Chapter 18

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That following week ending long and tiring as Hiccup looked away from the hanging body, she sighs and began to walk away feeling Drago eyes on her after all she had to explain everything what Krogan an Johann did to her as well how Johann died an that king of all dragons was not either there when she caught up to Krogan.

The screams that belong to Krogan where still in her head as he called her a lying bitch an many other worse things to call a woman but to Hiccup she is use to it from Drago when she either failed a small mission or training as well Dagur when he escape prison to get revenger on her then it was Johann and Krogan as they held her prison for information on the dragon eye that she ended up giving it to the dragon riders to destroy so they couldn't be used ever again.

Hiccup kept walking as Toothless flew over to her side an began walking next to his rider, reaching over Hiccup patted his head as they both kept moving from ship to ship until she reaches smaller hunters ships seeing Viggo and his hunters waiting around on the ship, Viggo turned his head and saw Hiccup with her night fury beside her.

Viggo got up and walked half way as Hiccup reached the half way as well now they stood in front of each other "what are our orders" Viggo asked "no orders but a option if either you can stay or leave this place" Hiccup told him as most of the other hunters heard what she had said as they stared shock but as well confused "what do you mean?" a hunter asked "I am saying you have the chance to leave Drago fleet or you can stay" Hiccup repeated her words looking at the men.

"your not joking are you" Viggo asked "no I am not joking Viggo, make you choice before tonight" Hiccup says then turns around an walks away with the night fury following behind his rider "well you heard her make a choice men" Viggo walks away as the men to the top part of the ship already thinking of what he do either to stay or leave, staying he would be here until death or he can leave and go back to his home village which to  him was sounded a really good idea instead of being here.

Later on that night Hiccup came back to the ship looking around as Viggo walks over to her "well?" Hiccup asked "we will all like to leave" Viggo replies back as the remaining hunters nod in with agreement "alright leave nothing behind them cause we are leaving right now" Hiccup tells them "you heard her get this ship ready" Viggo tells the men as they started to get the ship ready as fast they can Viggo looked at Hiccup "why now?" he asked.

"cause Drago doesn't know and he is not here at this very moment to see or hear this" Hiccup replied back "your risking your own life ain't you" Viggo knew if word gets out Hiccup would be in trouble "maybe but the remaining crew are heavy drunk at this moment so nothing to fear Viggo" she told Viggo as she walked over to the night fury and climbed on to the saddle an the night fury took off into the night sky, it wasn't much longer an the ship was ready to sail in the cover of night.

Toothless opened his mouth giving a light glow that only the ship could see an follow, this went on until they were fully out of sight of where Drago fleet was, Toothless landed on the ship as Viggo walked over to Hiccup "thank you Hiccup" he says "no thank you Viggo for everything maybe we will met again" Hiccup replied holding her hand out and Viggo took it and they shook "maybe when your chief and with children" Viggo smirks "yeah don't push it with children but chief it maybe sooner or later" Hiccup gives up a creepy grin like a dragon but Viggo didn't question it, letting go Hiccup got back on Toothless and he took off into the night sky "be well an safe my dear Hiccup" Viggo mutters to himself.

Toothless and Hiccup flew all the way back to Drago ship seeing the big fire and drunken men singing, rolling her eyes Toothless flew to the ship then landed on the metal deck "alright bud lets go to bed" Hiccup mumbles and yawns into her hand using her other hand to open the door letting herself and the night fury in as well, Hiccup took Toothless saddle off then went to her room had just had a normal bed covered in blankets an pillows with anime pelts everywhere with a small fire pit in the middle that kept the room warmed at all times but at a corner was a lager stone that was just meant just for him.

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