Someone better

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Those red eyes, they linger near my face. With a cold and thirsty stare his friend approaches me. I close my eyes tight, shivering of the cold stare. Then like a swish of wind he hold my hand with one protecting me of his friend, and touches the bruise on my cheek with the other hand. And then kiss my nose. Then again we are locked in each other eyes. Those blue and reddish yellow eyes.

I feel something wet falling over my face. As I open my eyes it is pouring outside heavily. The window is open wide and some of the drops enters through it hitting my face. I see the clock, it's 6:45 am. I still have one hour and fifteen minutes to go school.

" A dream." I say sighing.

Getting up and i step on the soggy floor. It is raining heavily but not the extent to soak the floor. As I see the window it is open wide. But I clearly remember fastening it before I went to sleep. Maybe the wind was too high and pulled it out.

However I'm happy that atleast it's raining. I really like this kind of weather. I take my phone but my gaze stuck to the extremely beautiful pink carnation that is added to the vase. Taking it and i  smell the sweet essence. Did Sue kept it here? Glaring at the planner, I imagine if today I'd meet the boy again.

I think it won't be a crime to skip my Exercise and Yoga routine today. But again, if Brenton comes to know he is going to made me listen to his lecture on the phone. Even if it's 2:00 am of the morning. Every time I miss any of my chores he probably comes to know about it . I'm sure he has securely kept a hidden camera somewhere around me.

" Okay, only a few push-ups and then five minutes of meditation." I say.

Taking out my mat and i spread it on the either side of the bed where the floor is dry.

I have a long list of these kind of morning exercises and yoga. Since childhood my dad made me do these things. And my mum taught me yoga. She used to tell  me, the person who practice yoga regularly has the slightest chances of getting sick and their immune system also works efficiently. In exercises ranging from squats to bent - over row I've done many of them. And in yoga there are thousands like extended side angle, extended triangle, big toe and many more. And it even helps me to stay calm even at the worst situations.

The calm surrounding is really way much better than New Orleans. It was difficult there to concentrate because of the busy schedule of the people. Horn sounds, hawkers crying, children screaming around, morning quarrels and Kyle's Rock music.

I really feel better without these noises but somewhere I miss Kyle's Rock music. His choice  of music are really great. Unlike mine which are probably slow and soft music and rain drops.

Remembering about my calmness, it reminded me of yesterday. How I lost control over my mind after the crash and was talking hysterically. What he would even think about me. Cringey-Psycho girl, Maybe this is what he thought.

Doing my exercise and i get into the bathroom and turn on the shower. I like refreshing mornings, it ease the worries. As water pour on my face I hear Sue's voice. I turn off the shower.

" Aurora,  are you here in?" Sue asks in a loud voice.

" Yes, I am taking bath." I reply and ask from inside," You need any help?"

" No, just came to wake you up. But since you are already awake, I'll be down preparing the breakfast."

" Oh, thanks. I'll be down in fifteen minutes." I say.

" Ya child take your time. You still have an hour to go." She say asking," By the ways from where did this water came? Is the ceiling dripping?"

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