Chapter 9: I Love You

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"Ben, I need to speak with you alone, please?" Rey requested as they cleaned up the table after finishing their dinner. Chewbacca, Finn and Poe left and Ben smiled at her.

"What is it?" Ben asked. 

"We've been getting closer lately." Rey replied.

"Yes." Ben agreed nodding.

"But I wanted to tell you something. It's been bugging me for awhile not saying anything." Rey giggled.

"You know you can tell me anything." Ben assured her.

"I feel like I'm a hypocrite for getting on to you about opening up." Rey replied shrugging. 

"A hypocrite?" Ben repeated a bit confused. "Why do you say that?" 

"There's something I have wanted to tell you but didn't." Rey answered.

"Rey, we're a dyad. We don't need to keep secrets. Whatever it is, I will support you. I promise you that. I failed you in the past-- I mean Kylo failed you, but I refuse to fail you as he did." Ben promised.

"I know you won't. You never did and never will. I know it." Rey replied smiling at him.

"Then tell me what's the matter." Ben responded.

"Ben... I love you." Rey confessed. Ben's eyes widened with shock and happiness.

"You... love me?" Ben asked.

"Yes, but I was scared to say it. I thought that even with our dyad you wouldn't feel the same." Rey answered.

"I love you too, Rey. It's been killing me not to say anything." Ben responded.

"Really?" Rey asked as she was just as shocked and happy a Ben was.

"Yeah." Ben smiled brightly. 

"Are you really Ben?" Rey joked getting closer.

"Yes." Ben replied chuckling.

Rey got closer and kissed him. Ben kissed back and he wrapped his arms around her.

They were together. Finally. After everything they went through together, they were finally together. Nothing was holding them back anymore. They were both on the light side and a dyad. That's all they ever wanted since they met. That feeling of belonging and someone needing them. They needed each other. Yes, Rey met Kylo first. But Rey knew Ben was in there somewhere and fought for him and she won. They won. Together.

Once bitter enemies, Rey and Ben Solo had come a long way since their battle on the ruins of the second Death Star. They had fought against each other, but they had also fought for each other. Through their mutual struggles, they had forged an unbreakable bond. And now, they were ready to take the next step in their journey together.

On a bright and sunny day, in a beautiful garden beneath the looming trees of Naboo, the groom waited nervously at the altar for his bride to arrive. Dressed in a finely tailored suit, Ben Solo gazed out over the assembled guests, his heart pounding in his chest. He had never imagined that this day would come, that he would find true love and happiness with a woman who had once been his enemy.

But as his eyes fell upon Rey, his breath caught in his throat. She was radiant in a flowing white gown, her long hair cascading over her shoulders in waves. As she made her way down the aisle towards him, his heart swelled with love and pride.

Finally, they stood face to face, and the ceremony began. It was a simple affair, with only their closest friends and family in attendance. But there was no shortage of joy and celebration as the couple exchanged vows and rings, sealing their union with a kiss.

After the ceremony, the newlyweds led their guests to a nearby open field, where a grand feast awaited them. The tables were overflowing with every kind of food and drink imaginable, and the atmosphere was alive with music and laughter. Even R2-D2 had been given a special place of honor at the head table, along with other droids who had played their part in the couple's journey.

As the night wore on, Rey and Ben danced beneath the stars, lost in their own world of love and wonder. They knew that their journey was far from over, that there were still many challenges and obstacles to face. But they also knew that they had each other, and that together, they could overcome anything.

And so, with hearts full of love and hope, Rey and Ben Solo were finally united in marriage, forever bound together by the strength of their bond

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