Chapter 4.

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Josephine's P.O.V
Shit! I curse under my breath. My damn lipstick fell from my bag and this red velvet dress is riding up my thighs. I'm sure if the elevator opens the person inside would see my underwear. This dress is so tight that I had to put on my black thong. Not to mention I'm almost late. I haven't been on a date in a while and I hope that agreeing to a date with a person I met and talked with for 20 minutes doesn't seem desperate.

Because the world wants to mock me, the elevator door begins open while I'm trying to fix this stupid dress. Everything is exposed and I pray that the person, if a persons in the elevator would be to distracted to notice that I'm flashing them. I'm fumbling with my dress to make myself look presentable and not like a fool. But of course the elevator door is now fully open and Hero stands in front of me . I don't know how I know it's him but I know. My face is on fire from the amount of embarrassment I'm feeling right now.

I keep staring at the pattern on the carpet not raising my head an inch to look at him. "Erm Hey" Hero says breaking the silence. "Omg hey!" I try to play it off and fail miserably. He helps me up while I tug at my dress so it stays down. "So..." Hero says awkwardly."Are you ready?" "Yes" I say which is he biggest understatement of the year! I'm 1000% percent sure I look like a grease ball.

"Um.. Hero I'm sorry if you saw anything. This dress may be a little to small." I've noticed my hips have gotten bigger but not big enough that I can't fit in the only sexy dress I brought. "I didn't see anything."He says being vague. That sounded so unconvincing that I feel myself blush. I can feel his eyes on me as he says, "Don't worry about it.Everybody experiences an embarrassing moment in their life." Him saying that makes me slightly better.

After the elevator ride that felt like forever, mostly because it seems Hero and I are saving what we have to say when alcohols in our system. That's how I feel anyways. When we arrive at the bar Hero pulls out my stool and I thank him.

" What can I get the both of you." The bartender asks. "A beer is fine,thanks."... "Jo?" Hero says. "I'm sorry." I didn't even notice that I was lost in my thoughts. "Vino is good." I say. Hero and the bartender wear identical expressions on their faces. "Oh I'm sorry. I mean red wine is fine, thanks." " Coming right up " he says then leaves.

" Vino,huh." Hero asks me. "Yeah it's Australian slang for red wine. Most times it's cheap wine but considering this hotel is four stars I would hope I would get a wine a little on the expensive side." He laughs lightly and I can't help but smile. "What?" I ask. "Nothing" He replies. Under his breath I hear him say,"You can take the girl out of Australia, but you can't take Australia out of the girl" "Oh shut your trap!" I say lightly pushing him. He laughs even harder after my comment and I join him.

About 45 minutes have passed and I have a slight buzz. Me and Hero have been mocking each other's accents and asking each other arbitrary questions. We've made friends with the bartender which I've in that time learned his name, where he's originally from, and his dream job. Shot after shot after shot I being to see things in a new perspective. I don't remember how I began downing shots but I roll with it. Hero seems to be having fun but he's just as wasted as I am.

"I have to pee" I declare. I don't think they heard me as they both take another shot of vodka. When I enter the bathroom I stumble on air and laugh at my reflection in the mirror. After I use the bathroom, touching up my makeup I've come out to see that the bar has closed. "Oh no!" I whine. "There you are!" Hero says." I thought you ditched me." "I was trying to before you caught me!" I tease.

" Come on I'll walk you to your room."he offers. When we arrive at the elevator I chuckle to myself remembering how it all started and how it might end. He looks so attractive right now that before I can stop what I'm doing, I put my hands on his face and kiss him.

- Omg! This has to be the longest chapter ever. I had to make up for last chapter but if I got carried away! I hope you like it 💜🤪
P.S- I'm sorry that I keep using says, it's the only word that seems right when I'm writing their dialogue. Please comment if you want me to change anything or to give your opinions!

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