Chapter 2.

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Hero's P.O.V
The flight from London was exhausting. I couldn't sleep not knowing anything about Josephine. From Anna's description of her she seems nice. Georgia is a drastic change from London. I'm well traveled but I've never been to a place this humid.

When I arrive to my hotel I was exhausted and ready to go to sleep although it's 5:30, jet lag will be the death of me. I don't have any particular plans today so I decide to explore the massive hotel the production company put me in.

So far it seems like every other hotel with an exception of a massive outside pool. As I take in the beautiful view I also take in a beautiful blonde tanning.  I find myself staring a little too long. I hope she didn't notice.

Josephine's P.O.V
Flying from Perth wasn't as bad as I expected. I was on a emotional rollercoaster the entire time not knowing if I should be sad that I'm leaving home or happy that I'm expanding my horizons. I have a day to myself before we start filming tomorrow. The hotel is decorated in beautiful paintings that look expensive. After I settle in I decide I'm going to take a swim and tan. Georgia's heat is nothing compared to Perth's . Laying on a reclinable chair I lay back and decompress.


            I notice an extremely tall and attractive man looking at me. I lower my glasses to get a better view but the sun is too strong. He quickly turns his head once he realizes he was staring. I blush praying he didn't see me. He starts to make his way over to where I'm sitting and Im freaking out!!!

This guy is a complete-stranger I tell myself. I can't be attracted him, what if he's a serial killer or something.

" Hello." He says. "Hi!" I respond nervously. He looks at me smiling from ear to ear. When he turns I notice his phone is pressed to his ear!! I can feel my face burn when embarrassment takes over.

"Sorry! I didn't realize.." Before I can finish my sentence he says,"It's ok. Mum I'll talk to you later."I mouth I'm sorry again as he walks over.

Hero's P.O.V
"Hi I'm Hero" I say. The first thing I notice are her eyes. I try to read her through them.

After a moment of awkward silence I repeat myself. " Uhm Hi." I say for the second time. "Sorry!"she says for the millionth time. As she reaches out her hand for me to shake, I take it and she announces herself as Jo.

- I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!! 😌❤️

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