Chapter Nine 💀 Curious

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There's a bit of torture in this chapter but in short Eddie also gets an illusion from the clown :)

Also whenever I hear that audio above all I can think about are those shitty Minecraft horror roleplays and Lps horror stories I used to watch when I was like... Five. God, the memories...


Eddie had just put Richie to bed, or well... Coffin. Richie had a tough day so Eddie decided he should get an early night. Even when richie tried to protest he couldn't deny that he was tired. Eddie was smarter than most people thought he was.

He was sitting still, staring at the dusty floor. Spiders sped along walls and they could be heard. The faint noises of spider legs creeping and crawling sent shivers down Eddie's spine. He, too, was afraid of this house. No. This hell hole. But he had grown used to the place.

He was comfortable enough to sleep there. Speaking of sleeping, he decided he would take a rest to. He rested his head on a dusty pillow. There was no blankets, but he had grown to the freezing breeze. "Goodnight, pal," he whispered to the closed coffin.


Eddie woke up after hearing a noise. The minute he heard the noise he was wide awake and alert. It sounded close. Extremely close, actually. He looked around in the dim room, eyes adjusting to the darkness. When he saw that the door was open, he concluded that the noise he hears was the door creaking. But... Who had left the room?


Eddie shot up. Was his little porcelain friend going on an adventure without him? Where was he going. He tiptoed through the door and peeked out. He could see Richie going down the stairs. He wobbled a little bit when he walked and jumped down each step. Well, he was rather small after all. Eddie was surprised he didn't just fall down the stairs.

Confused but curious, Eddie followed his friend down the stairs. Where on earth could he be going? And why was it so important that Richie had to get up in the dead middle of the night.

Everything was quiet, Eddie noticed. Too quiet. Not even the creaky floor produced any noise. There were no sounds of the creepy crawlies scattering around, not the sound of someone turning in there bed. Or the sound of the house growling and gurgling. Eddie felt a faint dread pull at his chest, but decided to ignore it. It was night after all, maybe the house had fallen asleep as well as everyone else. Except for him of course. He was very awake.

Richie had reached the bottom of the stairs. He turned a corner and Wales through a couple rooms. He then went down a couple of other stairs.

The first thing Eddie noticed about the stairs Richie was going down was that it was dark. Darker than dark itself. More blacker than any black he had ever seen. He was almost shocked. He had never seen shadows like this. His heart began to thump a small bit. The worst part was this was the stairs that go down to the well.

Gathering his confidence, Eddie continued to follow Richie. He wiped away a bit of the black goo pouring from his mouth. It tasted horrible and sometimes, when he was really upset, it burnt like hell. Currently it felt warm and he didn't want it to start burning. He had a few scars on his chin and inside of his mouth, and he didn't want any more.

He could barely see in the darkness. He felt lost, scared, and alone. This must've been how Richie felt when he was crawling through the tunnel.

Unable to see, he followed the sound of faint footsteps until he grabbed what seemed to be Richie's arm.

"Oh there you are! Now what're we doing here you little rascal! C'mon let's go back upstairs you numpty! I'm tired as hell-"

That was definitely not richie. Eddie slipped and started falling. And falling. And falling. And falling. And falling. And falling. And falling. And falli-


He shot up in pain. He yelped and grasped at his back. God he was definitely going to get more than a bruise from that fall.

He looked around, about to scream for help, until someone else screamed for him. He turned around and got up, splashing through tunnels of grey water to get to the source of the noise. Was it Richie? Was he in danger!?

Eddie felt the screams. They vibrates against his skin. God, how much he could rip his skin off by now. He would love too. He wanted to leave but his body didn't let him. This often happened. He couldn't control his mouth or his body and could only remain in his head, silently waiting for control of his body again. He wished he could get his old body back. The one where he was thrown around by that stupid spider clown hybrid thing. Whatever it was it was a monster.

He hadn't exactly noticed where he was going. But then he felt it. Yes, he knew he was in the right room. He rubbed at his eyes to get the splashed around water out of them. A few seconds later his eyes adjusted to the dark, dingy, room. And there, right in the middle of the room...

Was him.

An exact replica of what he used to be. A living middle aged man. The real him.

And there, on the floor and crying, was richie. The real Richie that Eddie new. The living one with real skin.

And he watched as the real him slapped at Richie's face, leaving horrid red marks and a bit of blood pouring out. Richie whimpered and cried out. Then Eddie pulled out a sharp needle and thread. Richie screamed and tried to run away, only to be grabbed and stabbed through the lips with the needle. He screamed, choking on a bit of blood. Eddie smiled as he pushed the needle through and back in, smiling wider whenever Richie cried out in pain and fear.

Eddie watched, unable to move. He tried to scream, to tell himself to stop hurting his friend, but only stared. As much as he wouldn't like to admit, he was afraid. Afraid of what this demented version of him was doing.

Why was he doing this?

The needle was pushed through again, and again, and again. Until the perfect stitch had been made across the crying man's mouth. His muffled cries could still be heard, and Eddie rolled his eyes.

"God, do you ever shut up?" He said. Richie muffled out a cry again, a small bit of blood pouring out. "Maybe this will make you shut up," Eddie said, before pushing the needle in between Richie's middle finger. The needle slid between his nail and blood immediately started pouring out. Richie cried, and Eddie, the black goo one, could almost hear him beg for help. But all he could do was stare.

He shot around when someone tapped on his shoulder. It was... Richie. The doll. Scared, he turned around to point out the torture scene in front of him. But... No one was there. He turned back to the doll, afraid. Then Richie wrote on the whiteboard he always carried around. "Why are you here?"

Eddie stared long and hard. Was all of this just a hallucination? He looked back to where he had been torturing Richie. Still, no one was there. Not even the foot prints of the small doll he had been following. Not even a small trace or a drop of blood. It didn't happen? Was it all just an illusion?

Eddie turned back. He paused for a moment, but then grabbed Richie and held him tight. "Let's go back to bed, okay?" He said. His voice was still a little shaky even though he tried to sound brave and strong. Richie could sense this, and nodded. Obviously something had happened. But he wasn't going to push Eddie into telling him. He could tell him in the morning, when they had had their beauty sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2020 ⏰

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