Chapter 16

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Vic's POV

The night was mocking me, but of course, I couldn't sleep. Kailey and Kellin were arguing about something irrelevant, and I almost thought Kellin was going to snap. That's sad, someone that I care about has the possibility to snap towards other people or me. In the back of my mind, I wouldn't think that he would ever harm his sister in anyway, but I was proven very wrong when I heard a scream.

This launched my adrenaline into full force. Flinging out of the bed, I ran down the hall to meet Kellin holding a gun towards his sisters head. His grip on the weapon wasn't strong, considering his hand was shaking. The eyes that I've stared into before were glassed over, staring at something that neither Kailey or I could see. What he was viewing at was beyond my sight, and that was terrifying for someone like him.

"I don't want to kill her, Vic." He whimpered. Kailey was gripping on her brothers arm for life, trying to pry it down from her head. Despite his shaking hold, his hand wouldn't budge, no matter how hard she was pushing down.

"Then don't. Put the gun down, give it to me." He shook his head, pressing the barrel harder against her temple, causing her to release a small whimper. All of my sympathy went to Kailey, but I couldn't help but feel sorry for the one trying to kill her. I know Kellin is in the middle of what I call a breakdown. He doesn't mean it, I just wish I could talk him out of what he was doing.

"I'm going to walk over there and take the gun from you. Or, you could just give it to me." My bargaining failed as he pointed the gun to himself.

"If you come close to her, I'll shoot the both of us." He threatened, redirecting his aim by slamming the barrel against her forehead. Tears threatened to spill over, little water droplets wobbling off of his lash line. With everything in me, I didn't want him to cry. He was the only person I had left when he took me away from everyone else, so I was attached to him. Now that I've seen another person, I realise that I'm attached to the idea of a person like him. It's like a high school crush, all over again.

So that's why seeing him so close to crying made me sad, because I was attached to him. I was attached to a murder, but more importantly, I was attached to him. Kailey was about to be killed, and all I could think of was that he threatened to take his own life.

Oh, how selfish am I? To disregard others around me when it comes to Kellin. Guess this is what liking someone brings me to; being selfish.

"If I let her go alive, she'll call the police and tell her where we are. They'll take you away from me." His eyes wandered off into space and he wouldn't look at me for the world.

"I won't tell the police if you let me go! You're my brother why are you trying to kill m-" Kellin slammed the gun against her face, making blood trickle from her nose.


"And you want to know what the worst part is?" He asked no one. "While you were getting money from grandma, I was getting beaten to a bloody pulp by our father. And while you were eating delicious homemade cooking, I was going days without food because mom wouldn't go buy any! You are not my sister, you are a selfish monster. How dare you try to wiggle a place in my life!" Kailey groaned.

"Oh, I'm the monster!?" She sassed. "Says the one whose killed 13 people, not including our parents and kidnapped a grown man from his home. Yeah, I'm a fucking monster."

"I have the gun, sis." He said through clenched teeth. "Chose your words carefully."

"You're just as bad as dad, if not worse."

Then I saw her brains on the wall. But, I was expecting it. There wasn't a way I could have pried that gun from his hands, and when she started opening her mouth, I knew she was a goner. But inside me I was fearful of Kellin's state. Could he kill himself? Could he kill me?

"Kellin, you didn't have to do that." I said, not even daring to look him in the eyes at a time like this. He didn't reply and when I looked over, he was curled into a ball, Kailey's blood in his hands like he was about to wash his face with it.

He dropped the handful of his sisters blood, but began to make patterns into the liquid splattered floor. Swirles, stars, even smiley faces where written in the blood. When I talked to him, he didn't hear anything.

"We're staying here. I have no where else to go. Drag her to the dumpster a few blocks down. There is a house right there, but no one lives in it. Just put her there." He said, not looking up at me.

I would do what he asked, but for now, I lay in blood, arms wrapped around this murder like he was my last hope.

But he was, because he made me happy. This psychopath made me smile, so I cuddled into his side and offered a shoulder to cry on.

After all, killing your sister could be a little emotional.

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