Chapter 3 - To You, With You, I Need You

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Green opened the swinging doors open. Stepping outside, the cold air swept through his skin removing the heat he felt from staying in the nightclub. The rain trickled against his clothes and body.

He turned his head frantically around his surroundings. His eyes scanned buildings and nightlights. What mostly caught his attention was a grassy park across the street. He felt that Yellow would want to stay at a place close to nature.

It was mostly a reasonable guess, but he wanted to look around the park first.

The immense darkness and heavy rain made it hard for him to see anything clearly. He stepped around the park hoping to see a familiar figure in all the cloudiness.

His head hurt. His heart hurt. He felt frustrated, angry, worried, and forlorn. He yelled for her, "Yellow! Are you here?!" He was worried she would get sick from being in the rain. He was worried about her being alone and feeling alone.

From inside a nicely built gazebo located at the park, Yellow was sitting on a bench. She was staying dry under its roof. She held her coat tightly around her body to try to stay warm. She surely wasn't hot anymore. She was shivering immensely.

She kept her head down on the floor looking at the floor of the gazebo. She couldn't stop to appreciate how nice the rain sounded, how pretty the scenery looked in all the nightlights, how well built and designed the gazebo was. She felt guilty about running, about crying, about staying quiet, and about avoiding him. She really was pathetic.

She swore she could hear his echoing voice through the noisy rain. There were nearing noises of grass being crushed by footsteps.

Her face lit up slightly. Maybe he had come for her. While there was a sense of relief, she felt ashamed to face him again. She made him go through all this trouble for her.

Footsteps were heard going up the stairs of the gazebo. At the last step was where the noise ended.


Her head faced up towards Green who was standing at the other end of the gazebo. He looked at her in anguish and frustration. She looked at him with sorrow.

He started to calmly speak, maintaining eye contact with her, "how could you say something so ridiculous? Why were you sorry? I told you you could tell me anything."

Her tears started to come back. She wanted it to be rain instead of tears. Her words stuttered, "I-I'm pathetic-"

He interrupted her and stepped one step closer. "Stop saying that. Who cares about what that obnoxious woman said. She doesn't know you."

Her sadness overpowered her emotions. "B-But I-I'm a coward."

He clenched his fists. "No. You're not."

She looked at him incredulously. Her voice felt weak. "Green... I ran away..."

He stared at her intently. "There was a valid reason why you did. You felt uncomfortable in the situation you were in."

More tears fell from her face. "I-I'm problematic."

He kept his frustrated look. "Stop lying to yourself."

Her voice cracked in between sobs. She raised her voice, "I-I d-dragged you into all of this!"

He started walking towards her. He raised his voice back, "because I wanted to! I care about you so much, Yellow! I was worried about you!"

She tightened the grip on her coat. She shook her head in denial. "I-I don't deserve you!"

His walking pace was quicker. He stood in front of her. He bent down to gently hold her face in his hands. He observed her somber and teary eyed face. He used his thumb to wipe away a flowing tear. "But I think you do."

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