chapter seven | news paper

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A/N : this is just a short chapter I felt like writing and this is really lazily written due to the heat melting my brain over here so uh... Apologies

"well hey there, love birds," said Beverly, waving at the two boys with a first hand. The stench of burnt bacon and flesh followed her, and Eddie scrunched his face. He was very picky when it came to smells. If he didn't like it then we would whine and whine and whine. However he kept his mouth shut around Beverly, since she was, uh... Aggressive to say the least...

Eddie looked back at his little dolly, trying to make him feel intimidated by smiling. He loved seeing the fear in Richie's plastic grey eyes. A bug had made its way through the price of plastic. Eddie pulled it out and, seeing that it was a maggot, ate it.

"Nice breakfast," said Beverly. If she could grimace she would.

"A delicacy!" Eddie laughed at his son stupid joke, chewing the squishy wet price of meat.

"Guess what I found in the news today?" Said Beverly.

"News?" Asked Eddie. "We don't get news here." His voice got higher, his eyes wide with confusion.

"Oh really?" Beverly pulled out a gloved hand, throwing a hunk of crumpled paper to the kitchen table. "Sorry about he glove, didn't want to set the news on fire."

The two boys leaned in, looking to the rotten mouldy and stained paper. From behind them, two other boys appeared out of no where. Stan the spider and billy boy. On the paper was printed out letters.


Underneath these words, were pictures of five people. Five very familiar people.

That's me, thought Eddie.

"That's us," said bill. His eyebrows were furrowed and almost angry.

"But... Older?" Stan questioned, though he probably didn't expect and answer.

"That's us alright. And yes we're older in these photos," Beverly nonchalantly said, pulling the paper to face her. "Says we went missing in 2014."

"What happened in 2014?" Asked Eddie. He was just as confused at Richie.

"Well what do you think? We went missing, dumbass," Beverly retorted. She put the paper in the bin with her gloved hand.

Eddie frowned, rather upset with the name.

"What else does it say?" Richie wrote on the whiteboard.

Beverly took a moment to read it, and answered with, "nothing important. Just some things taking about where we were last and all that shit. I found the paper down where we last saw the clown. You know, the sewer. Where you guys were snooping around," Beverly threw the two boys s look before continuing. "It must be old, since its dated in 2015."

Eddie thought for a moment, though not sure of what. He decided he would leave he crowded room, walking around.

"Where are you going?" Wrote Richie.

"I'm not sure." After s moment of contemplating, Eddie spoke again."we're going back doesn't there."

"Why?" Wrote Richie. The words were more pronounced and were written harshly.

"Well the news paper must be a clue to... Something. So there must be more clues down there!"

"Clues to what?"

"I'm... Not sure. But I'm sure it will help us!" Eddie smiled, proud of what he had said. Unfortunately, Richie had to remind him of what would be more realistic.

"The clown probably left those clues there! He's planning something."


"Richie," Eddie whispered. "You do trust me right? If you get hurt down there, then we're not going back."

Richie didn't answer, but rather said. This was completely different from the not normal Eddie. Now he was serious and not yelling. It was enough to make Richie's eyes slightly widen, and if he could blush he would. Eddie shook Richie a little, snapping Richie out of the small confused trance. He want exactly sure what to say. He trusted Eddie but also didn't.


"Not sure."

Eddie frowned in disappointment, but then started to smile again. "Well maybe this can be a trust adventure!"

"Trust adventure?"

"Yes! An adventure just for the two of us, so we can bond!"

Richie took a moment, slightly annoyed when he answered. "Ok fine"

Eddie gleamed and ran for where the well was. When he found it, he ran for it and slid down the rope, getting a painful burn on his palm. He could care less though, his excitement was distracting him. He ran through the water tunnel, laughing and throwing the doll around in the air. Sewer water, or what normal Eddie liked to call 'grey water', was being splashed and kicked all over the place. When Eddie had ran out of energy, he had reached the mountain of trash and floating children. The dark atmosphere suddenly hit Richie and Eddie. The two didn't remember it being so gloomy and misty in there. Slime covered the walls and Eddie hesitantly stumbled towards the heap of mess, taking deep breaths. He found a hole where he had found the clown hibernating. Eddie nealt down, trying to see anything, when richie pointed something out.

"There's a tunnel here."

"What?" Eddie gasped. "Where? I don't remember there being one!"

Eddie widened his eyes and looked harder, eventually finding a small tiny tunnel.

"Wow..." He attempted to crawl into tunnel. After his seventh attempt he sighed heavily and took a breath. He groaned as he got out of the hole. "Can't fit. I'm afraid you have to go in there dolly. You're small enough."

Richie looked over at Eddie, frustrated and frightened. He didn't want to go into an unexplored hole! He shook his head angrily. No.

Eddie pouted, wet goo coming out of his mouth. His eyes began to get wet and shiny. Ugh, thought Richie.

"Ok fine."

Eddie gleamed and the tears went away, no more goo coming out if his mouth. Richie nealt down to crawl in. Here we go, he thought as he entered the hole.

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