Chapter 5

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Kondraki was surprised that he actually agreed to try and get along with Clef. "I don't exactly hate you either" he had said. And that was the truth.
"Well, my break is over. I've got to go," Clef said, standing up.
"Alright. See you around,"
"Bye," Clef walked off.
Bright came and sat next to Kondraki again.
"So what did y'all talk about?"
"Oh nothing much. We're going to try and act less like assholes around each other,"
"Ooh I smell a romance,"
Kondraki's eyes widened. "What?! There's no romance here, we're just friends and-"
"Woah, woah. I'm just joking," Bright smirked. "Or am I?"
"Shut up." Kondraki said, playfully shoving Bright.
"Look, I've read enough romance novels and seen enough shitty romance movies, so there's always a possibility,"
"Fine. If this ends like one of your shitty romance novels, I'll give you fifty bucks,"
Bright perked up. "A whole fifty dollars?!"
"Yup. You know I'm a man of my word,"
They shook hands, though Kondraki was almost positive that he and Clef would never develop feelings like those for each other.

Later that day, just as Kondraki was starting to pack up and go home, the breach alarm blared.
"Fuck..." he muttered, "gonna be late again..."
He cautiously left his office, looking around for any sign of a threat.
Kondraki quietly walked around, looking for something. Anything. He just decided to follow his gut.
"I wonder what breached-" Kondraki heard a scream.
Quickly he ran to the source of the sounds. There he saw Clef cornered by an instance of 939.
Kondraki knew he had mere seconds before it would get Clef, so he did the first thought that came to mind. Make some noise.
The 939 and Clef looked at him. For a brief moment, nothing happened. Then, as the 939 turned around to face Kondraki, he started to run.
I am a fucking idiot, he thought to himself.
Suddenly he felt a weight on his back, then he crashed to the ground. Kondraki could feel the needle sharp claws digging into him.
Just as the 939 was about to make its final blow, two gunshots rang out through the hallway. Kondraki felt the weight lift off of him.
He quickly scrambled onto his feet and saw Clef standing there, with his shotgun still aimed at the 939.
"You are a fucking idiot," Clef said.
"Holy fuck..." Kondraki laughed slightly. "Thank you so much for saving me,"
"No, I should thank you for saving me," Clef smiled.
They both sat there for a moment in silence.
"You're bleeding," Clef finally said.
"Thanks. I noticed,"
"Do you want me to help ya get to the medical bay, or are you alright on your own?"
"I'm fine on my own, but a little company would be nice,"

Kondraki didn't get home until it was dark outside. Almost two hours after he usually did.
"Draven?" He called. No response.
He started to look around. "Draven?" He said again.
Finally he found a panicked Draven sitting in his bedroom. He was talking on the phone.
He looked up and saw Kondraki. "He's here, mom." Then he hung up.
"Hey kid, I'm really sorry I'm late, there was a-" He was cut off by Draven running to him and hugging him tightly.
"Dad, I was worried!"
"I'm so so sorry. I wanted to call, but I never got the chance,"
Draven hugged him a moment longer before pulling away.
"I put the laundry away," he muttered.
"Thanks Drav. Love you,"
"Love you too, dad,"

Wow I'm actually speaking for once.
So this chapter is probably filled with grammatical errors, and that's mainly because I kept zoning out and forgetting where I left off, so I'm probably gonna come back and re-edit it if it's that bad.
Also, the image today wasn't a drawing of mine because I couldn't think of anything, so I just took something off of Pinterest. I don't know the artist cuz everything is stolen.
Also there isn't enough art of Draven on the Internet.
Uh that's all. Have fun.

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