Chapter 15

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Chapters at 3 in the morning are my thing now. Sorry about the lack of road knowledge. I live in Arkansas, so I only get on 1-40 or other familiar roads to get where I need to go, which is only to my friends, the mall or a fast food restaurant. I love you!

Vic, get the fuck up!" I yelled at the sleeping Mexican. His eyes fluttered open, but everything seemed like it was in slow motion. Vic had finally been able to sleep, but that's not important. What's important is him waking up so we can go. And when I mean go,

I mean fucking go.

Sirens wailed in the distance, or maybe they didn't. But if they were, they were here for me. Honestly, I don't know how amateur Michigan detectives could have ever guessed my secret hiding spot.

Vic stood up and rubbed the sleep that was crusting around his tear duct.

"The police are on their way and I'm going to give you a choice, but you have to make it quickly, okay?" Vic nodded. "Since they know where I am hiding, you have the option of staying here. Or, you can come with me for the adventure." I said. It took everything in me to even make a deal like this, because he meant so much to me. Then again, I am a professional sociopath.

He automatically showed signs of waking up. But, I didn't have time for him to be thinking. Wether or not this was a big decision, I don't fucking care. The clock is racing.

"Ya know what? I'm going to get packed, you think. Stay here and if the police get here before I'm ready, put your hands up and say I left. If they don't believe you, yell 'okay then search it' so I will know to get a move on." I rushed out, skipping steps to go get my bag of clothes.

Even from my room, it was like I could hear Vic thinking. Just a week ago, he would haven't even had to think. He may still hate me, but I kissed him fair and square.

"Kellin! Are you packed?" He yelled from the basement.

"Good enough! Have you made your decision?" I yelled back.

"Yeah! I'm going with you." This time the voice came from down the hallway. He walked to my room and leaned against the door frame, wearing my red shirt and plaid sleeping pants. "I'm not leaving anything behind but a boyfriend that could care less about me and parents that hate each other." He admitted. Another story for another day.

"I'm so glad!" I yelled in happiness, stealing a quick kiss. "Now let's go!"


"Why did you come with me?" I asked him. We had left the house and gotten on a main road, fear leaving me as police rushed past us. Lucky for them, they don't know what my car looks like and even if they found a license plate for my black Honda, it wouldn't be the same one that's on my car right now.

"I told you. I have nothing to look forward to at home. At the beginning I would have done anything to leave you, but now I think I'm enjoying the ride more." He flashed me a smile and turned back to the window. We were going only five miles over the speed limit, but I made sure to be a safe driver and take as much attention off of us as possible. Only a few more miles until we head into Detroit, then I can find a less busier street to take until I reach the next state over. From there, I will find the back up cabin that my dad would stay at for "business trips".

"So you mentioned a cabin? Is it nice or like the old house?" He twiddled his fingers in his lap.

"It's nice. Kind of old, very far back into the woods. I'm just wondering if everything is still running in it."

We fell into silence until I turned on the radio.

"Uh, you can change it to any station you want. I don't listen to a lot of music." I said. His fingers automatically moved to the radio, clicking in some station that I have never heard of before. A familiar riff sounded though my car.

"Pantera?" I asked.

"I thought you said you don't listen to music." He smarted.

"I just thought I didn't listen to the music that you listened to. Turn it up." He turned up the volume and I bobbed my head along to the music.


"Vic! We're here." I said. He shot up, looking around at what surrounded us. "This is the cabin."

"It's beautiful. Looks like something they'd have in the south." He commented.

We hopped out of the car. Carrying my bag on my shoulder, I locked my doors and walked to the front.

"Are those lights?" Vic asked.

"Fuck, they look like it." I said in panic. The kitchen window was illuminated in a yellow glow. "You know how to shoot a gun right?" I asked him. He shrugged. Good enough.

"What I'm going to need you to do is take the gun from my bag and hold it. I'll go in first and if there is anything that even remotely sounds like commotion then come in and shoot. No hesitation. Just shoot." He nodded.

Carefully, I made my way to the door and knocked. I really didn't feel like barging in and making a scene. Footsteps came into my hearing and a girl opened the door.

"I have a gun if you're with the police." She said, pulling a gun from her pocket. I heard Vic loading up in the background.

"Kailee? Hold up Vic, don't shoot!" I yelled.

"Oh my, if it isn't the one and only Kellin Quinn Bostwick. Give me a hug you bastard." She joked. I threw my arms around her, breathing in the smell of smoke and alcohol.

"What are you doing here!?" I asked when we pulled away.

"I heard the news of them finding mom and dad's old house, so I knew you'd be heading here. Come in! Is this Vic? Why isn't he chained or anything? You usually don't trust people that much." She ranted. I walked past the threshold, signalling Vic to come with me. Awkwardly, he followed along.

"Yeah, this is Vic. We kinda have a thing going here. Where is the guest room again?"

"Oh! How rude of me!! It's in the very back, down the hall." I thanked her and walked back there, Vic trailing behind me like a dog.

"Is that your sister?" He asked.

"The one and only! She didn't live with us when I grew up though. She lived with my dead grandparents."

"So this is the room! We'll have to share a bed, but I don't think you mind." I winked at him, laughing as his cheeks turned red.

He was mine, even though I haven't placed a name on him.



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