Chapter 4 - We Made It, Together

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Red and Blue had stayed behind in the nightclub to enjoy themselves there for a little while. They walked out of the building into the still pouring rain with Blue dragging a flustered Red behind her. He was blushing from the dancing experience he had with her.

Blue couldn't stop giggling at how shy Red looked from experiencing her provocative dance moves. It was funny yet adorable how quickly he went from a confident dancer to a flustered one.

Blue smirked. "Are you trying to prevent something from happening down there, Reddy?"

His eyes widened. He realized what she was referring to. He did a fast double take looking down there. He grinned nervously. "W-Well, I-I don't want to lie to you..."

She lightly kissed his lips. "There's a reason why I brought you out here. The cold air will help you cool down for a bit. Then we'll look for Green and Yellow. Although it was nice of you to remember that Green left his coat on the couch."

Red took a moment before he regained his composure. He no longer felt heat from embarrassment. "I figured he wouldn't want to go back there. His mood would become worse again." He grinned nervously while rubbing the back of his head. "Do you think they already left without us?"

Blue pondered a bit about the thought. She placed a finger on her chin. "I wouldn't doubt if they made that decision." She sweat nervously. "I'll call them..." She picked her phone out from her coat pocket. "...Specifically Yellow of course." She giggled sheepishly.

From the gazebo in the park, Green and Yellow were still holding hands and resting their heads. They were peaceful and relaxed with each other. They were at ease.


Until Yellow felt her phone vibrate in her coat. She carefully picked it up with her free hand. She slightly sighed at the call I.D. "It's Blue."

He turned his head to look at her phone. He looked disinterested at the sight of the I.D. "It's wise of her to not call me."

Yellow giggled softly. She answered the request and put the phone up to her ear. "Blue?"

Blue immediately spoke, "hey! Yellow! My friend! Where are you guys?"

Yellow smiled awkwardly. "We're at the park across from the nightclub."

Blue's face lightened. "It's so nice of you two to wait for us! We'll search for you two, alright? Make sure you two stop doing anything naughty for when we get there~"

Yellow blushed furiously. "A-Alright, we'll see if we can spot you two."

With that, they both ended the call.

Green sighed with a slight blush. "She's always so intrusive..."

Yellow sighed with a flustered look on her face. "She sure is..."

After a few minutes of wandering in the park, Red and Blue were able to spot Green and Yellow inside the gazebo. They joined them to shelter themselves from the rain.

Blue giggled. "We didn't mean to interrupt your little date~" She teased. She found the sight of the now formed couple adorable.

Green and Yellow, with hands still clasped together, turned to face Red and Blue. Green rolled his eyes with an irritated look. Yellow smiled sheepishly.

Red took the moment to hand Green the coat he forgot at the nightclub. Green lowly thanked him and put the coat on.

Managing to ignore what Blue teased, Yellow spoke up, "we were waiting for you two so we could leave together like how we went to the club together."

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