Chapter Three | Thread

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A/N: Warning • mentioned suicide


Beverly put her index finger into her hair and then proceeded to put it into the fireplace. The flames immediately lit onto the logs that were just placed there. Severe burns camouflaged her entire face and her voice was heavy with a rasp. Beverly was wearing a cute little dress, but it was covered with burns and stains. What happened to her?

In fact, what happened to everyone?

Bill had dozens of sharp teeth poking out of his mouth and a large hole in the middle of his forehead. Almost like someone shot him with a gun. Stan was a head with spider legs sprouting from each side, and his eyes were completely white. His skin was also green and black. Richie didn't want to know why. Georgie's face had large holes in it, probably rot, and was a dark shade of a blue or green.

And apparently, he was one of them too. Eddie had found a mirror. Despite the mirror being rotten and dirty, Richie could see himself. Pale blue skin, completely white eyes, maggots making themselves at home in his cheeks, and stitches all over his lips.

Yep. This was the doll he saw when he was young.

At least the thread on his lips explained why he couldn't speak.

Eddie giggled before speaking. "It would be nice to explain what's going on. But... We have no clue!" He laughed and as quickly as the laugh came a frown displayed on his face. His sudden change of mood disturbed Richie. Black goo traveled out of Eddie's lips as he stared at Richie and by the looks of it all the other losers were confused.

"I'm sorry," Beverly spoke. Her voice was scratchy and hard to listen to. It almost sounded like chalk on a chalk board. "He's been like that since we met him." Beverly briefly paused before speaking again. "We met him a few minutes before we met you."

Richie was confused to say the least. He tilted his head as a way to ask 'what the fuck does that mean?'. Beverly noticed this and tried her best to explain. "When that clown kills someone, they become the corrupted version of themselves. When you see that version of yourself before you die... You're fucked."

Richie lifted his head quickly. He was.. dead? He remembered he saw the doll version of him when he was young...

"You're probably wondering what happened to us," said bill. He had the clowns voice. "How we died."

Richie quickly nodded, impatiently waiting for one of the losers to answer.

"Stan killed himself. Slit his wrists in the bathtub," said Beverly. Stan hissed and shifted out of Richie's view. "Eddie was killed by the clown, same goes for Georgie. Me and Bill died a few days after you. Ben and Mike are still alive." Beverly paused. "The clown killed us a few days after he killed you and Eddie. He's still alive right now. Ben and Mike left Derry after we died. Pennywise didn't get the chance to kill them"

Richie tilted his head again. He was desperate for more answers. What did Beverly mean when she said she died after him if she was standing there?

"Oh," Beverly gasped. "If you see you're corrupted version of yourself before you die, it's actually you're dead self from the future visiting you. Pennywise sends us out. I visited Ben though, just to scare him."

So... Richie saw his dead self... Years before he died...

What the fuck was this?

Bill left the room and Stan followed him. In the doorway Richie could see bill pick the head up and carried it upstairs.

Beverly stared into the fire. Richie hadn't noticed before but she was smoking a cigarette. He didn't see a lighter so it was probably lit by her firey hair.

Georgie sat on the floor, playing with a paper boat with his one arm. He pretended it was on an ocean and giggled a small bit.

Eddie was simply just... Staring.

"Get me out of here."

Richie hadn't expected to be able to speak now. He didn't even want to say anything. He just wanted to think about all this information. Bev and Ed looked at him. Beverly had wide eyes, and, although it was hard to tell because of her scars, she was frowning. Eddie however was beaming and his eyes were wide with excitement. This wasn't good.

"That's not supposed to happen!" Eddie grinned. "Silly thread getting loose... I guess we'll have to fix that!"

Eddie picked Richie up, holding him like he was some sort of damsel in distress. Beverly watched as Eddie carried Richie up the stairs, face full of concern. She knew what was about to happen.


Richie screamed. Well, he tried to at least. Eddie was stitching his mouth up. He wasn't very good at it, though. He stuck the needle too deep into Richie's skin. Even though his skin was porcelain he still felt pain. Eddie pulled the needle out if his lips too fast, and the pain was extreme. Ed only had one more stitch to do. Richie just wanted it to be over though. The two were in the clown room, and Richie was tied down into the found coffin. He was terrified of that coffin. Would he be sleeping in there?


Richie sighed with relief, blood all over his face. It traveled down his mouth and all over his clothing. It felt sticky and it was black.

"Aaw... You look like you're in pain! Do you want me to kiss you're boo-boo?" Eddie giggled again. Then he started to reach for the roof of the coffin. "You know, I should've let bill do it! I'm terrible at sewing!" Then Eddie slammed the door closed.

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