Chapter 8

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Two years ago.

Giggling could be heard from the boys bathroom, it was well over 3:30pm on a Friday afternoon. School was over and students were at home by now.. well atleast that's what bangchan and his lover thought.

"C-channie.." the smaller boy giggled wrapping his arms around the older, their bodies as close as could be.. to anyone else it would be very clear that they were more than just friends.

"I love you so much.." bangchan spoke out quietly before planting his lips onto the boy, his hands holding the hips of the younger as they made out, passionate. Loving. kind. That's how they'd both describe their relationship.

They had met that summer and had a secret fling together, they weren't necessarily together.. it was just for fun..? They both hadn't came out yet which was the main reason why they haven't became official.

One certain boy was making his way to the bathroom after a long and hard day of studying and staying behind to use the school library, seungmin.

His hands pressed against the door, raising an eyebrow when he heard giggles.. someone really brought a girl in here? He rolled his eyes deciding to just go in anyway.

His jaw dropping when he saw the schools most loved boy, bangchan kissing what seemed to be the schools nerd.. no way..

Seungmin smirked, he had always hated chan mostly because of the attention he got, he wanted to be just like him.. and now he had the perfect chance to make that happen.

The two boys in the stall grabbed their things ready to leave, both mortified at the sight infront of them. Seungmin standing there with a camera in hand, the widest smirk on his face.

"S-seungmin.." bangchan said so quietly that the said boy hardly even heard it. "g-go.. I'll take care of this.." he pat the small boy next to him who immediately rushed out in total utter shock.

"I.. look it's no-" bangchan was immediately cut off by the boy still holding the camera. "Shut up... I won't tell or show this shit to anyone.. on one condition.." he smirked at the other who gave him a look, signalling him to continue.

"Well. your little friend hyunjin right..? I want you.. to break the shit out.. tear him down.. because~ that's where I come in. I'll slide in one day.. help him out and un lucky for you he'll be mine. everyone will think you're an absolute asshole. do we have a deal?" He raised an eyebrow.

Bangchan was left there shocked.. he was really gonna lose the most important person to him..? And now maybe even the boy he's had a summer fling with. "F-fine.." he sighed in defeat knowing he'd have no choice..

The worst thing was that hyunjin had just came out to bangchan earlier that week..


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