Chapter Two | Giggles

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Eddie's giggles were high pitched and loud. Richie had never heard him laugh like that before. Neither had he seen Eddie put on such a large smile. It almost scared Richie.

Well, it did scare Richie actually.

Black liquid oozed from Eddie's mouth and dirt covered every inch of him. A few bugs were crawling on him, too. Eddie's eyes were wide and transfixed on Richie's shocked face.

Richie knew this wasn't Eddie. He remembered the boy who vomited out black, plus Eddie wouldn't allow himself to get so dirty. This was just the clown playing tricks on him.

Eddie giggled again. This time he was much more louder. "What is it, Richie?" Asked the boy. There was so much of that black stuff in his mouth that he could hardly speak properly. "Cat got your tongue?"

Then, Eddie spat out what seemed to be a kitten.

Richie jumped at the sight of the mangled, half eaten cat. Its fur was covered with that black ooze pouring from Eddies mouth. The kittens lower half was missing, it's intestines left laying on the floor. Blood sputtered onto the floor, eventually spreading under Richie's shoe.

Richie wanted to scream again. But, just like before, nothing came out. Eddie looked at Richie with his bulging and excited eyes. It seemed that Eddie knew what Richie was trying to do.

"You can't scream, silly," Eddie - whatever it was - spoke. "You can't talk either!"

Richie lifted his eyes off of the kitten carcass on the floor and looked at Eddie's face. Fuck, he looked like a mess. Richie decided it was best for him to not express his fear. He didn't want to give the clown what it wanted.

There was a quick scuttling noise behind Richie. It was almost like something with multiple legs running from or towards something. It almost sounded like a spider. Richie tried not to seem bothered by it. A spider was a thousand times less scary than what was Infront of him.

"You can't even breathe properly when you've got that thing over your mouth!" Eddie gurgled on the black goo as he spoke. Some of the stuff even flew out of his mouth onto Richie's cheek.

Richie was not only afraid, he was confused. Thing over my mouth? What the fuck was this kid on about. Richie wasn't dealing with this crazy shit. Just find the losers, he thought.  Richie backed away slowly, trying to keep his eyes on the boy. He didn't want Eddie to follow him or any of that shit. He had only taken a few steps away from Eddie before he...


He had fallen over again. This time he had tripped over something. Richie swore that he was going to get some bruises from these falls. He angrily shot up to find whatever he tripped over only to hear the scuttling again. He also heard a hiss and a grunt as something crawled up the wall and into the hole in the ceiling. He couldn't see what it was since it was so fast, but he could tell that it wasn't human.

Richie was about to run away when Eddie crawled on top of him. The dirty boy laughed and his eyes bulged. Their faces were inches away from eachother. Fuck, Richie felt like he was going to cry. He was so fucking scared.

Eddie grabbed at Richie's wrists and held them down. Richie saw Eddie's eyes roll back into his head. His smile faded away and his mouth was just left hanging open. Then slowly and smoothly the black ooze fell from his mouth into Richie's.

Richie was going to vomit. He could feel the ooze slip down his throat. It was sticky and thick with small chunks of... Something. Maybe it was what was left of the cat? Richies mouth was closed and yet the liquid found a way in.

Eddie's eyes were completely white now. How far had they rolled back into his head? He had begun to make a gasping sort of noise. It wasn't something you would like to hear. His grasp on Richie's wrists had somewhat became looser, but Richie felt to weak to move.

Then... Something happened.

Richie began to see things as the black stuff entered his body. First he saw two men, both dead and limp in each others arms. They were in a dark sewer all alone. Not a single soul was there. Then he saw a skinny young boy with glasses walking through a room full of clowns, opening up a coffin. After that he saw the spider... Stan. And bill with... Sharp teeth. Beverly with glowing hair, as well as that that dirty Eddie. They were just looking into the coffin. The last picture was a blue doll with a stitched up mouth and glasses, maggots sticking out of his cheeks. What was this?

As quickly as the visions came they disappeared and Richie was looking into Eddie's eyes again. But not only was Eddie there.

Beverly with her glowing firey hair hung over Eddie's shoulder. Spider Stan watched  from the ceiling, long spider legs clinging onto the wooden frames. Bill observed Richie with his cat like eyes, drool escaping his lips were sharp teeth were kept. He also saw Georgies with his rotten face holding Bills hand.

Richie was still being held down and ooze was no longer being poured into his mouth. Eddie just stared and grinned. "Welcome to the losers club," Eddie said.

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