1- All Then Nothing

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Ella POV:
    "Bradley my parents are due home any minute," is say as I gently try to shake him awake. After trying for several minute I decide to get up and get myself dressed, then I grab the pillow and hit Bradley as hard as I can.

"Alright if you don't get up, I'm going to let you be the one to explain to my parents why you are sleeping in my bed." After one last hit to the head he sits up it's the bed, "fine I'm up, and I would most definitely not be the only one in trouble here."

"Yeah your probably right but it would have been funny to see sweat as you try to convince my parents that we are not sleeping together," I say laughing as I start to make my way out the room.

"Hey wait up, I owe you for hitting me in the head with that pillow," he says as I take off running down the stairs. Just as I make it to the kitchen Bradley catches up to me and pins me up agains the wall.
"Well you caught me now what are you going to do?" I asked with a grin.
"This," he says as he begins to tickle me.

"This... is.... not ... fair...' I manage to say in
between breaths.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked as he slowly begins to stop tickling me.

"Yes, please," I say still breathless.
"Well then you need to say your sorry for hitting me with the pillow," he says as he puts his hands on the wall either side of my head.

"Ok, I'm sorry I hit you with the pillow!" "Is that good, now can we move on?" I ask trying to hold back a grin.

"Nope I want a kiss, I think I deserve at least that since you hurt my head," he says with a smirk.

"Fine?" I say giving him a quick kiss on the check.

"Better?" I ask to only be cut off by him placing his lips on mine. The kiss started off slow but quickly got more heated.

"Ella were home!" Mom says as the front door to the living room opens. Bradley and I both jump back and he takes off to the living room as I straighten myself out.

"Hey Mrs. Porter, how's it going today," Bradley asked as I make my way into the living room with him.

"It's good Bradly. Ella I didn't know Bradley was going to be here," she said looking from me to him.

"Yeah mom he came over to hang out for a little while, but he is leaving now. Isn't that right Bradley?" I say giving I'm a look, telling him to please just leave.

"You know Bradley you should join us for dinner. Ella your dad is waiting in the car so we can go out for a nice meal." She says in a hurried tone.

"Sure Mrs. Porter that sounds like fun," he says as giving me a smirk as my mom turns to go back out the door. "We will be right there mom," I say as the door closes behind her.

"Bradley this isn't funny, I can tell by the way my mom was looking she suspects something is going on between us." I say kinda panicking.

"Well I mean there kinda is," he says laughing.

"Really this is not a joke," I say smacking him on the arm in frustration.

"Well you can just ask me out, then we can tell your mom we are dating, it wouldn't be that far out there," he says in a serious tone as he shrugging his shoulder.

"Yeah, Like I would ever ask you out, that's never going to happen," I pop back at him.

"Well them maybe I just need to ask you out then," he say with an evil smirk.

"Ugh, I hate you sometimes," I say trying not to laugh.

"Yeah right I know you love me," he says as he opens the door a ushers me out the door.

"Don't think the conversation is over, it's just on pause until we get back," I say as I stomped out the door and to the car.

A couple hours later...
  "Dad be carefully is raining really hard," I say as I jump from the sound of the loud thunder. The bad weather always makes me nervous, especially at night.

As the rain gets harder I really begin to panic, and I fill Bradley take my hand in his. "Ella calm down, its ok we will be back home in a minute!" He says trying to calm me down.

"Oh sweetie I know your scared of the storm and I promise it will be alright and we I'll be home soon! Bradley maybe you should sit closer to her!" My mom says.

Bradley undoes his seat belt and scoots closer to me and puts his arm around me. "Ella just hide your face in my shoulder it will all be over soon," he says just before I hear a loud crash.

I feel the car swerve, and here dad screaming something. I feel pain take over my body before suddenly everything went black.

Authors Note: Ok Guys I'm back, I know it's been a long time since I have wrote a book so bare with me and I hope you will enjoy what's to come.

Picture of Ella on this page.

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