Chapter 9

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At Berserker island 

Hiccup p.o.v.
l watched as Dagur sleep next to me in bed with only a fur blanket covering him, l placed my hand on his chest as it rise and fall tracing the scars that he no doubt got from the Skrill or while on outcast prison, grabbing a shirt it reach my knees as l walked outta of the room down the stairs l saw Toothless sleeping by the fire, l was glad he wasn't hurt when we barely escape the cave when it collapse on itself.

Placing a kettle above the fire, l sat on a chair before hearing foot steps coming down the stairs knowing it was Dagur when l felt a kiss on my cheek "hmm surprise to see you up" l said looking at Dagur smiling softly "it take a lot rounds to fully knock me out" Dagur replied back "yeah l not doing that again since it was my time as well Dagur dear" l said as he grin at me happily "we see about that, my dear future wife" he walked away.

Shaking my head l watched the fire before getting up seeing the kettle was ready, l made some tea as Dagur got himself some ale and sat on the chair patting his lap as l sat down on his lap leaning against him "so where did you hide it" Dagur asked me "Toothless has it" l reply "its a good thing we got it back before they finger out more secrets to it" l sip my tea enjoying as Dagur drink his ale down in one gulp, Finishing my tea we went back to bed.   

The Next Morning 

Dagur went off with his men to do something that he didn't tell me, l stayed at Berserker island looking at the dragon eye with some new lens that l had already gotten even the one out of the cave but they held no clue to where the king of Dragons were only Dragon classes useless to me, but l noticed it had a dragon hunter symbol and l sighed "looks like we are going fly today after all bud" l looked at Toothless as he grumbled at me.

l got his saddle on and we left Berserker island tracking Viggo or Ryker, which took a couple hours before l found there ships seeing Viggo watch me as l land on the ship, Viggo walked to me "ah Hiccup what can we do for you" he says as l went threw the saddle bag grabbing the dragon eye pulling it out and showed him.

"well l be damn" Viggo says as he took the dragon eye from me "l thought l never see this again" he kept looking at it "so you know about it" l asked him, Viggo nodded keeping his eyes on the Dragon eye "yes this has been in my family for many years but lost" Viggo replies finally facing me and gave me the Dragon eye back to me as Ryker walked towards us and l placed the it back in the saddle bag.

"Hiccup, what are you doing here?" Ryker asked with a sight demand in his voice and l frowned at him "do not demand me Ryker or l will have you killed right now" l snapped l not being demand from a lower rank of my father army let alone a dragon hunter, Toothless came to my side growling as Ryker back away.

"better listen to Hiccup, dear brother she could and will kill you" Viggo says as the older brother mumbled under his breath and walked away as l looked at Viggo "control him or it be a one way ticket for him" l got on Toothless as he took off into the sky, l gently patted his head "lets found Dagur now" l muttered as the dragon hunters ships disappears from my sight.

A couple hours went by and l still haven't found Dagur or his ships an by this point l was getting very annoyed  "where could he be" l said as Toothless kept flying before his ears picked up listing around and his head went north "do you hear something bud" l mumbled as Toothless turned around headed north, l didn't know where we going but l hope he had picked up Dagur scent and nothing else.

Within a few minutes l heard dragon roars and men yelling, giving a couple seconds l saw ships and the damn dragon riders flying around as l also saw a Razorwhip being caught in the chains and heard Dagur laughing, l shook my head as Toothless flew towards the ship and somehow landed down as l got off the saddle and went to Dagur side "what is going on" l asked him as he looked at me.

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