chapter 10

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Third p.o.v.

The Berserkers ship's sailed back to Berserker island, Hiccup stood beside Dagur but was patting Toothless head as he was leaning into her hand purring like a big cat, Hiccup smiled before looking at Dagur who looking at her "want a scratch as well?" she asked him as Dagur leaned down his head an Hiccup used her other hand scratching Dagur head.

"who's a good killer Berserker men, who are" Hiccup says as Dagur grinned happily closing his eyes forgetting what was thinking about "so when we get back how about l get you a warm bath ready just for you" Hiccup asked and Dagur nodded "if only you join me" he replied "alright" Hiccup reply back.

It was sometime before they reached back to Berserker island, Dagur drag Hiccup back to the house with Toothless behind them, it seem that Dagur couldn't wait for the bath, they reached the house and Hiccup gave Toothless a basket of fish before she an Dagur went to the fill the bath up with water an start a fire to warm up the water.

Once strip of their clothes an the water warmed up, Dagur got in first as Hiccup got in leaning against Dagur chest, the Berserker chief smiled wrapping one around Hiccup waist pulling her a bit closer as Hiccup kissed his cheek, they both washed each other before getting out of the tub and putting their clothes back on.

The Next Day 

After a somewhat half burnt breakfast made by Dagur and Toothless with Hiccup trying to eat it, both Hiccup and Toothless were off headed back to Drago Bludvist main ship to catch up and found out anymore information that she could use to found the Dragon king for her father, but it seemed like luck had turned against Hiccup.

While flying Hiccup spotted saw something.. well actually someone following her on a dragon, Toothless smelled the air and growled "l know bud l saw them as well" Hiccup says patting Toothless head as he kept flying, looking a bit closer threw her mask Hiccup saw blue scales and knew who it was and grinned under her mask.

"lets land bud and see what she wants" Hiccup said as Toothless flew to a random island and the night fury landed on the ground as the deadly nadder came into sight an flew to the island landing a couple feet away from them glaring straight at Hiccup.

Astrid hope off Stormfly still glaring at the nightfury rider "what are you doing all the way out here without that crazy Berserker" Astrid asked having her hand ready to grab her axe in case the night fury rider attacked her but the rider didn't do anything just staring at her patting the night fury head as it cooed their rider hand. 

Hiccup looked at Astrid and grinned "so what do you want from me" Hiccup asked and Astrid looked shocked to hear Hiccup talk for the first time "an l actually surprise to see you without your friends" Hiccup says as she stopped patting Toothless head "l wanted to speak to you alone, face to face that's including no mask" Astrid replied.

"oh, it's me being here not attacking you good enough" Hiccup snap at Astrid "do me a favour and stop attacking those ships" "an why should we stop, there dragons that are being sold to bad people!" Astrid yelled back with Stormfly ready to fight as Toothless growled taking a step forward ready to shoot at the girl or the other dragon.

"easy bud, best not to get on my dragon bad side" Hiccup says "but what do you really want beside telling me to stop catching dragons" Astrid kept glaring at her "to talk face to face but you wont remove your mask but why are you with Dagur" the blonde says crossing her arms.

"oh l got nothing to tell you and now your wasting my time" Hiccup says getting on Toothless saddle "we meet again soon Astrid the brave" Toothless took off into the sky flying away, but within a couple Hiccup could another set of wings behind her "she is not gonna give up" Hiccup mumbled making Toothless take a tight turn around glaring at the blonde hair.

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