Chapter One | Porcelain boy

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Richie opened his eyes, hearing the quiet drops of water hitting the floor. Everything around him was pitch black and he felt like he couldn't breathe. Where the fuck was he?

The last thing he could remember was  seeing the colour drain from Eddie's eyes as blood poured out from his wound. Then all went black. Now he was... Wherever he was.

He felt around the place, trying to find any escape. Apparently the place he was in was cramped and tight, almost like it was wrapped around his body. He was laying down at the time, so it must've meant the room he was in was a sideways kind of rectangle. When he kicked at the sides of the room, they didn't budge. Sure, there were a few cracking noises here and there, but the room still had no oxygen. He punched at the ceiling, wondering if this was the way out, but that wouldn't move either. He hit it harder. He pleaded he wouldn't be stuck here. It was so dark and claustrophobic. He tried to scream for help but nothing came out. It was like something was holding his mouth shut. He punched harder. Please. Please get me out of here-


The door above him opened. Why the fuck was the door above him? It didn't matter, he was just grateful he got out of there. He sucked in large amounts of oxygen, enough to make him choke. There was more dust than the damp air, he realised. Sewers are supposed to be dirty, he thought to himself.

He lifted himself out of the door, which took a bit of effort since he felt so weak and tired. He took a moment for his eyes to adjust to his surroundings, and what he saw made his heart skip a beat.

That was not a room he was in.

It was a coffin.

He had been laying inside of a coffin.

How long had he been in there? Where did it come from? Why was he even in there? He had so many questions. But it was what was inside the coffin wall that scared him the most.

 But it was what was inside the coffin wall that scared him the most

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He knew exactly what this was. He had had nightmares about this night for so long. He had had nightmares about everything that happened that summer. He was mostly scared of what would be behind him though. If he remembered correctly, he would see the clown dolls all staring at him, smiles painted onto their ancient porcelain faces. He debated whether he should turn around or not. It wasn't like he had much of a fear of clowns anymore. Sure, he used to when he was a teenager, but now his fear was coming out as gay. He brushed away his thoughts and decided to just get it over and done with. He wasn't dealing with this neibolt house shit.

Of course, the clowns were there. This time though, they didn't stare at him. There eyes were transfixed on other things like the floor, wall, or absolutely nothing. This didn't change how freaked out Richie was though. He quickly left the area, scared that he would see that demon clown there. As he walked though he swore he saw highly realistic eyes watching him walk past. Not painted on or anything like that. Human eyes.

It didn't matter. He just wanted to leave the house and find the other losers.

Richie hastily sped down the aged stares, not caring if they would break under his weight. As he walked though he could hear faint creaking footsteps behind him. Fuck no. That stupid clown was following him around. He wasn't so sure though

He walked faster, testing whether it was a person or just his mind playing games with hi. The footsteps changed quickly. They were faint and quiet before and sounded human, now they were loud jumping noises that sounded like someo e . Richie swore he could hear quiet giggling, too.

Yep, definitely the clown.

He began to run, hearing the loud creaks and cracks behind him. Suddenly he felt something rough and sticky grab at his ankle, quickly yanking it causing him to fall down the stairs. He attempted to scream again, but there was nothing. Not even a muffle.


Richie felt his back hit something hard, falling through it, and then hitting something again. He felt pain wrack his body. He instantly realized he had fallen through the stairs onto the lower floor.

Now he was in a much larger and darker room, one he hadn't seen before. He looked around, patterns covering his vision. No. He definitely didn't recognize this room. Maybe he had forgotten.

He faced upwards towards the hole in the ceiling. No one was there. Richie would've expected that clown to be looking down at him, telling him that he would tell everyone his dirty little secret. He was thankful that the clown wasn't there though.

As the pain slowly melted away, Richie got up and continued to search for the exit.


Richie jumped. Gee what was it with this dude?

"Puppet boy~" Richie heard a faint giggle from behind him. Fuck. No.

Richie stood still, hearing the creaky footsteps. Again, they sounded like they were on all fours. Richie turned on his heel. He was definitely going to punch the living shit out of this dude.

Richie seized at the clowns hair, yanking it towards him as he raised his arm to throw a punch.

Except... It wasn't the clown he saw.

"Beep beep, Richie," giggled Eddie.

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