~Chapter 7~

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(Rip am I triggering you all? Cause I just ruined your ship In the last Chapter.
Lol if you all ship NightInk or Inkmare the RIP)(don't worry Ink and Nightmare will get back together xD)(A bit of NightInk and ErrorInk)

I walked down to my locker, once I put my books into my locker.
I put my hands on my mouth...Nightmare took my first kiss...I should had stopped him...

There wasn't any point letting Nightmare steal my first kiss... he probably kissed other girls too.
I slammed my locker and grabbed my bag, I started to walk home.
I saw Blueberry crying by the sidewalk, so I decided to say hi or ask if he needed anything help.

"Hi Blueberry" I said, Blueberry looked at me and wiped his tears.
"H-hi ink" Blue said, I gave him a cloth so he could wipe the tears more easier.

"Do you need a hug?" I asked, Blue immediately hugged me and started to cry more.
"What's wrong?" I asked, blue then looked at me.
"E-error...he...said..h-he hated me..." Blue said through tears.

I patted Blueberry softly on the back, "I can walk you home if you want" Ink said.
Blueberry nodded and they started walking down the sidewalk.
They went past the park, which Error was there alone.

But once he saw me and Blue he looked shocked, the he started walking to us.
"Blueberry I thought you left for home earlier" Error said.
Blueberry looked like he wanted to smack Error.

But Blueberry just sighed and walked forward, I turned to Error.
"You know Error...you may look like a nice dude but...you clearly a Hoe" then I flipped him the middle finger, then I followed Blueberry.
Once Blueberry was home, I went home.

I opened the door of my house and saw...Nightmare!?
Looked at Nightmare he smirked, "hey Inky~" Nightmare said.
"W-who let you in!? Or did you go through a window!?" I said.

"Oh I let him Ink, I didn't know you where dating this nice young man" My mother said.
I nearly wanted to yell at my mother but... I was her only child so I should at least pretend.

"Ink would you like to show Nightmare around?" My mother asked.
I politely agreed and took Nightmare by the hand.
I lead Nightmare out the front door and slammed it.
"Ink! That's not how you treat our guest! And he is your boyfriend!" My mother said.

I sighed and opened the door and Nightmare walked in.
He gave me a sly smirk, "why don't you show me your room?" He asked.
"Yes! Ink you should show him your room! I'm sure he'll love your artwork!" My mother cheered.
I mumbled a few cuss word but I calmed down. I took Nightmare by the hand and lead him upstairs.

I opened my room door, and then I saw Error.
"Oh MY FUCKING GOD!" I yelled, but Nightmare quickly covered my mouth.
I soon saw that my window was open, I growled and nearly felt as if they where both on the same side.

But then I heard Nightmare growl at the sight of Error.
"Didn't I say stay away from my Ink? Or are you deaf?" Nightmare snapped.
"Ha! Funny Nightmare, but I heard you the first time. I ain't gonna be giving up anyway! So...why don't you shut up and walk away like the peasant you are!" Error snapped back.

Error suddenly attacked Nightmare with a punch to the face.
"Is that all you got?" Nightmare chuckled, then he slammed Error Into the wall.
"BOTH of YOU IDIOTS STOP!" I yelled.

Then they both stopped, they both stared at me.
"If you two are gonna act like children then leave! Cause either way you two are making yourselves look bad" I snapped.
Nightmare dropped Error, and Error sat on my bed.
I sighed as they both gave evil glares at each other.

Nightmare took a drawing off the wall and gave nice compliments.
"Inky you have beautiful art...But none of them look like you~" Nightmare wrapped his arms around me.

Error stood up, and grabbed me by the hand.
"Hey skittles how bout we get some alone time~" I blushed and Error began to get closer to me.
"Back off you Window Visa!" Nightmare snapped.
"You back off first you octopus fish face!" Error yelled.

I sighed as they began to fight again...

(I feel sorry for ya Ink...Welp ok to be honest I don't feel any sympathy)

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