"Pink!" Pink turned to see Lime running over. She had said that she was going to explain what was going on. She smiled.
"Hey." Lime paused to catch her breath.
"You act like we didn't see each other recently." Pink smirked. "Anyway, what is it?" Pink sighed.
"You know how I asked you how Forest knew that the power was out?" Lime nodded. "Purple told him." Lime paused.
"How..." Pink put a hand up.
"Paul is Purple. There are other cultists who are Purple as well." Lime's eyes widened.
"Wait... so..." Pink gulped and nodded.
"Yeah..." Lime looked at the ground.
"So... Forest was working with the enemy... that's unbelievable..." She cursed under her breath. "So... what do we do?" Pink pursed her lips.
"Purple knows who I am. The note that he dropped was from Forest, saying that I was in the library when they were talking. It said that Sylvan had given us his name. Tons of other information was on that note... and it was either about us, or worse. Purple knows us. We need to turn it around." Lime nodded.
"Well... Let's keep going..."
The two girls arrived at Malestorm 9. A bad feeling tugged on Pink's gut. The two girls brought out their Instant Lapras. As they were crossing the water, something struck Pink's ride.
"Pink!" Lime screamed. Everything went black.
Purple was flying over Malestorm 9, thinking of a way to take Jearn down. Audrey and Reukra can wait. The others... not so much.
"Pink!" He heard a voice scream. He froze.
Oh no... He flew down to see Lime trying to fight back some Sky Cultists. He cursed under his breath as he raced down. Lime was able to get Pink onto the land.
"Flygon!" She cried out as it was slammed to the ground. She hesitated as the cultists approached. "No... please..."
Snow pummeled onto some of the cultists. She glanced up. Purple landed behind the cultists. Four deltas landed next to him. One of the cultists snarled.
"Purple..." Lime blinked. They know him? "You should be dead." Purple growled.
"Yeah... well that's what you're going to be. Vena! Rosa!"
The blast struck a group of cultists. The two Ralts ran over and got in front of Lime.
Several cultists jumped out of the way. Others weren't as lucky. Lime watched as the battle progressed. One of Pink's pokeballs popped open, Skully appearing. The delta Ivysaur ran over.
"Skully!" Skully smiled at the small delta.
"Vena, right? You've grown." Vena smiled before turning to the delta Ralts.
"Garde! Galle! I'll take care of these guys!" The two deltas nodded and ran off. Vena sighed. Skully took off into the air and fired a DRACO METEOR at some of the cultists. Lime clenched her fist and looked over Pink for injuries.
"Are you ok?" Lime glanced up to see Purple standing there. She mentally cursed and continued with what she was doing. Purple turned as one of the cultists crushed his team. He gulped.
My True Fight - A Pokemon Insurgence Story
FanfikcePink wakes up to find out her memories have been wiped, she has been chosen by Mew, and someone is following her. All she can do is fight for her life. After teaming up with Lime and Forest, they set out to save Torren. But the question remains: who...