7- Mine

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Ella POV
"Where are we going?" I ask in excitement as we pull into a nice neighborhood.
"Well I'm taking you to meet my mother," Connor says in excitement.
"Really I what if she doesn't like me," I say suddenly feeling very nervous.
"Trust me if I love you, she is going to love you," she assures me as he take my hand into his.
"Ok," I say as I sit back and quietly ponder to myself of the different ways meeting his mom could go.

  As we pull up into a drive way he quickly parks the car and comes around to open my door. "Connor I really don't know about this," I say as he takes my hand a helps me out of the truck.
"Does your mom know," I say point to my small but growing bump that is currently showing in the dress that I have on.
"Yeah she knows," she says making feel some better about my noticeable baby bump.
"I also told her it's mine Ella, I figured when the time is right we can explain it to her, but only when you are comfortable doing so," he says making smile a the fact that he wanted to protect me and my baby girl from any embarrassment.
He opens the door and lets us in as he call out, "mom we're here."
"Oh my gosh you look so different," she exclaims in excitement as she wraps him in a hug.
"And you must be Ella, and that must me my little grand baby," she say placing her hand on my belly.
"I'm Jessica!" "Well come in dear and sit down, Connor sham on your for making the sweet girl stand up," she says gently placing her hand on my back and leading me to the living room.
"Here sit down, are you thirsty or hungry I can get you whatever you want," she says talking to me as if I'm a doll about to break.
"Mom, calm down your scaring her." Conner says with a laugh.
"I'm sorry dear I just can help it, I'm just so excited that Connor is finally bringing a girl home to see me and that your having me a grand baby," she says and it was my turn to laugh as Conner turns bright red.
"Look I'm going to get your some water and I'll be right back," she says before making her way to the kitchen.
"So am I really the only girl you have ever brought to meet your mom," I ask as Conner shifts in his seat nervously. "Honestly yeah, I mean I hand planned to bring Maggie here but she always had to work," He says shrugging his shoulders. "It means a lot that you like me enough to bring me here, but Connor I think it's going to be hard to tell her the truth now. I wish you had been honest with your mom it's not fair to get her excited about a baby that not yours," I say an immediately regret it as sadness washed over his face.
"Don't you realize by now that I want her as you, I want this. Biological or not I want her to be may baby Ella. What do I have to say and do for you to understand that." He says as he gets up from the couch and storms out the house slamming the door behind him. As the door slams I begin to feel tears form in my eyes.
"Honey what's wrong?" Connors mom says as soon as she walks into the room. "I keep pushing him away and I don't know how to stop," I say as the tears I had been fighting back begin to fall down my face.
"Trust me I know my son and he isn't going to let you push him away easily. I know you have been through a lot and the way y'all came together wasn't perfect but Ella I can tell by the way he looks at you that he is in love with you." She says as she sits down a pulls me into her arms just letting me cry.

I must have fallen asleep, bc I wake up to the sound of Connor and his mom talking on the kitchen.
"I just don't know what to do anymore, maybe I should just give up," I hear Connor say with so much hurt in his voice.
"Connor I may not know everything about what happen and personally don't think it's my business but that girl has been through more in the last few month than most people go through in their entire life. You are not going to give up on her do you hear me, she cannot loose you to, you are y'all she has left, and I can tell by the way she reacted early she loves you." She scolds him.
"Connor can we talk?" I ask sadly.
"Sure," he says as we walks by me and I follow him outside to the porch.
"I'm sorry!" I practically yell.
"I know I am a screwed up mess, and I hate that we fight more that we do anything else. Maybe what you said to your mom is right maybe you should just give up and walk away, I wouldn't blame you I mean look at my I'm as screwed us as they come and I'll be 18 next month, a few weeks after I graduate, so now is the perfect time to walk away. You don't have to feel responsible for me anymore." I don't care that my anger was only going to make things worse, I just wanted him to yell at me, tell me exactly how he is feeling instead of walking away.
"So thats what you want me to do just leave you and YOUR baby alone with nothing," he ask making sure to put emphasis on it being my baby.
"I don't know why don't you tell me what you want from me, because I just feel like I was thrown in your lap and that you didn't ask for me or this!" I say my voice breaking as me trying to be angry fails me as I point to my belly.
"God Ella what do I have to do to make you see I want you, that I'm in love with you?" He begs as he drops to his knee in front of me.
"Marry me?" He ask his voice coming out as if he needed me to say yes.
"What?" I say as a tear escapes my eye.
"Marry me Ella?" He ask me again.
"Why, I'm not the girl for you. I'm so messed up and I don't know if I will ever be normal again. Plus all we do is fight. Don't you want someone more like Maddie?" I say still so confused and having a hard time wrapping my head around his question.
"Ella I want you, all of you, no matter what. I don't care that we fight a lot, marriage and relationship are not supposed to be easy. I am willing to fight for you for the rest of my life. So just say yes already," He demands and I shake my head yes as the tears I had been fighting back begin to flow freely.
He stands up and wrap me in his arms holding me.
"I love you Ella, I promise I will do everything to make you happy again." He says in a determined but loving voice.
"Just don't leave me, promise you want leave us alone like Bradley and my parents did," I say with as I let the walls I had been keeping up begin to crumble.
"I'm here Ella and if I have anything to do with you will be stuck with me forever, I'm not going anywhere." He say as before placing a light kid on the top of my head.
"How about let's go tell my mom the good news," he say happily as he lets me go from his arms.
"Ok," I say as I wipe my eyes and try to make myself look like I hadn't been crying.

  "Did y'all work everything out?" Jessica asked as we walked in the door.
"We did, in fact we are getting married!" Connor says in excitement.
"Omg I'm finally going to have a daughter," she says as she runs up and wraps me in a big hug.
"It will be nice to have a mom figure again," I say happily.
"Honey you can call and come see me anytime you want, I'll always be here for you if you need me," she say whole heartedly.
"How about I cook us up a special dinner to celebrate," she says in excitement.
"Sounds great," I say as I begin to enjoy the family atmosphere I had missed so much.

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