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It was so hard to breath. My mind felt numb as I pushed forward almost automatically by now. These practices Rodrik had given us were beginning to bear fruit, I was by far the weakest amongst us. Myna and Thomas - a scrawny boy were close in strength with me, but we were all growing stronger and certainly more irritated. 

"Push forward men. I won't stand for idleness!" Those were Rodriks favorite words. That and "Again!" The one word which I had grown tired of hearing. Don't complain you wanted this.

I mused myself in the thought that we resembled police academy recruits, whit our constant practice and bodybuilding exercises. 

My attention was drawn away from Rikard's struggles with our newest form of practice - Wrestling or a form of it anyway. It was a task I wasn't looking forward to. The thing that had drawn my attention was the three residents of Winterfell. Robb, Jon and Theon. All of whom were leering at us in delight - clearly they had suffered through the same form of torture after all they were son's of lords and were required to learn swordsmanship. Theon was enjoying this the most. He had the biggest shit eating grin I've ever seen. Even Jon who seemed to have a permanent broody exterior was grinning. There was something heartwarming at the sight of the three boys grinning like little school boys when the principal disciplines the new kids. It wouldn't take long, until they'd have to face the real world, but in this moment they had the chance to be completely clueless. 

Robb gave me wave of greeting, he too was smirking with delight and the three balled up laughing when Rodrik noticed my distraction and whacked me in the back of the head. "Concentrate on the wrestling Canmore. You might find it useful." He said and I gave him a tight lipped nod and turned back to see two older men wrestle each other, both red faced and clinging on to each other in the hopes of tiring the other. 

I was hoping that I wouldn't have to do this part, but of course my turn came. Rodrik had been kind enough to pair me with Myna - no doubt he believed that wrestling with a man would be too inappropriate. Myna and I faced each other. It felt awkward. I didn't know how to begin, Myna was stronger despite her small build, but this just felt uncomfortable. We circled around each other taking nervous steps in the small area, not really doing anything. "BEGIN!" Rodrik commanded impatiently. All the sounds around us had quieted down. I sensed eyes on me and lunged forward. Myna visibly tensed, but was ready for me. I took a hold of her left shoulder and attempted to shove her so that I'd have the advantage to work from behind her, like I had seen one of the men do resulting in a win, but Myna had seen it too and knew what I was trying to do. She lunged low and before I could do anything I was the one on the ground. 

"Again." Rodrik commanded and Myna helped me up. "Damn you're fast." Myna smiled with red cheeks, from the effort. We worked much faster this time. I held my ground better - not wanting to fall again, but Myna managed to get the better of me.  Our spectators cheered at Myna who blushed a little - more like blushed at Theon's unwanted remarks.


I got up. This time without Myna's help. She was only doing what we came here to do, but my pride was hurt. This round would be mine. 

Myna was stronger and faster than me. So I considered what little advantage I had. My knowledge. I wasn't a big fan of sports -  even less of wrestling, but I did know some form of self defense. Okay I've seen a video about self defense, but it's better than nothing.

This time Myna came at me as I was taking too long for her liking. I took a hold of her extended arm and slammed my open palm under her chin.  I avoided her neck, knowing that it might do some real damage so my counter attack came weaker than necessary. My hand still held her extended one and without any delay I ducked beneath it and twisted her arm earning a painful yelp from her. I flinced at the sound feeling bad for hurting her. Myn atook the advantage from my stupor and wrenched her arm free and plummeted her elbow to my gut. The blow winded me and my face flushed from the momentary lack of oxygen. I refused to double over from te pain and again I took a firm hold of her hand and the back of her neck. She slammed down hard and gasped. I cringed, but still felt proud of my accomplishment. I felt powerful.

Nobody cheered at me though- not like they had done for Myna. I apologized to her and helped her up, she was winded by the impact, but not mad. "You good?" I asked worried. She looked a little dazed, but smiled reassuringly. "I'm okay Eve, but how did you do that."  "Do what?" I asked. "How did you throw me like that?"

"Oh , I don't really know I just wen't with my instincts." I lied and felt a little ashamed. Thank you self defense video's.


"My back is so sore." Myna complained as we got ready to perform our maid duties. Which I found bothersome compared to the training. I was mostly responsible of serving food to the workers within Winterfell. I suspected that the Stark's didn't want just anyone handling their food. I did have the horrible task of changing their bed sheets every once in a while. Bed sheets were a luxury and changing them didn't happen often, but thanks to a certain young wolf, I had the marvelous task to change Sansa's bed sheets that were covered in what I thought to be horse manure. Other than that my contact with the Stark's was very limited, I haven't even seen the two youngest of stark children. 

"Sorry about that." I apologized, referring to the previous practice we had, but Myna waved it off. "I don't think my that you hurt me that much Eve. My back is killing me because Jory made us carry those heavy crates."  Jory had been stepping in to help his father Rodrik with our training. I quite liked the man. He was less serious than his father and pleasing to the eye and went a little easier on us girls. Not that I wanted him to do that of course, but sometimes it felt good to go a little easier. "Don't lift with your back, use your legs." I said knowingly. Although I often did the same mistake. 

"Miss Canmore is correct." 

We stopped what we were doing and turned to see Robb with his shadow Theon. I hadn't had the chance to talk to him often and I wasn't exactly expected to either.

"In case you haven't realized, the point of carrying heavy crates and stones isn't solely about gaining strength. It's also about learning to poise yourselves better." Robb said smiling, all the way.

"Not that maids need such knowledge." Theon continued earning a scowl from me and a nervous glance from Myna. 

"Hello Robb. Enjoyed the spectacle?"  I asked referring to earlier. 

"In fact I did miss Canmore." He answered with that devilish grin. "I was surprised by your accomplishments though. I've never seen anything quite like it. Although it's altogether an unusual sight to see women wrestle." 

Theon made a lewd comment about women wrestling, which everyone ignored.

"I'll take the compliment Robb." I smiled avoiding any eye contact with the Greyjoy boy. "Oh, I don't believe You've been introduced." I said and grabbed Myna next to me. "This here is Myna The brave and fearless." I said throwing honorifics around. Myna looked horrified, Robb and Theon looked at me like I was dense. I chuckled nervously  "Well Robb it's rude to keep a girl waiting." He sobered up and gracefully took Myna hand and left a fluttering kiss on top of it. "Charmed to meet you milady."

"I Don't see the point of you girls training anyway. You're more suited for babes." Theon retorted making the muscles on my chin convulse. 

"Be careful what you say. We just might kick your ass one day." I said smirking. I could't help myself, but despite of everything I knew that it  was a stupid thing to say. Aggravating the pompous boy was pointless and could only give me trouble in the future. His eyes snapped to mine and a smug grin etched on his face. "Is that so?" He asked leaning uncomfortably closer. making me take a step back. "That's what I thought."

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