Chapter 12

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Two Months later 

Two months, two long months has passed since the dragon rider have gotten the dragon eye an lenses back from the night fury rider and from when Dagur and his men attacked Berk and there were no sight of them like they didn't exist, when they flew over the seas there were nothing but mist covering island.

Berk was able to rebuild what was damage manly only homes, with the dragons help it wouldn't take long to rebuild everything but Stoick their chief had be acting different after he faced the night fury rider he had been acting different an sometimes mumble green eyes, Gobber noticed and so did the riders noticed but when the teens started to ask Gobber didn't say anything back to them.

They didn't need to know what happen 19 years ago, the riders went back to the edge to deal with other problems they were facing at the moment as well discovering new dragons that the dragon eye and lenses lead them too.

But in doing so they made new enemies the dragon hunters brothers Viggo and Ryker and they wanted the dragon eye back saying it belong to their family history, but the dragon riders wouldn't give it back which is causing a small war between the hunters and the dragon riders for the dragon eye and the wild dragons.

But things on Berk were peaceful beside the dragons roaring an flying around the sky, Stoick was out about checking on the fishing boats Gobber was with him helping out but being here at the docks remained him what happened 19 years ago to little baby Hiccup who was not even giving a chance to have an actually life.

Stoick noticed his old friend staring at the sea and looked away, every day he regretted doing it to his little daughter but she was runt a hiccup an he had lost his wife as well but that was no excuses to do what he did, but in a way hopeful way he prayed she was alive with a family that loved her or with Valka.

Somewhere deep in the south 

Drago stood on his main ship with a couple of his best fighters but he was looking at the open skies no clouds the only sound he could hear were the workers making dragon metal armor for his army of dragons.

"Lord Drago is there something on your mind?" Krogan asked Drago who kept looking at the sky not saying a word back, to Drago something wasn't right Hiccup had yet to report and wasn't seen by the grimborn brothers or Johann, this made Drago worried an could only think that something happened and she went into hiding for the time being until it was safe but that was two months ago.

"No but you better have some information on the dragon king" Drago snap turning around facing Krogan and his fighters "No sir but word has reached my news that you daughter has lost the dragon eye" Krogan says and Drago eyes widen in anger "she what!" he yelled making Krogan flinched in a stupid way maybe he shouldn't have said that to his lord.

To Drago now he started to think that's why Hiccup went into hiding because she had lost the dragon eye but to who and how, his daughter never let anyone take anything of hers or lose a fight, but now this made Drago angry and Krogan could tell and hid his smile, he never like the girl in the first place she wasn't control or on a leash especially her night fury.

But with this Krogan started to think that Drago will rid of the runt he so called daughter and will more focus on finding the dragon king, if giving the chance Krogan will kill Hiccup and take her night fury as his pet or a nice scale cloak or rug for his home, but he have to wait until he is order what to do by Drago. 

Drago on the other hand started to think, his daughter may have gone into hiding but after losing the dragon eye but this had to be a plan to get the dragon eye back or something else, Drago trusts his own daughter after all she was his heir.

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